,,; mmw 1"W, t. ",. in- ;pi , -.;n'. l 0 w "'v-. .1, ?-1 7 f. I' " , ' ',! " ' '- ', !l " . .!. - -,l " V - , ,. ""V "" c - '".:k... I 1 ' . . :i n. , '- Vol. XIL No. 156 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913 Pric6, 5 Cents ' r.i OTe Ditils ftebraskan ' ' ii '. ri! w f u -v. ' - fM h !... ''?-&. t. vr-Y ' t;-, t r0ic iv- p.. vv- w m rv . . 'tr e.'r- -' ii? r. -: . - X U P l'-t I- h'J mcj- '"- '?,. J1- - r r&aHj. i-h,vH ;. 'TL.. . -c'N PC? - m. Vtlr' Pn& t'Wr to.-. J Tv ., i. f 11. ' i v i-.'. f& 'v-...1 aignea; T2, .Tt i.r r i 0 r.t.vi J. - ? wr .';i i :P MUSIC SENIORS' PLAY CONSERVATORY 8ENIOR8 GIVE A .NEW PLAY UNDER TITLE "HI8 HOME TOWN GIRL." J. H. PRINCE IN LEADING ROLE Cast Composed Mostly of Seniors With Girls in Many Masculine Parts - Seat Sale Commences Today. The Senior class of the Conservatory ,of Music uro making preparations to :glve a musical play on June 4, in the Temple under the tltlo of "His Home Town Girl." The play was written by Thomas Swift and John Mulgren, and, though having been presented in Chi cago several times, it will receive its .Initial presentation to a Lincoln aud ience when played by the Convorsa lory Seniors. The piece Is being played by a cast -composed entirely of Seniors with the exception of John T. Prince, Jr., who is coaching and carrying the leading role in the production, and is an in structor In the conservatory. There will be a chorus of some twenty Sen iors and undergraduates, while about lialf of the cast and chorus are girls impersonating masculine parts. The cast follows: Billy Watson J. T. Prince X.afe Powers, Col. Powers' son.. Eugenia Fairman Mr. Connors Oscar Schavland I. Powers, for mayor Margaret Grove Mr. Sully, a printer Grace Wattles i Mr. .Darius Drake, a printer.... '. Celene Barger Stephen Hoag, chief of the fire de partment Helen Burns Marjary Powers. .. .Elizabeth Bonnell Mary -Drake : . . .Achsah Went Dolly Leadem "Leota Combs Mrs. Leadem Nettle. Meyer Eulalla Brlggs, with a soul Mary Schroeder Setting in Grundy Center. Sale of seats commences today in the ofllce of the conservatory at 16c .and 25c. Ag. Society Makes Appointments. The executive committee of "United Agricultural Society," announce the appointment of the following commit dees: As- Week Hugh Raymond, chairman; Miss , Althla Kjelson, Ben Arendorft, Miss Mary Rokahr, Henry Jones, Miss Vera Armstrong. ;Social Committee. Harold Pier, chairman; Miss Grace Haitlon, John Schulte, Miss Anna Kraus. ' ;Entdrlalnment Committee W '&??', , Edith Tully rleportqrlarCommitteo ROBERT "STEELE. Sig Chis, Wrathy at Story of Burglary, Threaten to Hold Up "Cornhusker" Indications Thursday ev.ening pointed to the expurgation of another Cornhusker with a possible delay of weeks in issuing. The objection is being raised by the Sigma Chi fraternity because of alleged objectionable matter with which their name is connected. The item in particular is an account of a supposed burglary com- mitted upon a neighboring sorority house in which a number of chairs and other pieces of furniture were deftly J'eMOVUd to other quarters. Members of the frat have taken the matter up with the school authorities" and attempted to get the objectionable page removed before the issue. The issue has been delayed until the matter can be looked into. Whether or not the objectionable matter was pre sented to the censors of the book for their perusal could', not be learned. The matter on its face does not appear bad, but the frat has taken it as an affront. At the time of publication it was impossible to reach either of the men responsible for the book, so the public is in the dark as to any plan of action they have made. It is probable that the affair com'es as a total surprise and that they will be forced to do a tall lot of thinking today and tomorrow with the public demanding their books and the wrathy Sig Chi's hot on the trail of the censors. BOSS CHAPMAN Who'Qives the Musicale SaXwr day Evening in the Temple. IL Alpha Sigma Phi announces the pladgihgof H, P. Kramer. 5 Opportunity for Profitable Enjoyment in Miss Chapman's Recital Amid the round of ordinary dances, ordinary fussing and more than ordi nary examinations, let us- stop and think a moment. We college men nnd women are, they tell us, the chosen of our people. We 'are rapidly roundr ing into the kind of folks they make tainetf the romancers burden of being ; Edwin Partridge, chairman; Miss Proessor Pool Rep'orted Much eBttar. Professor Raymond J. Pool, of the Botany "department, who was operated Robert 'Holland, Miss Margaret KonVwcently for.acute appendicitis, was reported, much better yesterday. Pro- -j " t"I j m m x ; about hvp weeks ago, and has been j , , wuuHif v,V VTCUia ugu, UUU UttS UUeu Alpha Omicron Pi announces the in a very -perlous condition since thai (Continued on Pag 4.) TIT NOTICE. - Tr Application for election to -fc tAt the positions of editor-in-chief, Vt managing -editor, two asso- tUt date editors, business man- -fr Tr oger and circulator of The tAt Daily Nebraskan for the first semester of the school year of j( -jAr 1013-14 will be .received at the ic ofllce of the, secretary of the ' 'ic by the 'eecreiary. '' Soo'y PubiicafioBQardv- COMPANY K WINS 60MPET ANNUAL COMPETITION OF UNI VERSITY CADETS OB8ERVED WITH APPROPRIATE CEREMONIE8 COMPANY 'Q' PARADESAT NIGHT Entire Regiment Celebrates Ancient Custom of 8hlrt-Tall Parade Through Streets, and Bonfire. . Activity in the military department of the University came to a glorious close yesterday aftornoon when West -Point (vrtfUMAnn nrnrn nhnnrynrl tn fhfl ceremonies of competitive drill and announcement of now officers. Ten companies were tested In rapid suc cession with the result that Company K was awarded tho first place. Commpany K Wins Honors. K is a comparativelyjiew company, having boon organized only four years ago, and it is tho flrsj time that they have occupied the head of tho per centage column in compet. C. B. Peery captained tho company and L. A. Townsond and E. E. Frost were the first and second lieutenants .re spectively. The other nine companies followed E very closely, ranking in the following order: D, A, B, I, G, E, M, C, and F. Tho "highest, K, scored 999.8 points out of a possible 1,000, and the lowest, F, 875.C points. I, the winning- company last year, was tho favorite during the afternoon, but was unable to stand the pace and slipped down to fifth position. Silver and Bronze Cups Olven. Following tho company compet, the three, battalionsjeave exhibition drills in close and extended order and Butt's manual. Three and four men from, each company took part in the indi vidual competition which easily proved to be the exciting event of the after noon. Beautiful silver cups were awarded Paul Dewell and William O. Chapin, the winners of first and sec ond places. It was a close race be tween four men, Harold Graham and W. H. Bauman taking third and fourth. places. A bronze loving cup was pre sented Oscar E. Hans for making the highest average team score in the Jnter-collegiate gallery competition. , With the ten cadet companies formed in a huge semi-circle- facing the grand stand, the sponsors present ed tho captains with the sabers given them by their companies. Dean Wil liam G. Hastings (presented the lndl- tAt student publication board. Ad- 4- vldual prizes, and Comnnnv K war lr mlnlntrnHnn Y-iiAiritr nnnmrX nmannJort -urlfVi "tt rkmn1. .. . X av-o, yniii xa o ciock, noon, sterling suver-Ditcner, amid the cheers $. No, university credit will be fc pffletrsvFor 'Ntxf Year Appointed. r & -A- nllnwon. lint nnmn nf thn ttinft L. OfTlnora 'nnl1, 'mi'n.nmmiao'(onnr, l''i''' .- r wIH receive 1 pay," for their Mora for ;riext yearwere announced f" ;t A- work. " v . i to; thV assembled- c6WanIesrand""un-: y Appllcatfons to be made on der, tlie new- commandera tnei imen'V form.wh'lcU wiV be furnished-' WirevtohdrhiroWw-befor'tBii'': -r.7.ktl.l.. m-i. ' fmL... ''.' '' -'..: oilHUB'VllKHrB.'.'flUBmBll' WUO HX ,' command. theTcadet J-; rpglment ,next ;' ," -year are :asfbll6Vs s. y ? -. ' " )X ,",;''. r , f ii r'. "M kl . v, rA ' . VZ. I $ '.: V i&i n i- -' &A . . . .S ,,, iirc-jfrj, !i?L ii .X- X:-i;:;.dL: ' yr.yr "-' r -"v' . . ,-- 'f,ffe'. . k