The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 28, 1913, Image 4

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Inter-Frat Champ in
Second Division is
Yet Undetermined
The championship of the Becond dl
vIhIoii wnH loHt and won a couple of
times yesterday afternoon In the game
between the Sigma Phi Epsllon team
and the Sigma Alpha EpBllon nine,
which waB callod a tie with the score
standing 7 to 7. The game would havo
been completed had It not boon neces
sary to glvo the groundB to the Boldler
boyB for their evening's romp.
Tho gamo was without doubt the
moBt blttorly contested gamo played
In this division, and tho excitement
was running high on both Bides. If
tho Sigma Phis had won there would
havo been a three-cornered tie be
tween theso two toams and tho Phi
-frrWvnt-nn Din nhor hniul, hnri they
lost the championship would have gone
to tho Slg Alphs with a perfect per
centage. Tho tie gamo Is to bo played
off either tomorrow or tho next day, so
that tho final championship gamo may
bo played next week.
In tho first Inning tho Sigma Phis
woro able to score a lono tally off
Grimm, but after that there was noth
ing stirring until tho fifth, when four
runs were Bcorod on account of errors
Intermingled with hits. Krikac, tho
opposing slabuman, pitched a good
In the sticking line Shorty McMul
len proved himself tho hero when he
clouted one for two sacks with tho
bases full. Ills timely hitting figured
considerably In the scoring. Votnw
secured a homer and a two-bagger.
The Delta Taus arc expectantly
awaiting the results of tho second di
vision raco so that the chajnplonshlp
gamo for tho Bilk banner may be
played and tho winning team might
appropriately dedicate It beforo tho
boys leave for tho various portions of
the globe. It Is hoped, however, that
the championship will be decided
ubout next Wednesday afternoon.
w 'Jtw lite -
1 t
Sec'y Nlpps Meets Y.M.C.A. Board.
Secretary Nlpps of tho Young Men's
Christian Association, who recently
returned from the International Y M.
C. A. conference held at Cincinnati,
May 15 to 18, met with the Y. M. C. A.
board at 4 o'clock Sunday. Most of
the time was taken up arranging plans
for next year. As yet nothing definite
has been decided concerning the office
of secretary.
During the day the time was given
over to making definite arrangements
with students who will attend tho
Estes Park conference. Every man
who Is Interested should call at the
office and make arrangements for the
1913 Senior Commencement An
nouncements now on sale. You can
purchase any number you desire on
two days' notice. Call and see them.
George Bros., Printing and Engraving,
1813 N St.
WANTED Students to sell our guar
anteed Hosiery and Silk Neckwear.
Goods of quality. Large commissions.
"Write us now.. Lander & Watson
Hosiery Co., Perry, N Y.
WANTED Men and women aa field
secretaries for splendid educational
work. Inspiring and remunerative.
J. A. Desk, 1618 L. 3t
Fellows Pick your Straw Hat while picking is good;
smart shapes, like smart people, move briskly.
A straw hat is a straw hat, whether it costs five Cents or five dollars, but who wears
a straw hat simply because it is a straw. Young men want style and quality.
Let us show you a CHELSOA QUALITY hand made straw hat- -you'll see at a
glance that there is a difference in straw hats
Sennits, Splits, Milans, Bangkoks and Panamas
in all the new, classy shapes 95c to $5.00.
Get that Straw Hat today and get it here.
LARS A DAY. Let us prove it. Our
ALADDEN BLU-RAY does tho busi
ness. It has no equal as a seller and
money maker. Wo will guarantee
that you can make more money with
It than with any other article, no
matter what It is. It's your opportun
ity. If you want a position during
vacation that will make you big money
write us at once and we will give
you information. Act now we arc
in earnest. Aladdin Company, 91
Broadway, New York City.
WANTED Agents. Call Saturday
morning 1431 L St. Phone B-4295.
LOST A Waterman Safety fountain
pen with name of Ruth Sheldon
scratched on It. Return to this of
fice. LOST Some time Sunday, a P. E. O.
pin, with owner's dame and "L '12"
on the back. Finder please return
to thiB office. 5-27-2t
A most popular soda resort
13th and O Sts.
jAr Dance Programs -
Banquet Menus -
r Calling Cards
Book Publications
it 317 8. 12th 8t.
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