"''"41 ''" ' -A . " -'- ,i-a- TryfTjtf r THE DAILY NBBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan fc if ! Bi' , 11 PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRA8KA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska "" Telephones: Day Offlco B-1888. Editor B-1B18. Managing Editor B-3844 Night Ofllco B-4204. BuBlnesa Manager B-1821. Editorial 8taff: Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, - KENNETH M. 8NYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. CUTRIQHT, ELIZABETH MA80N, C. NEIL BROWN Honor Phillips R. F. Lyman 8crlbes: Clarence Spelr Fred N. Wells I. K. Frost E. M. Kadleck Olalre Hardin Hortonso Kauffman 8oclcty Reporters: Winifred Seeger Ethel Arnold Ruth Squires Business Staff: Manager C. C. Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Circulation Manager T. Erie Koefer Drlscoll Subscription $2.00 per year In advance. 5 cents per copy. Entored at tho postomco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 187D. SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1913 Th (low bill on the editor's trousers "For blaeh wtvu-Ui- reads as ioIUjwk pride punts, $f 00." The new poot'B ode to tho lntest May rowii as seen on tho college cam pus boRlns: "Now Kllininers the fad ing landscape on the scene." As proximity to Its source will re veal, the coming Cornhusker, like most things that are really worth while, will he the product of (IIhsou tlon. While a law professor delivered n "Swan" lecture yesterday on the need for professional honesty and Integrity nmong lawyers, the class sang "Whei the roll is called up yonder" Coinci deuces happen een ii the best go emud college. IHEATRES ORPHEUM MON.. TUBS, WED. HILL, CHERRY & HILL LUCK IE &. YOST THOTO PLAYS "Tile Still Voice" "The Jelly Fish" "Along the River iure" "The Hicksville Epicure" Three Shows Daily. Matinee 2 V M Night 7 nnd'o I M. Mati nee all Seats 10c, Night 15c. Only a few Senior Pins left. Senior rings-superb. Jewelry for Presents. Memory Books almost all sold. Get a Nebraska Belt. THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 N. 11. STREET. The University Missourian coin inents extonshely on the persistenc with which the Wilson regime a. Washington Is forcing its uncerenumi ously simple household customs on tin cosmopolitan crew that usually gath ers around the President's hospitable table. While these acts on the pai of the President are uniquo and un usual, like the poor preacher whom wife presented him with his tentl child, "there Is many a thing we need ed worse " Where conditions, espe daily economic conditions of a him dred million people are to he met, tin man who is supposed to do most to supply the nation's wants, can bettei afford to be conventional in conduct and unconventional in thought than conventional In thought and unconven tlonal in conduct. SOWN AND REAPED. In four months student sentiment has definitely changed from an atti tude of hostility to all movements de signed to save father's money to an open and public demand for tho most rigid economy in tho conduct of all University affairs. Some new plan for saving money, BOino new plan for paying debts, some new plan for re leasing school spirit from the thrall dom of poverty and rlchoB side bj Bide these real and lasting philan thropies are now a dally occurrence Only yesterday the Dramatic Club, fol lowing closely in the footsteps of its gratuitous Ivy Day performance, an nounced to the public a free show to be given by them In the Temple May 29. While the object of this extraor dinary undertaking is stated by the club as being "Art for art's sake," the servloe which the club by Its free ex- ' (Continued on Page 3) LY RIC My)S)A, TUES, & WEI). THE BIONEYS ( uAli; & WILLIAMS PHOTO PLAYS "Into the North." v ouusellor Bobby" 'The City of Rouen" " A Jcckej for Love" Three Shows Dally Matinee. 2 P. M. Night, 7 and 9 P. M. Matinee, children 5c; adults, 10c; Nights all ' 1 S 1 ,r)C ma iiiHiiimiimimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitHHHiiiiiiHi j A COMPLEX PROBLEM Haseen Solved for You Complete Parly Service Is Now Offered You by Our Retail Department hone B6152 JV7 'jiMv FlITAN CEUREAM Ua H. CM A THA WA Y, PROP. We serve the purest and Huyler's Chocolates best HOT and COLD RE- $1.00 Fountain Pens FRESHMENTS in the city. $1.00 Safety Razors Students' 3-Course Lunch, 25c tjelrif al$7r :The: University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information co WILLARD KIMBALL, Director . - 11th and R Sts THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M. C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 : 30 Dinner 11 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 mm THE TEMPLE SPALDING'S Baseball Goods ARE HARD TO BEAT ! ! We Have a New and Complete Line We Solicit the Fraternity Trade H. Reusch, i2?hst. aciEoS. Don't forget to call ENSIGN to take your trunk to Depot vhen going home any time. Ensign Omnibus & Transfer Co. w M- i U! WMHMHHHHMIIHIIHllHIIMIIHliHIHIIHIII - - rm Jm ,t ,. r ' W '" .''. .V' , -. " ' 'fl ' ' I ' ' . I " I ' f ! i' NH' fat!'.?-!?.; .. "3T mmmmmmmmmmimmmm