THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V ,. "'S1) HbT "Medic" Festivities End With Big Dance Of Friday Evening Tho pin-Medics nnd Sophomores won the ball games nt the Medic picnic held at Capital beach yester day. Tho events of the picnic were puled off with enthusiasm by tho Medics. Races were indulged in dur ing the forenoon The lunch in the Japanese garden at 12:30 was fol lowed bv the boll games in the ball park. The last event of "Medic" week was the dance tendered by Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott nt the Beach last night. Fifty couples enjoyed tho feast of harmony and music. The Forum i Red D, S. S. Merlda, . May 1, 1913. My Dear Rag: I have just read in the April 1 num ber of the "Rag," of the election of officers in the Matador club. Some of its mighty members ought to enter the ring at Caracas for I am sure they could do a more skillful job of killing the enraged boine with an ordinary rusty, geological pick, than the gayly garbed Venezuelan matador can do with his bleuming sword. I muy add that it might be of in terest to certain nimrods that snipe shooting is very good here. One fact remains, however, that Jaguars, pumas, boa cojistnetors and savage Indians are abundant in the more secluded regions which the wild fowl seek. Even at thot, one does not have to stand In snow up to hi? knees Am bound for the Peninsula of Para guana, the Venezuelan Desert Ex pect to ne thre for two months or mcie. Yours truly, J. B. BURNETT. CAMPUS NOTES Ruth Odell will bpend the week end at Omaha. Telephone Yule Bros at once. Lucile Ahrens of Syiacuse is visit ing friends in the city. Dr. Alldritt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg. Ruth Dominy, of Hardy, is visiting friends at the Alpha Omicron Pi house. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Isabel McCorkindale of Odebolt, la., Is visiting at tho Alpha Chi Omega house. Wo offer a personal and practical course In Salesmanship, with hand some profltB assured. Will be at room 315, City Y. M. C. A. until Saturday noon only. Adv. 1913 Senior Commencement An nouncements now on sale. You can purchase any number you desire on two days' notice. Call and see them. George Bros., Printing and Engraving, 1313 N St. Rudge & Guenzel Company Announce a Special Sale ol Straw Hats for Men $2.50 and $2 Straw Hats I V SATURDAY $7.50 and $6.50 Panamas and Bangkoks L$L65I$48il SATURDAY THE EARLY STRAW There is fun in beating your friends to the STRAW HAT in being the first to appear in the NEW STYLE. Pick yours TO- m DAY, irom our first showing at the introductory price H. KK Yivv each Want a Change Something Different? If you are tired of wearing or looking at the "Straw Sailor", TRY A PANAMA. They are of distinguished styles, give perfect comfort and have double the wear. $6.50 and $7.50 val- VlA Ox iVTiV ues, NOW, each FEATHER WEIGHT The persistent demand for the lightest possible weight hat for summer wear has brought us the Bangkt k a breezy wisp of woven bamboo, imported from Java, where it is really and truly hot. Light in weight durable and good to look at-is the Bangkok. A QQ Price, each n U MEM Get Your Commencement Presents Now THE UNI BOOK STORE SPALDING'S Baseball Goods ARE HARD TO BEAT ! ! We Have a New tad Complete Line We Solicit the Fraternity Trade H. Reusch, Uthst. BED SHEETS PAULINS TURKEY SACKS OUTFITS for FORRESTER or SURVEYOR EVERYTHING IN CANVAS" WESTERN TENT & AWNING CO. 119 North 14th Street TENTS of All Kinds for SALE or RENT "EVERYTHING IN CANVAS" 44 CD A 99 Try tt. Y. M. C. A. Lwck Re Cafeteria Pka City Y. M. C. A. -:- 13th & P EARN MONEY THIS SUMMER At the same time develop your skill in selling, a skill that makes success certain in any business or profession. Free Course in Salesmanship Write today for full par ticulars. National Collectors' Association . 26 Park Place Newark, Ohio WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O St. r 'J l- ' f ' , ' ' $! X i, ' .al&Mikiy $iJsfa.lML .trfc.-. , .t