(r pTvTfro y j " . mfif?wwpw n ' w r THE DAILY NEBEASKAN r. s fc I 3 It It Wk tr If. C I . l it j. fr& 3f , . The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRA8KA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska Telephones: Day Office B-1888. Editor B-1618. Managing Editor B-3844 Night OfTIco B-4204. BuslnoBB Manager B-1821. g-f-f;- - EdItor-ln-Chlef Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MA80N, C. NEIL BROWN Homer Phillips ft. F. Lynan 8crlbes: Clarence Spelr Fred N. Wells I. K. Frost E. M. Kadleck 8oclety Reporters: Olairo Hardin Winifred Seeger Hortonso Kauffman Ethel Arnold Ruth Squires Business Staff: Manager C. C. Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Driacoll Circulation Manager T. Erie Koefer Subscription 2 00 per year in advance. 6 cents per copy. Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second cIobb matter under act of CongreBB March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1913 CALENDAH. Saturday, May 24 Phi Beta kappn Initiation hnmiuof. Acacia Dancing party. Music Hall. Catholic Students' Club Dancing Party, Capital beach. Togner Society Meeting, Temple. Ag. Club meeting. CLASSIFIED COLUMN GALLERY HAS NEW COLLECTION. The College of Fine Arts has a new collection of seventy pictures on ex hibition in the Art Gallery. These are colored prints reproduced fro-n original famous paintings on canvas, wood and panels, and from frescoes They are Medici prints from the Cer man, Flemish, English, French and Spanish, published and copyrighted by the Medici society, limited In their nntun the prints are mostly portraitures, but there are a few landscapes. Among the artists represented in the collection are Rubens, Corot, Van uyke, Guido Reni, Raphael, Murillo de inci, Rembrandt, Fillipino Lippl. All of the originals are in Europe either in national galleries and mu seums or in private collections. The collection In our gallery is worth al most seven hundred dollars, the price of the indhidual prints ranging from five to seventeen dollars. There are also on exhibition 50 plates of models of decorative art from tho French Academy. WAN 1 I'D A fraternity or soroiity to take i one year lease on 15 room modem house close to university Call U3581. 21 WANTED Students to sell our guar anteed Hosiery and Silk Neckwear. Goods of quality. Large commissions. Write us now.. Lander & Watson Hosiery Co., Perry, N Y. FOR SALE Dress suit. Call at School of Music for particulars. A Correction. Owing to an oversight, the name of Hnrry Burl is did not appear as th. author of the Senior poem in yes terday's issue. Ralph E W eoverllng of North Bend, wns a visitor at the Alpha Tau Omega house Friday. WANTED Men and women as field secretaries for splendid educational work. Inspiring and remunerative. C. A. Desk, 1618 L. 3t YOT CAN EARN OVER TEN DOL LARS A DAY. Let us prove it. Our ALADDEN BLU-RAY does the busi ness It has no equal as a seller and inonej maker. Wo will guarante that j ou can make more money with it than with any other article, no matter what It is. It's your opportun ity. It' you want a position during acatiou that will make you big money write us at once and we will give you information. Act now we arc in earnest. Aladdin Company, ill Broadway, New York City. SUMMER WORK We wa;it ten good Nebraska men for all summer work An exceptional opportunity for the right men. $30 00 to $60.00 per week. Call irom 2 to 5. 108-9 Fraternity bldg. 5-20-3: ATTENTION TO STUDENTS. If you are looking for congenial and remunerative occupation during sum mer, write The Genral Appliance Fnc lory, Incorporated, Marinette, Wiscon sin, for particulars. 5-20-tl GOOD MONEY OFFER If you want employment for 6 months or more, call n room 315, City Y. M. C. A. i and investigate our proposition 5-23-2t LOST AND FOUND. LOST A fountain pen on the campus. Finder please return to "Rag" office. LOST Polyphase slide rule. Return to this office. Reward. 5t THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 : 30 Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: STRAW HATS The kind that will look right on the campus! And Less ! BUDD, 1415 O Street 2.50 (Specially form fitting for comfort) The Pan-Hel YTr i-' IS THE CREAM OF THE 'CLASS Y HOPS OF THE SEASON This is the season for Straw-Hat talk. Listen and Look! The cream of American, English, Italian and French artisans Braids from Belgium, Switzerland, Ecuador, Porto Rico and Brazil, in the popular "Sennit" Braid. The young man's special In any proportions and range of values from $1.50 to $5. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Good Clothes Merchants We serve the purest and Huyler's Chocolates best HOT and COLD RE- $1.00 Fountain Pens FRESHMENTS in the city. $1.00 Safety Raxors Students' 3-Course Lunch, 25c efrijh i - m currji? a wm mm m w i a B m m mm U T a mmmmm . 'mm :The: University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe'Organ Violin . - All Wind Instruments Public School Music 7 Apply for information ro WILLARD KIMBALL, Director . - 11th and RSte A- 5ftJ ' .fcl h ii'jl t , -vv2 1 ':JU. ; ETC t -' ' . - A y ', , 1',?AH?: . . ." ' ii. ' 'V Xj f, '' ' l v- -.. Atu.-.V $j,V& & ,, NMMMlfe f una mmmm "mtm . K. '( ,..iu ; y