n XCbe Dailp IFlebrashan Vol. XII. No. 152 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1913 Trice, 5 Cents :vv P m '.X .- v it'-' ' ,-.'"" MEETING TORE SECRET SENIORS HOLD A CAUCUS BUT REFUSE TO DIVULGE REASONS FOR IT. WENDSTRAND REMAINS SILENT Greeks Enjoy Ecstacy of Sixteen Blissful Dances at Pan-Hel WIN Not Give Information As to What It Is All About Can It Be There is "Something Up?" What is it all about? What Is the reason for all this Becrecy this daily congregation of Seniors upon lw-MpH-w4vkjli-breftUB-4jp--w4i6n-4i-member of one of the other classes appear .' No one seems to know what move the Seniors are about to make. A big meeting of the Seniors Is called tor June 7, and all attempts to dis cover what the meeting is for have been fruitless. President Will Wendstrand of the Senior class in an interview said, concerning the matter, "The reason "for the meeting cannot bo made pub lic yet. All the Seniors will know what it is for and we can't toll any one else just now. It is just a little gag we have got framed up for the class, and I don't see why anybody else should worry abouc It. Wo will spring it soon, but it would ruin all of our plans to say anything about it now." This answer is characteristic of the reticent Senior president, but It la natural to" make conjectures upon such happenings and such a state ment causes one to become all the more curious. Why should there be need of secrecy? Have the Seniors "stepped off" again, or yet? One would naturally suppose that "that deficit" was again the subject under discussion, and the Seniors aro making final arrangements to get square with everybody before finally kicking the sod of Nebraska's campua from their feet. Yet the Senior Re lief Danco was supposed to pay for that Prom debt and from all reports of the crowd that attended the former function it seems that the money taken in will almost cover the debt. Can it be that there is a "fly in the ointment" and the danco did not de liver the necessary amount of "scads" wherewith to pay Banker Ralph Sweeley? This seems a false assumption in deed, for there would not be such a commotion over the few dollars re maining of the Prom debt. Perhaps there Is to be a dividend turned over to each member of the clasB from the proceeds of the hop after the debt is paid. It is not likely that this thought (Will worry any one as it is not the custom to send around wagons for the money left oyer from a Nebraska hop. The Senior play might bo a cause of worry but Fred McConnell hati .agreed to take charge of this affair without any oxpense to the claBB. There is no means of really -finding .out what this big meeting is all about Unless the facts "leak out" in the meantime, or unless one goes to the meeting. The mystery wlll'ev Local Greeks and many returned Alumni joined in their annual Pan Hellenic danco at the Auditorium last night. Sixteen periods of bliss ful oblivion set to music constituted the evening's program. Refresh ments wore very classy and novel to a degree not often enjoyed. Dames were there of exceeding beauty and attractiveness and gowns were dreams for future years. Like wise frat pins were there but many were misplaced Intentionally or other wise. The firet part of the evening saw little in tho nature of excite ment but many pleasant surprises were sprung between tho twelfth and fourteenth dances. The grand march was led by Frank Long with Miss Helen Sorenson, Wil liam Haley with Miss Lucy Harte, and Harold Noble with Miss Ruth Lindlc. Freshmen Nine Takes Seven Tallies-Two Scores Go to L. H. S. The Lincoln High School lads ven tured upon tho athletic field yester day afternoon for a nine inning con test with tho Freshmen nine and were sent back the losers by a 7 to 2 score. Curtis pitched for the high school lads and held the Freshmen fcoroloss for four grames and thon hits coupled with errors gave the first year men four scores. In the Beventh the FrcBhmen sent across three more runs, tho result of an error, a walk, a hit and a three bagger by Krikac. Tho high school lads secured tnelr first tally in the seventh on a couple of hits and a throw In from center field. In the next frame the lads sent another run across the plate as a result of a two-bagger, wild throw and a wild pitch. Sides started the game for the Freshmen and held them hltless for four Innings, but he was then re lieved by Krikuc who did good work on the slab. In tho infield several changes were made In the lineup as tho game progressed, not on account of necessity, but to give other valiant FreBhmen a chance to show what they had. Hugg and Krikac were tho heavy hitters for the first year men, each securing a three-bagger. Moore for Lincoln, hit tho ball over the right field fence in the sixth Inning, but Umpire Hawkins declared it a foul and so there was no Bcore. Tho battery for Lincoln High School was Curtis and Moore, while Sides and Shaw wont on for the Freshmen the first four Innings and Krikac and Patterson took charge tho remainder of. the game. dentty remain unsolved unless frtero is a large attendance alMhe" mWeUrifi on .Tnnn 7 '' ww""w.' .'. Examinations Held Week Early Makes Trouble tor Barristers The Inws will suffer tho Indignity of taking examinations next week. That. Is the edict given out by tho professors In tho law department. Groaning barristers are swathing their heads in wet towels In order to give their rust-coated brains a chance to absorb more knowledge than they have taken in all semester. Dally sessions of "sharks" and "suckers" are being held in various smoke-roek- InK rooms, In order that no little DELAY IS EXPLAINED REASON8 WHY PRINTING OP CORNHUSKER WA8 HALTED 18 NOW UNDERSTOOD. point shall be mlsBed by thetapldly traveling "crammer." The reason for the taking of exam inations a week early seems to be that tho professors wish to get the papers looked over In time to pre sent the Senior grades In suitable time for the names of the fortunate ones to get on the graduation list. There seems to be no remedy for tho unprepared. The Juniors and Fresh men laws must suffer for the good of the Seniors. One consolation Is that there will be all that extra time to "Bluff" after the examinations. Miss Field Purposes To' Interest Y. W.'s In Rural Clubs Miss Jessie Field, Y. W. C. A. na tional secretary of work in the coun try and small towns, visited tho Uni versity association this week. Her purpose is to interest the University girls in forming eight week clubs In the country districts, and in small towns. These cluba will be formod for the summer only, and will hold eight meetings. The University as sociation girls will be the leaders and conductors of these clubs. The pur pose of these clubs is to bring the girls and young women in small com munitlcB together. They will take up some line of study for the summer such as the lives of great women and will do at least one thing for tho neighborhood. Tho plans for the work of the clubs are very elastic, and can be altered to suit the needs of tho community. The University girls are receiving the plan with great enthusiasm and a number are planning to take up the work for the vacation. The social service committee will be Interested In knowing of other girls who would like to take up this work during the summer. Luclle- Reeder of Columbus, Is visit ing at the Trl Dolt house The Silver Serpent Initiated tho fol lowing new members last night? Erma Nelson, Esther Laurence, Mar jory Morris, Louise Bedwell,;.Mabel Stern, Florence Prostrieleri Thomas, Elssf Hawnbh) Jeahelte' Lowry. Mabel blurtry Freda.: Stuffwinlfred geeger, y-da Sfinborne an.(j Marguorlte Farley FORCE OVERCOME BY MIRTH Unable to Procoed With Book Be cause of Reading Jokes News paper Syndicate Steals Cartoons. YoBlerdny'B explanation in regard to the delay In getting out the Cornhusk er failed to offer a comploto explana- printers in tho shapo of three night letters Hheds no small amount of il lumination on tho vital subject. After a careful persual and compila tion of tho facts as therein sot forth we are prepared to make tho follow ing brief though conciBo statement, trusting that it will servo to savo both tlmo and apace. The main difficulty lies in tho fact that the material proved to bo such interesting reading that even tho monotype machine Btoppod inter mittently in order to bo able to prop erly ABoimilato tho effervescent gems of literature. The head printer died laughing as the result of a paroxysm of mirth occasioned while reading proof. A newspaper Byndlcato through one of Ub representatives, grabbed a bunch of the cartoons for use in their eastern circuit and it was only by dint of superhuman effort that they worn able to recover them. The foreman in tho composing room at length wearied of acting aB a task master called a mass meeting of his employes and informed thorn to tho effect ihat if they would work con sistently and not pause to read ho would, when tho masterpiece was completed, make each a present of one copy bound in some sort of an elastic cover. This elastic cover fea ture, it was argued, would allow some of tho moro tender and undeveloped jokes to make a mature growth and assume their proper propensities. Of course you understand that all of tho books would have been bound thusly had It not been for tfio prohibitive price Involved. Tho foreman's offer was accepted and things began to move with a motion that bode well. A number of minor affairs conspired to retard the progress of the Corn husker but they are hardly of enough Importance to deserve space In The Dally Nebraskan. If anyone should, however, out of curiosity, desire fur ther details, tho Nebraskan will glad ly furnish them. Everett Wilson, freshman law, de livered on address at the Wahoo high school alumni banquet. 8ENIOR8 ATTENTION ft ft '' Save., your. date,. June 7., ft What for?you:'know! "' :'JMftW- s'WxMw';'' '-. r ' rV 'v ?.. rr V Vi" - -v :j 't ;c .$ ' ,'- --js "CS-.- r u ','' sM i WtJ ,f; P. , Pi- - 1 - ... ,-?" --r;U.fT7 Jw .J L Lit fc, - -u U:. h' & mV ''&& .-: ..-3.wV,'.uV a it&.'' -J&iMdBfflM