i ;,.a THE DAILY NEBBASKAN THEATRES WWWMJJM'UmjlUULMU.. K V New Medical College Building at 42d NEW MEDICAL BUILDINGr in a lew more weeks the cum pus will see nothing further of "the McdlcH." Next full they start work in quarters so commodious and so adapted to tlieir needB that memories of the present ahode will seem like merely a bad dream. The new medical schol Is situated at Forty-second and Jackson streets in Omaha. It is an imposing structure of pressed brick, three stories and a base ment. In the south wing of the basement are located a women's parlor with locker and dressing rooms, and the cold storage, autopsy, and anatomical tank rooms In the west wing are the lounging, locker, and shower bath rooms for the men, 'and the inocula tion and disinfection room, storage looms, shop and the heating plant, which extends into a subbasement also. The animal quarters are located in the corner between the south and west wings. To the left on the first floor as one enters from the street are the ofllces and a faculty cloak room. This floor ..1 .,nrtirK the bacteriological and pathological departments, including laboratories, lecturo rooms, and the pathological museum. The library is also situated In this floor in the west wing. The second floor is devoted to the pharmacology, chemiBtry, and physio logy departments. In addition to the general laboratories and a large lec turo room there are special labora tories for research work in each depart ment. The physiology quarters Include a quiet room, an optical room, and a shop. The departments of anatomy and histology are accomodated on the third floor, the former in the Bouth wing, the latter in the west. Besides the large anatomical laboratory the south wing contains a laboratory for advanced work, a preparation room and museum. The large lecture room Is situated in the corner. The west wing has besides a general laboratory. i room for advanced work, chart, techni que. quiz and dark rooms. ,' .,, ir ims its share of offices. Btore rooms, etc. Through the center , oiovator Bhalti of the Duuuing iuuo "- which looks "mighty goodf to the weary students who have so often tolled to the fourth floor of Mechanl cal Arts hall. Ted Marrlner Cleaner. Hatter nf and Jackson 8treets in Omaha ance at Beach To Sparkle With Youth and Beauty The poetry and rhythm of motion the glory and the harmonious beauty of music do wo medics appreciate those? We do, more, we affirm, than the members of any other college. Where do you find the beBt musicians, th clearest voiced singers? In the medical college of course. Where are the best dancers in the school thoHO with intimate knowledgo of tho most intricate and beautiful stops? Again in the medical college. And if you will but pause a moment to consider, you will seo that it must necessarily be so. Of music we know tho science, as of physical motion the elemonts. Who, moro skilled in the mysteries of muscles and Joints, of nerves and sen sations than tho medical Btudents? And so a dance, that most ideal com bination of music and motion, wo ap reciato and love moro than anyone else, for we love it, not blindly, but with tho lovo of thoso who under stand. Our dean is giving ub a dance Friday night at Capital Beach. A riot of music and beauty it will surely be, with lots of pretty girls, plenty of good music and a world of fresh air to enjoy between times. We have every intention of dancing as men never danced before and such an exhibition of tho terplBchorian art it would bo a downright crime for any of those privileged to partake to miss. The dance will come as a fitting cli max to a week of pure and unadulter ated interest and Joy for tho hardest worked college In the University. All hall the dance. 2 fr The movies or the campus if if will bo taken without fall this if morning if the weather permits, if if If everything goes well they if will be taken at 11 o'clock on if the campus and a thy farm at ir if 1 o'clock and classes vll be ex- if if cubed. Whether It is cloudy if if or not will not affect proceed- if if ings, but if It rains It will be hn- if if posblble to take any pictures. if if AH students should assemble at if if tho places announced for the if if various colleges. if f f f D Giant size is not always an advantage remember David and Goliath? You can'texpect a giant store to give you the exclusive ness in style and the uni form excellence in quality which characterize our stocks throughout. Furthermore, we spare no effort to insureyou prompt, painstaking, personal at tention and service. Clothes! Hats! Furnishings! Our stocks are large enough to afford you ample range of selection, yet small enough to be clear of antiquated styles. Every suit personally se lected and a large propor tion of them made to our special order! Every one must individual ly measure up to our high standard of merit or we will not offer it for sale. We'd like to have you tel u oh trieie points we'll ice that your experience here both pleaurable and profitable MAGEE & DEEMER GET READY FOR THE SUMMER You'll need some summer-y Suits to com plete your outfit. The Cool, Comfortable Kind will add to your enjoyment. Look over our superb line of Woolens. You will be agreeably surprised at the wide assortment of snappy styles COLLEGE TAILORS Phone B-O-X-48-W :: COLLEGE VIEW, NEBR. HOME MADE BAKED GOODS Cookies, Pie., Cake., HoL.m Bread, Faacy Pa.trie. tJ fir cafe Open after the Shows with 1325-31 N fmm, mmmmmmm . ORPHEUM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday KKLL.Y & WENTWOIITH ADAIR & ADAIR PHOTO PLAYS "The nattlo of Freedom" A Hoautirul Trip Through Montroal Quebec, Halifax, and tho Valley of VohuvIub. H Show Daily. Matinee 2 P. M Night 7-9 P M. Mat. Children 5c, Adults 10c. Nights all Scats 15c LYRIC Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THE AIJR1CU FAMILY CAL STEWART PHOTOl'LAYS 'Her Masked Roauty" 'The Stolen Loaf" "A Girl and Two Men" THREE 8H0W8 DAILY. MATI NEES 2 P. M. NIGHT, 7 AND 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 6c, Adults 10c, Night All 8cata 16c TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We' serve hot and cold drinksall winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING "GOOD THINGS TO IKT STREET mmmmmmmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmm Ufii 1 X. K r