TIbe Dailv IFlebrasfean Vol. XII. No. 144 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1913 Trice, 5 Cents 13's GRADUATE JUNE 12 FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL COM MENCEMENT OF UNIVERSITY WILL OCCUR SOON. HELD IN METHODIST CHURCH David Starr Jordon to Be Commence ment Oratoi Chancellor Avery Confers Degrees Alumni Week Planned. The forty-second annual commence ment of the University of Nebraska, at which the members of the class of ninrteen-thlrteen will receive their coveted "sheepskins," will be held upon Thursday, June 12. The com mencement exercises this year will be heid in the St. Paul's Methodist church Instead of in the Auditorium, where they were held last year. The number of students who will graduate at this time is estimated to bo be tween four and five hundred, but of course the actual number will not be known until a few days before gradu ation. David Starr Jordon. the president of Leland Stanford University will de liver the commencement address this year. The state military commissions will be conferred by (Jovernor More head on ofllcers from the cadet regi ment while as usual Chancellor Avery will present the diplomas. The dreaded examinations of the outgoing seniors will bo given upon the week -previous to graduation and it Is only after this final sifting of the "sheep and the goats" that any ono of the redoubtable '13's can be certain that he has safely crossed tho Rubicon of his college career. Many seniors, careworn because of a too stiict attention to books and by a neglect of the nececssary "campus lab," can be daily seen in the library but the greater portion of tho class will not begin to worry until the week before the ordeal. The alumni will get busy during the week of commencement and hold a genuine old Alumni week when the old grads returning to familiar scenes about the old school can talk over old times and renew past acquaint ances. The a'umni proceedings are in charge of George Kline, the alumni secretary, who is planning upon mak ing the week a grand success from every standpoint. The summer session of the Uni versity will begin Juno 9, in order to give the summer students an early fitart, although the registration for summer school will not occurr until Juno 13 and 14, after the graduation. Notice. All Cornhusker bills should bo paid this week. Those desiring Cornhus ers who have not already ordered may do bo this week at the same price. Only a few more books lef unsold. Helen Sawyer spent the week end Yith friends at York. M 0 Will Take Thousand Feet of Movies of University Friday The moving picture film company which comes to Lincoln the latter part of the week for the purpose of registering the points of interest and beauty In the city has been induced by the Chancellor to spend one thous and feet of film on the University and Farm alone. The views taken will include al the campus and farm .buildings and the interior of several laboratories and shops, together with typical campus views. Dr. Condra, who has charge of di recting the work and organizing the students in their poses, has expressed his desire that they be prepared in the various colleges In accordance with definite plans to be announced later to appear before the camera in groups "before the buildings and at work in the shops. The pictures will probably be taken about 11:45 Fri day. It is announced that the Engl neers will bo pictured in front of the Engineering building and the Iiws will be transferred to the new Law building for their background. Inspecting Officer Declares Should be Proud of Military Dept. Captain William Raymond of the Adjutant General's staft inspected the First Regiment of the University cadets and expressed himself as very well satisfied with existing conditions lie leaves this morning for the next school on his schedule coming from Iowa to Nebraska and going on north ward in the vicinity of the Missouri, river. The program included regimental parade before and after the inspec tion, regimental and battalion inspec tion and company inspection. Classes were excused all afternoon for the soldier boys, but the lack of school work was more than made up for by the grooming and shining process which the close inspection made nec essary. Five University Maids Will Appear in Movies Being Taken Five out of the six Lincoln girls who have been chosen to enact the roles of the six pretty pilgrims are attending the university. They are to take a three days' trip about the city under tho auspices of the Com mercial club who are taking movies for advertisement purposes. The university, the public buildings of the city and other places of interest will be visited. The six are Misses Sarah Ladd, Phoebe Foisom, Lillian Chapin, Har riet Chapin, Alice Proudflt and Ka therine Holyoke. Girls' Track Meet and Big Baseball Game Wednesday Afternoon Everything is In splendid shape for the Girls' Track meet Wedensday af ternoon. If the weather conditions are favorable the meet will be held on the athletic field, if unfavorable, it will be held in the armory. All girls are excused from classes Irom 3 to r. The gates will be open at 2 o'clock. The band will play dur Ing the afternoon. Gate admission, 10 cents. The freshman-sophomore baseball gam' will probably lead the after noon's events. The usual field events, sprints, hurdles, high jumps, shot puts, basketball throw and pole vaults will follow. Over eighty entries have been made. Lottie Savage, last year's all around champion Is again out for honors, and It is rumored that her championship will be contested by several able athletes. The freshman baseball team is the most skillful ver de eloped in the local women's athleteic department. The baseball lineups are as fol lows: Baseball Players. Freshmen - Pitchers, Edith Miller, Louise Hrowuell; first base, Grace Metcalf; second base, Carmllle Leyda, captain; third base, Lucille Leyda; short stop, Gladys Doming, Edith Brown; field, Edna Bushnell, Irene Swanson, Edna Froyd, Lucy Jeffords, Lodica Babcock; catchers, Ruth Lahr, Lucile Rome. Sophomores Genevieve Lowry, captain; first base, Olivia Watte; second base, Reulah Harris; third base, Marie Clark; short stops, Grace Reavls, Ruth Sheldon; field, Alice Eason, Helen Randall, Ruth Under wood, Leila McNerny, Alwlna Bloom encamp, Ruth Fitch; catchers. Amy Garner, Ann Wynne. Music Makers Take Wet Trip Friday To Ashland The Glee and Mandolin clubs went to Ashland Friday for the last out-of-town concert of the season. About thirty members of both clubs left on the (! o'clock train and returned late the same night. In spite of the bad weather there was a good attendance at the concert and Ashland people seemed pleased with the work of the musicians. A reception for tho Uni versity men was held at the home of Ernest Harnsburger of the Mandolin club after the concert. The Kosmet club of the state uni versity met at the Llndell hotel for a dinner Saturday. The freshmen of the Chi Omega so rority gave a matinee dance Saturday afternoon to the freshmen of the other sororities. FEW ARE VOTES CAST BUT THREE HUNDRED UNIVER SITY MEN EXPRE88 CHOICE FOR ATHLETIC BOARD. MAX TOWLE IS HIGH MAN Howard Follows Closely After; Lus trum .Stryker and Qanz Complete Five Elected Many Duties Go With Office. attiinliy-i-lLcnn-hiitflrfil mill thirty. three of the male voters of tho Uni versity caBt their ballots for the five new members of the Student Athletic Hoard to hold ofllce during the year 1913-1914. Max Towle was the high man with a total of 267 votes to his credit with Warren Howard a close second with 256 votes. Carl Ganz, R. C. Lindstrum and F. H. Stryker were the other lucky men. These new members enter upon their duties next year and with tho faculty members will have charge of selecting all coaches, managers, grant ing uf letters and all transactions per taining to university athletics. Thus it is easily seen that their duties are not only honorary but that the athletic standard depends to a more or less greater degree upon the ath letic board The result of the ballot taken yes terday gives the following votes: Max Towle, 207; Warren Howard, 250; R. C. Linstrum, 234; HIrd Stryker, 214; Carl Ganz, 212; J. L. McMaster, 181; Raul Roberts, 1G3; A. B. Ballah, 138. Would Prescribe Rest Course for Those Unable to Endure Gym Tortures An Innovation In the line of Btudlea has been proposed by Miss Gittinga as an addition to the University cur riculum. The couise is called the rest cure, is exclusively for girls and the most arduous work of the course consists In the maintenance of per fectly quiet and restful condition on a comfortable couch under the care ful instructions of a supervisor, the student having all tight clothing re moved and hair undone and practic ing the difiicult feat complete repose. In order to prevent strain or over work on the part of students who take the course, the amount of work which each applicant will be allowed to perform in the work of relaxation will be decided by medical authori ties. The course has a very com menable object in the promottlon of beauty and grace among tho girls. Alma Sullivan of Sterling spent the week end visiting her" sisters and friends. Violet Sims spent the week end at the Chi Omega house en route from Berlin, Germany to her home in Aurora, Neb. ; ? .4 4 pus TL J " 1i . ;.ii A. S,V T-Z .J. J.l ft-A hakt' W-rf"