THE DAILY lEDRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRA8KA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska Telephones: Day OfTlce IM888. Editor B-1518. Managing Editor B-3844 Night Oinco n-4204. HurIiiprb Manager B-1821. Editorial Staff: " Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABE TH MASON, C. NEIL BROWN Scribes: Homer Phillips Clarence Spelr I K. Frost R, F. Lyman Fred N. WcIIh R. M. Kadleck Society Reporters: Olalre Hardin Winifred Seeger Hortenso Kouffmnn Business Staff: Manager C. C. Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Driscoll Circulation Manager T. Erlo Koofer Ethel Arnold Ruth S(uires Subscription $2.00 per year In advance. 5 centB per copy. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as .second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. The popular "Belmont" notch Collar ' made In self striped Madras. 2 for 25c ' AIRFLOW COLLARS Cluctt, Pcobody & Co., Makers University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOI CITED SATURDAY, MAY 10. 1913 THICKER GROWS THE SOUP! ,t' iiuI.iiik iippnmt lies lufiiiTTj TTTf To our lefusal to publish without with tln dance; lit jo 1)(. unrefined free tickets the announcement of the. Minnesot.i Daily. law barbecue committee, the mem-' - - I bers of that committee have publicly Mh- Haves will give an illustrated replied Their laconic rejolner con-, lecture on "Kngenics" to all Home tains but three sentences. The first : Economic stud nts next Tuesday eve sentence states that for the publica- '"K. -M' 11. at X o'clock, II 102. Im tlon of announcements we demanded mediately following the lecture tin ten conips. As a matter of fact we 'Household Arts club will hold its demanded only three. regular meeting in Y. M ('. A. rooms Their second sentence states thai ,n t li Temple. we are looking grim because of our) disappointment and chagrin at not re-1 HOPEFUL OF TRACK MEET ceiving favors. As a matter of fact. I (Continued from Page One) that grim look is caused by an in-! ,,.,, ,llinlI,.H. Nl.,,lskni U(lHtrum, herited quality of taking ourHelves Nafisl KansaHi ,IaZ(Mli ,, ,. ..!,, ..I.. .....I I., III.. ' J i ww nuiuufi), unu uei mine, iikc; ,,UI Sni'Olll right to tree tickets, that grim look lias been wish us so long, we Insist on keeping it as a pri .script ive right Their last sentence charges that our effort to collect a part of the Hag's regular pay, in reliance upon which we get work out of the staff, is inconsistent with our fight on ex t ra agauci barbecue committee has not carelull read ( 111 editorial on the subject o! free tickets or tiny would Ikiv known wh an elfectivc campaign tot economy must climiuati the possibil ity of graft sVR 1 as WILL THE JAYHAWK Low hurdles- Nebraska, dross, Rob erts, N'af.lger, Kansas, Hazen, Crane, Perry. I'ole vault Nebraska, Lindstrum, ltea is , Kansas, I iurst. Htgli jump Nebraska, Meyers; Kansas. Ilazen, lllincoc Minad Jump - Nebraska, Reese, As it matter of fact. th , wi,.,, rv n,,ui, Wnn.u u, ,.,., lluist. Mlincoe. Stiol put Nebraska, Meyers, Reese, Ross; Kansas, lturnliam, Keeling. Discus Nebraska, Meyers, Ross; K. ins, is. I'.urnhum, Keeling .Mile iclav Nebraska, Zumu inkei, Hales, I low aril, Kansas, GET A CHANCE AT THESE RARE PRICES ? Will you take a chance on getting your Spring Suit rain-soaked ? That's what you'r up against without a Raincoat. Here are some splendid Slip-On chances we ate offering today. Look at them in our windows and judge for yourself. Double Texture Slip-Ons with taped, cemented and sewed seams . . . $3.75 Single Texture Slip-Ons $1.45 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Good Clothes Merchants Careful anahsis o'" their caustic i (, n ,,r . i. ... .. . i ie,.ij snows ns 10 ne r,sMM, i)jmSi K,warcls, Patterson, about as follows- The first seutene- ()v, iti.u U Is false Their sec olid sentence K wind And their he sentence 1 Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and igncuauci No one i- tlnrefoie re Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. quiied to adopt as hi- own the con elusions of that committee in th.u article Tin m w ilanci s ba e little oi nothiiig to be said of them. The arc about ;'s graceful as a pet ele pliant picking it:; teeth with a broom straw They ate aboul as artistic as any ' snake lass-el" can be. They have neither tone nor beauty. They are the offspiing of the mind of a moral noncntitv, and are about as near br ing a real dance as tin quintessence TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We'serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c 'IT c7e3fr,tih CtTlef THE CAFETERIA Of the Unicrsity Y. M. C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 : .W Dinnci 1 1 to 1 : U) Supper 5: JO to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: :The: University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information 10 WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and RSts I , ) .-,tj,:.,:r