The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 09, 1913, Image 4

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The Forum
Kdltor Dally Nebrahka "We want
to know" Why the editor with one
hand writes HcathiiiK editorials
:ikrainnt Kraft, Hteed and corruption,
juKiiliiK for economy in all thiiiKR,
hile with the other he waivcH frantic
jilly beliind hlin in expectation of ten
complimentary tickets before lie will
puhliHh any notice of the Law Bar
becue on May 15. Hehold the look of
disappointment on the rim editor's
inane iih his hand cIohch on empti
ness while his mouth uttefH dire Im
precations against those who would
follow out his own plan of economy.
The Law Barbecue committee would
have willingly met any reasonable de
mands but this extortionate demand.
was the most unUindest lit of all"'
We will practice what this editor, ('
-l- Utiln, luua uuumdicd ao long -
(Continued from Page 1 )
ECONOMY "() consistency thou art
n jewel "
V (' Crant,
10 Merle Howard,
Harold A Prince
Dr. Alldrltt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg.
Last chance to hear the University
Clee and Mandolin club in the "Riot or
Harmony" at the high school audi
torium next Saturday night. May 10
(let tickets today at the University
Y M. ('. A in the Temple building
This conceit is gien under the au
spices of the Lincoln High school Y
M (' A club
Artistic dance programs and menua
for particular people. George Bros..
Printers, 1313 N street.
lovers more anxious to marry, pretend
to be deadly enemies With the per
Heverance characteristic of youth,
when they find that their parents are
opposed to the match, they Insist on
marrying. Later when they discover
that the opposition was merely feigned,
they refuse to wed
The play from start to finish is
marked by clever dialogue The con
text sparkles with epigrams. The play
fairly effervescence with extravagant
sentiment, Just the kind of a show for
hot, moist weather The whole is tem
pered with a delicious and exquisite
humor of the kind that has made its
author famous.
Other arrangements for Ivy Day are
incomplete Chairman Cotton and
Charlesworth promise to make more
definite announcements next week Just
now committees are busying them--kI
v4K pmv-hllug for hiir npen-nir feed,
the contract for which will be most
probably let to the University Cafe
teria One definite and distinctive fea
ture of the coming festivity is (!uy
Reed's novel track meet
Important Palladia!) business meet
ing from 12 to 1 o'clock today in Pal
ladia!) hall. Kvervbodv come
C. II. Krey, University florist. 1133
O Bt.
The German club will hold its an
nual picnic Saturday, May U, at
lOpworth park, take the I! Hi Asvlum
Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and
Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th.
Mother's Day
Sunday, May 11th
Send something to Mother--an
appropriate book, a pic
ture, some keepsake or useful-present,
We Have Them All
f SwMM Mt? S (SW
Subscribe for the "Rag
Fine Correspondence Cards and
Papetries at Low Prices
For Commencement Gifts
Cards Box Paper
Spoons Novelties
Leather, Felt and Bronze Novelties
The University Book Store
340 No. Eleventh Street1
LmHMWW' Ti'Jiiii I MiiiiiiiMJ
-1 . ,. . . -
-4 JC.iiUu
jV : .,'l"". r-S'&iSiM?;-'?.
$ !f 1