THE DAILY NERRASKAN THEATRES COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS (Continued from Iap;e Two) I K U.r v ;'..-a. ; ORPHEUM PROGRAM FOR WEEK BEGIN NNG MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 5 WILL M. CRESSY & BLANCHE DAYNE LIDA M'MILLAN Supported by S. T. Learning & Co in 'THE GIRL FROM MILWAUKEE' THE REED BROTHERS Mm. F. SULLY & HUSSEY, James SIDNEY BAXTER Assisted by Beatrice South-wick G. HERBERT MITCHELL PHOTO PLAYS ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA LYRIC THURS., FRI., SAT. DALTO-FREES & CO BECK & HENNEY PHOIO MLAYS" "GROUNDLESS SUSPICION" "THE TANG6T"ArTGLE7T PAHE'S WEEKLY CINDERS" THREE SHOWS DAILY. MATI NEES 2 P. M. NIGHT, 7 AND 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c. Night All Seats 15c mmm llimiiiiiMiMiimiiHiMiiiimiiiiiilllliiiiiii A COMPLEX PROBLEM Has Been Solved for You Complete Party Service Is Now Offered You by Our Retail Department Phone B-6152 VJFUTAN i ICE U RE AM UO. , HCHA THA WA Y. PROP. IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII .( iH-WM stor to com-- in without it:--appi opt late imnihcr of fre, passes is' simply to deprive seven individuals with various ethical standards and notions of their opportuniH to dis- pose of the space lor the omponsa-' tion tliev are used to N( itlie, is he expected to conclude that the aer- i age editor, having refused to collect1 his own Iree tickets, will less dtll gentlv collect the fl et tickets of his associates Nor is he expected to con (hide that (olaboieis at the task ol dischaiging cditoiial lesponsihility to you will he less fait h tin to their vvoik, when ,indepeii(!eiitl of nn scruples ol' ouis or anvhodv's, thev are de piived ol an established emolument In shoit. the e.xtiinsic ohservei is not expected to conclude that a policy 'of peisonal inartv idom merelv spe- l ", limits to fewer numbers, the (hance lo gralt, ai.d that the evil of i pass bought! n siorh s is not the fault ol tin nunrrrrrrnTe fmrtr-rrf t-ht rv torn. The object of drastically prevent ing the various indepedent em ploee-. of the "Itag'' from secretly receiving as many romps as they can possibly get, is to see to it that! through t ho columns of the only pub licity agent on the campus, every activity, big and small, rich and poor, I gets a square- deal. The fundamental I tact witli reference to this object, re- peatedly overlooked by the shallow "knocker," is that it makes no dif lerences whether we or others of the seven sell out (lie "Rag" so long as the "Rag" is actually sold out. 1' is useless for one man to abandon that suspicious rewaid unless the whole .force abandons that potent' ally pernicious privilege. With this tact in view, the man who thinks will see mil the object of our movement against interest is not to givo our souls the benefit of a purging eino 'ion If it was, we would refuse a comp to the law barbecue. Our ob ject m waging this last battle for the tight but honest is simply to prevent everybody Irom selling out Univer sity events. And to those most familiar with the way the Nebraskan is run it must seem perfectly deal that the only way to prevent a virtual sale ot the University for an editor's stipend is to oflicially prevent the is suance and receipt of newspaper comps I ,, l') 3 Thr 1 loUK- l KupiK'nll' -V SPALDING'S Baseball Goods ARE HARD TO BEAT ! ! We Have a New and Complete Line We Solicit the Fraternity Trade H. Reusch, 118 So 12th St. CLASSIFIED COLUMN WILL the party who took the raincoat from the lobby of the Temple return it to this office at once The owner's name is on the collar and cuffs 5-63t LOST AND FOUND. LOST In the vicinity of the Alpha Chi Omega house a Delta Tau Delta pin, a Nu Sigma Nu pin, ind u brand new shirt. Finder please return to Have you ever seen a better style for young men than this one? It's a Kensington soft roll, with all the individuality that the name implies. No obligation at all if you'd like to look at it! MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln- Aurora -Omaha SATURDAY ONLY! Allen .Moser. Reward. 7-11 i I i I ! il I i m i wmmmmmmmmmmmm - A forceful introduction of our KENMORE SUITS at $14.50 Silk-lined, Blue Serges of exceptional quality -regular $20 values. Get yours early! MAGEE & DEEMER GRADUATION GIFTS Better select them now if you want any special work done. Spoons, Fobs, Rings, Pins, Cuff Buttons, La Valliers, Chains, Etc., Etc. Society. College and Frat Emblems Made to Order. HALLETT, :: Uni Jeweler :: 1143 O St. Established 1871 WESTERN LEAGUE BASEBALL M Street Park Lincoln vs. Omaha 3:30 P. M. MAY 7, 8, 9 HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING "SPA" I Try the Y. M. C. A. Loach Roots I Cafeteria Plan I City Y. M. C. A. 13th & P I p . -.'... .' uWA-uk "" -imfr W . t'".. i -. . r? . Wi . . v ??& A