TIIE DAILY IE BRAS KAN Are You Going Somewhere l A i) In I The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska Telephones: Day Office H 1888 Editor- H-1618 Managing Editor B-3844 Night -OITIce IM204 HiiHlnoHfl Mnnngor B-1821. Editorial Staff: Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABE TH MASON, C. NEIL BROWN 8crlbc8: Clarence Spelr Kied N Wells I K Front E M Kadleck This Summer See the Round Trip Rates rriipWvFM I I Hill III i 'i1 II ii if -dtt'in Bsg Ethel Arnold Ruth Squires Homor PhllllpB R. F. Lyman 8oclety Reporters: Clnlro Hnrdln Winifred Seeger HortenBo Knuffman Business Staff: Manager- V V. Huchnnnn Assistant Manager J. L. Driscoll (Mrrulallon Manager T. Erie Keefor Subecrlptlon $2 00 per year In advance f cents per copy Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class matter under act of C'ongresB March II, 1879. $55.00 $55.00 I R1DAY..MAY '), V) CrAlrEfDAR Miij ' Pnllndi.iu Meeting '' ent ninth , uu i -i Mil "U.ig" ua. the tool of llll HI l.ll lllti i csts I low in ,ii tin llio Soiitli i ,un. id making tins suspicion sink is known to all who wen active in Scandinavian Club Meetinu Teni sii))itt ol the Miigle i,i niov eim nt pie ill otlitl ( Oliiiec tions as well we h.ivi Acacia Dancing I'aitv Kiatei nit iepe.itedl i,et n conM onteil with tin Hall same -oil ol .iltack on the lepiesen'a Sigma Tin Kpsilou Dancing I'ait.v ue ih.naetii ol the "ling We know Temple what v e ,ue talking about when vv e Alpha Sigma I'lu Dancing l'.nt.s i ecc.ininc ud action so cliastic tint Walsh Hall giall is impossible Sigma Chi Formal I'aitv Lincoln pi ec oc-ioiis ti shin. in suggested Hotel that we would do moie to lemove Delta Delta Delta House I'aitv u. uppoiMinilv loi coiiupting out Ma.v in selvi bv pei son.ilh lelusing to ae Delta Delta Delta iinual ll.inU'i ,.pi , omplimeiit.il v tickets ten the Alpha Theta Chi nnii.il Mamniei si(,,, ui wnle It is obvious to lteta Thet.i I'l iinu.il ItaiKiuel ,(, , A1( think that ouisehes is tin lpha Chi Omega Dancing I'aitv ,,,,, uui be ggu.g linn To the i I'olsoin II ill tijii-n obseiviis, we admit, a polic v Ac both Dane nig I'ai t v Music Hal' ()1 peison.il in.ii I v i dom mav seem English Club Meeting Home ol Miss 1,,.,,,,!, consistent and light The Sullivan in lib'1 is thai such a policv is not Choius Dam nu, I ai I v I i.itei nit v hall I'm in Hi eakl.isi ALBERT Man IT Leggan ARIZONA dranel Canvon I'lioenix MRIT1SH COLUMMIV Field $61.10 C.laciei $61.10 COLOR DO Denvei $17.50 Coloiado Spi nigs $17.50 I'Heblo $17.50 Ft Collins $17.50 F"ti s I '.nk $24 50 ID HO $3mtr j MISSOFRI $61.10 St Louis $61.10 ' NEW YORK Muftalo ONT RK) Ten onto PENNSYLYANI Pittsbuigb (J I JEM EC Mont i eal SOFTII DKOT Dead vv ood Hot Spiings FT ll Poc atello IOW i nold s I'ai k OlvOllO.11 Siiit Lake MICIIIC Di Moil W atel smeet MINNESOT Minneapolis ('lacier National Paik St Paul Qgdt'ii and Salt Lake $20.30 $41.70 $43.65 $40.30 $55.20 $17.85 $14.85 $30.50 $9.94 $9 92 $9 94 W ISCONSIN Lake (Jenev a M ilw aukee Thiee Lakes Wauki sli.i WYOMINC. $33 20 $27.30 Sheiidan Codv $16.20 'I heimopolis $35 00 K'lbv $16 20 Olacici National P.uk $21.15 $22.70 $25.35 $22 70 $24.85 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $35.00 o ,i i a It might kei p us fi inn . out tin Nebiaskan Hut it i i ki i p tin Nebiaskan ti on: Get man Club Picnic Epwoith , ,, , 111 extinisn- obseiver loigiis that Pen Woods Lake Paik Ag Club I'U nit Pen Woods COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS. Tine public itv deniands that its mouthpiece be above suspicion Ev ery cent the D.tilv Nebiaskan eanis and gets should be known to the Unheisity public geiieially The Tin- above tickets will be on sale dail .lune Lst to Septeinbci .'.nth RETFHN LIMIT OCTOHER lUst, PlF! Yellowstone Paik v u ( iai dinei , $32 00 Sale dates .June Lith to September pith Return limit October :11st, 10L5 -1() j TO FROM SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, UNLOIN LOS AN(. ELKS, SKATTI.K. TALOMA SAN I)IA(.() -IANCOUNHR even pel sons not lesponsible to us' mi the "Rag" He lot gets that each it t In se seven pei.ions comes to the ob eveiv morning knowing exact 1.' I a hat he is suppose cHo i'o and ex act l what is the customaiv con p 'H ' nt ion lor his ettoit He loigets that liall the vvoik and all the trouble vcl Nebiaskan has a monopoly t' ll(' ' . .i , , v er had ai i.ses ti om our etloi t newspapei business on the ''""H"" , , , oll,.(.t lor .S(.en peisons ovei , To (Oimpt it is to elestiov tile Fin u,ms (,()(s .(M(1 d,.MM.s tt ,. hau, no versitv's eeiv oppoitunitv to know ,.,.,.,,. IUl..,IIS of ((,lltlit tbeir cus I the 'tilth A n.'ce-ssa.v pint ol an OUUIV amolm, ol (.0111h l.'oi getting . . I 1 . .V I . ., . . euecine campaign ug.u..sL -..,, tl aU h(s(i ,h,lgs , t.x, , illMC. (H)M., gance is to eliminate graft , ,,....,, not , MM,t.u,ci , t.()U vv Dates of Sale ROUND TRIP ' RATES Daily I Special Dates- Dailv Special Dates June ,st t() June lst to June 30 to July September 30. I , , heptembe. .50. 7, Aug 22 to 29 Limit ' J"e 2A1 to 29 LmiIt. October 31st July th to 11 Ottobei I'.Lst $55 $60 i $55 $60 $17.50 higher to Include California, Portland and Seattle. Write for Literature About Glacier Park, Yelowstone National Park Booklet, Summer Tours to the Pacific Coast, etc. G. W. BONNELL, City Passenger Agent. Burlington Route. 13th and O streets. Lincoln, Nebraska With this end in view we ask that ( ,u(U (ha( m. us , , 0iallj .M allo the Student Publication Moaid compel . its emplovees to ieli.se co.nps We, (Continued on Page 3.) also ask that the Student Organia-l " tlon Committee' compel the inanageis of student oi sanitations not to issue any tree tickets to the Nebraskan employees One of the strongest col late! al arguments advanced last year against the single tax was the alleged WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3th and O Sis ENGLISH OXFORDS For Men and Women THE $5.00 KIND Low Heels Blind Eyelets and all tbat .... We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c IT 7e3fr'iJr ctinlU $2.95 The Shoe Man They Imitate BUDD 1415 O Street THE CAFETERIA Of the Unnctsity Y. M. C. A THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8. 0 Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 10 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: