THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CAMPUS NOTES An important meeting and rehear sal of the mandolin club will bo hold Thursday at fi 4f All members out. final practice before uoing to AHbland Friday. Dr. Alldritt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg. - Notice. The junior deficit committee meets tliis moiniim at 11 o'clock in I'-lm;, All members be present. An informal gymnastic contest was held last evening in the gymnasium in which some eight or ten contestants performed on (he horizontal and parallel bars The event was merely a home affair having as its object the creating of interest in such form of athletics in pcrpnration for next year's team Many of the en dies showed abilit and much preparation on the poles No admission was charged Goes to Philllpincs. I -eon M Walker will sail for the I'hillipines May '' on the steamship Mongolia Mr Walker was a niembei l the senior class lie lonneih at tended Lincoln high school and latei 'entered the llde I'atk hinh school ol 'Chicago Horn winch he was graduated 'in I'.hiK. i l-asl week he received his appoint i m 'ii t from the government as leaehu ! in tiic rhilinnines On his w ay to ! Scandinavian club meets next M',ml;i '"' "hl "' "! .'P. ITonnllTrrrTrmt Hong Korre There will be lieshman baseball practice at L' o'clock this alternoon (Tliursdav ) ll treshmen out I) II IIOWM ., Chairman Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. he iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiHimiimiiH A COMPLEX PROBLEM Has Been Solved for You Complete Party Service Is Now Offered You by Our Retail Department Phone B-6152 THEATRES Kiidav, the '.Mb of Ma. in the baiupiet hall ol the Teni)le, Twelfth and K streets. )r Anderson will speak oi bis jouinevs in the Scandinavian countries As ollicers are to be elect I'd for the next .semester, it is desiied that all members be present. 1 nL i 'BIT MM MrlM M ? m imai ri m .m im im,im.- ww ceuream Uo. HC HA THA WA Y. PROP. ORPHEUM PROGRAM FOR WEEK BEGIN NING MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 5 WILL M. CRESSY & BLANCHE DAYNE LIDA M'MILLAN Supported by 8. T. Learning & Co In "THE GIRL FROM MILWAUKEE" THE REED BROTHERS Mm. F. SULLY & HUSSEY. James SIDNEY BAXTER Assisted by Beatrice Southwick G. HERBERT MITCHELL PHOTO PLAYS ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA (Continued on Page Four) llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CLASSIFIED COLUMN Last chance to hear the diversity Glee and Mandolin club in the "Riot of Ilarmonv" at the high school audi torium next Saturday night. May in Get tickets todav at the University Y. M C A in the Temple building This concert is given under the au spices of the Lincoln High school Y M. C. A club Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. WILL the party who took the raincoat from the lobbv of the Temple return itto this ollice at once. The owner's name is on the collar and cuffs. f CM I LOST AND FOUND. LOST A gold plated fountain pen, Wednesday. Initial on cap, I. V. S. Return to Registrar's odice. f-2-13-3t CAMPUS The Verein GormanhO will meet with the German Dramatic club in Faculty hall Thursday evening at 7:30. Some members of the Dramatic club will give a one-act play entitled "Der Kopf " This is not the regu lar time for the Verein German meet ing but in order to enjoy the play with out necessitating a repetition they de cided to meet with the Dramatic club. After the program the Verein Ger mania will assembly in banquet hall fon a short business meeting. Every German student who is interested come. All members should be present LOST -In the vicinity or the Alpha Chi Omega house a Delta Tan Delta pm, a Nu Sigma Nil pin, and a brand new shirt Finder please return to Allen Moser Reward 3-7-lt KH HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING 44 CD AM Try tb Y. M. C. A. Lmsct Rom Cafeteria Plaa City Y. M. C. A. -:- 13th & P ory -N. x TFTo CrrrAtTo You Don't Pay for the Name When you buy r a bpalatng Atn letic Article, as some dealers who uie uiiei uiyyet profit on Athletic Goods would have you infer. You pay for-and get-honest workmanship and material. The name as evidenced in the Spalding Trade Mark is put on as a guarantee ot what you pay for. Our Complete Catalogue on request A. G. Spalding & Bros. 28-30 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, Illlno WESTERN LEAGUE BASEBALL M Street Park Lincoln vs. Omaha 3:30 P. M. MAY 7, 8, 9 SPALDING'S Baseball Goods ARE HARD TO BEAT ! ! We Have a New and Complete Line We Solicit the Fraternity Trade H. Reusch, i2?hSst. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3th and O St LYRIC THURS., FRI., SAT. DALTO-FREES & CO -BEGK-&-HE-NK&V- PHOTO PLAYS GROUNDLESS SUSPICION" THE TANGO TANGLE" PAHE'S WEEKLY "CINDERS" THREE SHOWS DAILY. MATI NEES 2 P. M. NIGHT, 7 AND 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c, Night All Seats 15c Are You Going East or West This Summer See the Round Trip Rates COMMENCING JUNE 1ST, 1913 $17.50 Denver, Col Colorado Springs 17.50 Pueblo 17.50 Minneapolis and St. Raul Minn. 16.20 Dead wood, S. D 17.85 Hot SpringH, S. D 14.85 Cody, Wyo 32.00 Sheridan, Wyo 24.85 Thermopolls, Wyo 32.00 Salt Lake and Ogden Utah.. 30.50 Return limit on the above points Oct. 31st. Yellowstone Purk via Gardner or Yelowstone, Mont 32.00 June 11th to Sept. 11th; return limit Oct. 31. GLACIER NATIONAL Park.. 35.00 Long Limit Fox Lake, III $22.70 Rar Harbor, Me 67.20 Portland, Me 60.20 Boston, Mass 60.20 Detroit, Mich 33.20 Petoskey, Mich 36.94 St. Joseph, Mich 25.80 Asbury Park, N. J 56.70 Long Reach, N. J 56.70 Atlantic City, N. J 57.20 Cape May, N. J 57.20 Buffalo, N. Y 41.70 NIagarn Falls, N. Y.... 41.70 New York, N. Y Kingston, Out 51.80 Toronto, Ont 43.65 Montreal, Que 52.20 Burlington, Vt 59.70 Geneva Lake, W1b.... 27.70 Waukesha, Wis 22.70 Milwaukee, Win 22.70 Short Limit 52.70 46.05 45.70 45.70 47.80 47.80 35.70 35.70 45.70 37.20 33.30 38.70 42.80 Ask About Stopovers and Rates to Many Other Points FROM LINCOLN Dates of Sale ROUND TRIP RATES TO SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES, SAN DIAGO. Special Dates: June 30 to July 7, Aug. 22 to 29 $55 Daily June 1st to September '3t), Limit October 31st $60 TO PORTLAND, SEATTLE, TACOMA TANCOUNHR Special Dates: June 1st to 4th Daily June 1st to Spnfmhr 'At June 22d to 29 , Limit. July 8th to 11 October illst $55 $60 $17.50 higher to Include California, Portland and Seattle. Write for Literature About Glacier Park, Yelowstone National Park Booklet, Summer Tours to the Pacific Coast, etc. G. W. BONNELL, City Passenger Agent. Burlington Route. 13th and O streets. Lincoln, Nebraska -y : -j 1 "tfefti&Stftff4ft "' irfteiWiM&uV-1 .? . '.' aA- J- :l:?Li. . W - SUflWS'i',:, I' l2?,.ji. . JJk'ftMi