PfedtaMHflHV THE DAILY N' K II R A S K A N A Your Choice of Soft, Derby or Straw Hat t The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRA8KA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska Telephones: Dny Office H-1888. Edltnr-n-1518. Mnnnging Editor B-3844 Night Olllro IM204 IIiisIiichh Mnnngor 13-1821. Editorial Staff: EdItor-ln-Chlef Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABE TH MASON, C. NEIL BROWN Homrr Phllllpn R. F. Lyman Clnlro Hnrdin Scribes: Clnronoo 9poir Krcl N WHIk Society Reporters: Winifred Seeg. r I K. Frost B M K ad leek FREE K he! Arnold HorteiiHe Kmiffman Rnili Sijnires Business Staff: Manager-('. ('. Huehanan A'(stant Manage! J. l Diiseoll ( ' ion Manager -T. Erie Keefer SiibHcrlptlnn f 2 00 per year In advaiue f, (,.ntH p i ( opv Entered at the po.stolllee at Lincoln. ,YI,i aslci. as s,., ,mi (.;,ss matter under aet of Congress Mai eh :!. 1ST!) .WLPNLbDAY. MAY 7. i)n with your suit order. This is a legitimate, honest sale to introduce our suits to those who .ire used to paying more money. SUIT TO MEASURE and Spring Hat, all for CUT OUT THE COUPON $15 1 WHERE WE STAND ON COMPLI MENTARY TICKETS. In their apparent i ,il to eoinpl with the glow in g selll I in en t lor m ealei eeonoiu in the management o I m veiHlly I unetioiiH, aiious nunaue inentH h. sundry and dieise incline tion hae sought to dipihe the Ne ' I ',!', I I ! OllllOUt I Ills s. H v. I it r i Maine I "ill slant itilh the s;,t,ie a l'ht liie ht'ii (in the last ten eat.s I We line I", lonn e,ils of e -1 a I)! Ish, pi im-imI i-iil a'-qiuicil a it eseript i e ri-h' i'o lief admit tance into all I'lineisit' 'eellt'. lepoiteil and until the l'nie. :'.! al'togates su h pi i ileges. as we hiaskan of its customai light to lnv l'Hr " tuild. we iHu-.. t ,., tickets In a gt neral wa. we eoneii, ll""-', "' e(licieiic h diininishin with the t'untlainental piineiple that ' '"' ',"" ''U f our rewanl underlies such triWet. We tieltee that since the Student Publication Woid has been ieceied that tlnee Hoard lias decided to pi students ot the I'nnersity ot Texas staff ot the Nehiaslums it should coin and one ot the l'nieisit ol Colorado pel the "Rag" to lepoil all l'nieiMt will attend the suinniei session here eents without an additional com in order to take special work in Ho pensatlon There is no denjing that heiiiian the practice ot leeeiving coinplinieu tary tickets, secietl as that piactice is indulged, may ciisil become the in at rumen t for wholesale corruption and graft Furthermore, a general and ef fective program of economy requires that the ofllcial and student branches of the University know wheie eerj cent the Nebraskan earns comes from We favor the ofllcial denial by the SMi dent Publication Hoard of the right of the Nebraskan to receive compll mentary tickets Independently of such action by the Board, the Nebraskan does not expect to part with its prescriptive rights It never was a part of our original de sign to qualify our effectiveness by re ducing our conceded emoluments That this is more than a declaration of theory and principle is shown by the fact that too much or the Nebraskan's work has been done for too long a time in strict reliance on the free tickets. This fact alone should convince all who seek publicity that philanthropy is not a necessary part of agitation, nor must charity necessarily precede an emotional appeal. At the time of taking up our duties we were fully cognizant of all our written and un- itten rights, and subsequent discus sion of what those rights are is in dulged only for the purpose of showing Dr. Alldrltt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg. KOSMET KLUB MUSIC HERE k k The published bcotc of the Kcsmet play, "The Match makers" has arrived, and will be on sale Thursday morning on the campus. The booklet Is neat and accurate, and con tains every song used in the play. The price is 50 cents, and you ought to have one. Don't forget Thursday. WESTERN LEAGUE BASEBALL M Street Park Lincoln vs. Omaha 3:30 P. M. MAY 7, 8, 9 i GET READY FOR THE SUMMER You'll need some summer-y Suits to com plete your outfit. The Cool, Comfortable Kind will add to your enjoyment. Look over our superb line of Woolens. You will be agreeably surprised at the wide assortment of snappy styles COLLEGE TAILORS Phone B-O-X-48-W :: COLLEGE VIEW, NEBR. EDS TOCGERY-$2 HATTER This coupon entitles the underpinned M. to any hat in your store FREE, charge hat to account of DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS Signed Mfii". Date Order No. Cut out this coupon and bring it in when you order ycur suit. The manager will sign it and then you can take it to Ed's Toggery and get any hat in his house Free. Coupons good until May 15, 1913 Dundee Woolen Mills 1218 0 Street We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c C r m r mt jF m a?sm 4 2CsM SM IMSM , JZdJlf E772V T 'J I AEfKti M -'I AZJfHLEliM :The: University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information co WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and R Sts u i? t M.