be 2)aih IFlebraskan Vol. XII. No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY ,7 1913 Price, 5 Cents FUND IS ALMOST INTACT STUDENT LOAN DONATION NOT U8ED TO ANY GREAT EXTENT. $600 RECENTLY ADDED One Hundred Dollars Already Donated by Mrs. Ida M. Carter Balance Will Be Received in Installments. LUu MuiLtLaka students loan I unci winch ;tl I'm Mi em i i ill i- anioilllis 101 three iho'i'-iiud one bundled dollai i-.!it' nut taken advantage ol to !'ie etc in to which one would e pect c(oidiii4 to the last lepoit ol Secretarv D.iles. the amount paid out on loan-; reaches he bundled eiglitv five dollar--, leaving almost the whole of the residue in bonds available tor loans upon i equest The student loan I unci is a sum of monev which was last year donated bv John Waddell. John M Webstei and William (J Whltmore, each of whom eonmbuted a thousand dollars to the whole sum The Webster do nation, ol which the interest alone can be used, and the unused portions of the Waddell and Whltmore donations are invented in securities, the inter est of which is used to increase the general I unci The loans are made un der rules prescribed by the board of regents The fund has recently received an addition in the sum of six hundred dol lars given bv Mrs Ida M Tarter, one hundred of which has been given, and the remainder to be given in install- Tti nn f a urCTlMr Ar n r LAST MEETING OF G. D. t. La Mar Stanley Coaches Play To Be Given Thurdsay Evening Verein Germania Guests of Club. The German Dramatic club will meet Thursday evening, May 10 at 730 in Faculty hall This is the lastjear nieetiug of the year, and olilcers for the following year will be elected A short play, "Der Knopp" will be given, The characters are: Dr. Binger La Mar Stanley Gabriele (his wife) Rose Krause Berta (Gabriele'B cousin) Julia ReuBch This play is being coached by La I Mar Stanley. I The Verein Germania will meet with ' the Dramatic club Thursday evening in order to see the play. Civil Engineer Meeting. The new civil engineers' organiza tion will hold Ub first regular meeting tonight for the election of officers for the ensuing vear The society is open to all men legistered in civil engineer- Iiil'. freshmen included. Tonight is the last chance tor men to become full nu.i.,.r ulUinnt firt nerviiiL' one year as an associate member. The 0ti,,.. will he held t 7 ir. iii M A 206. Eight Men File For Election to Athletic Board The annual election of the student! athletic boaid will be held net Tues da. Mil) 11' This board is composed ol six membeis ot the lacultv and live men elected at lame trom the student bod In it scontrol aie all branches ol spoils, including the awaiding ol letters and the election of all coachi t 12 o'clock vesteiclav eight men had signified their intentions ol mak Uim the lulu and had tiled with the .... . " se(ieiai 01 ine Doaid uic student, who tiled an- li Ballah. Cai (!an, Waiien llowaid, U (' Linstium .1 L Mc .Mastei. I'aul Uobeits. K II Sti v lei and Max (I Tow le Max Tow le, ca plain ol the ( '01 nhusk ei baseball team tins v eai is a membei ol the Kappa Sigma 1 1 alei nil v He was the captain ol the Lincoln High School football team winch won the Missouii Vallej championship during the fall ol I'.iiiT Since entering the State I'm versitv lie has been identified with athletics and in addition to his base ball lame was a cpiai tei back on last j ear's liampionslnp team Tow le is a junior in the College ol Law and will be eligible I01 athletics next veai I'" II Stivker was one of the tine men chosen for All Missouri Yallev basketball team last season While in high schol he took an active part in all blanches of sport He is a junior in the Arts and Science College and a member ol Phi Kappa Psi Paul Roberts, a member of the Alpha Theta Chi fraternity has also an nounced himself Roberts is a junior forester and has been active in college athletics He was a member of the lHa8S fotbu11 team aml ,hl" lH hiB M'v' oncl year on the track squad. I J L McMaster comes from Central (M, hlK" S(hol uml ls a blr of the Junior class Mciwasier nas ui-ni prominent in track athletics this year being a member of the crosscountry 'team and track teams The cross country squad also honored him by, electing him to captaincy, for next Warren Howard, another to an- nounce himself, is quite well known in athletic circles at this institution Howard is a member of the punior law class He has been on the freshman Varsity football squad, a member of the Varsity team in both football and basketball and also a member of the track squad Howard Ih affiliated wltli the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and also Phi Delta Phi. Carl Ganz another aspirant for the athletic board lias won for himself quite a reputation in the middle west by his wrestling ability. Ganz is a member of the Acacia fratenity Blaine Ballah since in the University has been quite prominent in athletic circles He comes from Wesleyan where he was a member of football and I baseball teams In the university Ballah ha& assisted in athletics and at present is on the baseball squad Other than his athletic work he holds the (Continued on Page Three) Embryo Physicians Postpone Week of Cele- bration till May 20 wi" t tne Tad that the State- M''ica! Association meeting is to be h,'1(l " Omaha the week of Maj' 12-Hi. llu' ,n'liH l'i'' found it necessary lo postpone theii lestivities until the u ' ''K ()1 -M " '" L': Ah previously ''innounced, thej will have chaige ol the "Ran" and convocation on Tues ,:, )r OitToicI oT Omaha will ad ,n'ss ,ll,' Univeisitv public at convo nt ion The JTTiTnTiTt r-TrurMitHH u Uta4.i1 a 1 in vviilcii u. man s Hdhhon in a mar will be made on Wednesdav The Huge wltli a leeble minded woman lie College ol Medicine commencement came ci inilnals and de eneiates, w bile exeicises will be held on Thiirsdav his cbllclieii with a sti ong minded vvo- ev ening nr Omah.i. Dr and Mis Wolcott will give theii ln 1 1 to medics and lire medics on Dr Wolcott also showed tlie effec ts of Knclav evening, and the following day environment upon the rearing of clill- "' 1)j picnic- at Capital Heach will be'dien pulled oil The- lectuie was given as the result Tickets for (lie medic week events ol an oflei made b Mrs Lucy Wilson :i"' "ou " sale Those desiiing to of Washington to a university which have a share in the big doings should would produce 11 lecture on the subject puichase their tickets of either ol eugenics to be given befoie the C.teeiibuig, Ituth Wainer, 01 Olei .student bodv bv one of its piolessors, Young, as soon as possible Miose planning 011 making the- tup to Omaha on Wednesdav will aid the committee on ai 1 angemeuts it thev will hand in their names beloie Mav l"th Forms Are Finally Closed For 1913 Annual- Out Last of Month After months of grinding work and lon hours "u'nt in roundliiK the 1913 , tllOHe " W('rl unable to attend the year book into shape, the editor-in- , nrH concert an excellent chance to ' chief announces that everything is inineur the "Uislclans at their best and the hand of the printer Nothing !,n Uu! "eight of their seaBon. moie will be accepted for the annual, as (ll(l formH ar. now ciOHO(i The .ampuH fUsser Is safe from the fatal HnuHi,ot aIuj ,nay w(.)i ft,ei. relieved at liaviiur ,hJH ,)tvlnir eve removed As ,lrs( announced, there' will be two stles of binding of the book ()iu. (h houm , durable cloth and HeUH for $2( UIld tlu. otn,.r s bound in (lm, (,uaijty 0f leather, selling for jv.50. There are still a few copies remain ing of the second net of books ordered, ami any one wiBhing to purchase an annual may obtain one at the original price. If one does not purchase until the hooks are Issued he will be charged an additional 25 cents to cover the additional cost entailed. TIiIb should be an Incentive to purchase now in the few days of grace remaining. ENGLISH CLUB. The last meeting of the English club will be held at the home of the MlsBes Jean and Erina Sullivan, 1G45 It street, instead of at the home of Miss Huth Munger, as was formerly announced The date is Saturday, May 10 Lulu Edwards Iiub just returned from a visit at Nehawka. Dr. Wolcott Points Out Importance of Study of Eugenic! j Advocating t he study of eugenics aH i ineans ol Improving the human race, 111- Wolcott nave a lecture Tuesday moinlng beloie a large audience com posed mostly of medical students who had been dismissed lioin classes to hear the lecture l)r Wolcott pointed out, by menus ol chart and examples, the evils which result liom the mating ol persons of leeble minds One case was lelated man in a latei nianiage grew into , statesmen and lespectable citizens in and Glee Clubs Give Concert at Lincoln High Saturday The l'mveisit Glee and Mandolin clubs will appear in concert next Sat urday night. May 10, in the Lincoln ausVh ' High School auditorium, under the s of the local Y. M C A This is the second concert of the year be- ,,OI(' I,,p '""'i People, unu win anoru I ' lu I1IUIVIUUUI 1IUUM ""ve prepareu , a li8t ()f mw Vvoh for their concert: ,lu Glep ('lub " particular having Honu "'w mi original stunts on the I, vaudeville nature guaranteed to bring (Iown Uu house The admlsBion is 25 (,,niH 10 any pari or tne nouBe. llck- i ('tH Inav b" obtained at MoirH, Robs p t'rti- Company, and the City and University Y. M C A 's Jim Harvey, '10, of Aurora, has been visiting the Acacia house. NOTICE. The following students have filed their applications as can didates for student member ship on the athletic board in accordance with the rules of competition of said board- A. B Ballah, Carl Ganz, Warren H. Howard, H. C. Linstrum, J. L. McMaster, Paul H. Roberts, P. H. Stryker, and Max Towle. H. G. ('LAPP, Secretary. It I ,..?..w --U4 ...m .. .ufo&L&tAitiL., x.idmMJJiktuUatmk'i MiiHIMMIri