!' Ij J Si '' TLhc Bath flebraskan A Vol. XII. No. 138 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1913 Price, 5 Cents N It - I HUSKERS TRIM OMAHA IN FOUR INNING GAME THE MEN OF STIEHM PROVE EASY VICTORS. RAIN INTERRUPTS GAME Downpouring Showers Dampens Ar dor of Enthusiasts Score of Only 13-1 Results. In a four Inning contest which whb nothing short of a good farcial com edy the Cornhuskers took the Univer sity of Omaha for a good drubbing by ft-Boorc nf 13 to 1, Thegame was called at the end of the fourth inning on account of tho great torrents of sky juice which completely filled the atmosphere. Omaha was unable to see any of Jimmy Rodman's slants and made three outs on easy pop ups. In the last half of this inning tho Huskers Immediately scored two runs. The second Inning was little better for the visitors and they succeeded in fanning the ozone for three beau tiful strike outs. Tho Huskers duplicated the first Inning In this and gave over the bats to the Omaha lads. The third Inning was a duplication of the first two for the lads from the metropolis but the HuBkers got on their hitting clothes and after a couple of two base hits by May and Captain Towle intermingled with a single or two the locals were able to score six runs. In the fourth frame a three base hit by Perclval and the second hit of the day off Rodman saved the visitors from a shutout. Frank for Nebraska Becured a three base hit and three tallyB were counted in this inning. The fifth inning was started in the rain but only one man got to bat for tho rain fell in sheets driving tho 51 fans to tho grand stand for protec tion. The line up: Nebraska Omaha. Harte c Slotky Underwood lb Adams Jamison 2b Solby, J Ross 3b Selby, P Flory 8s Parish Frank rf Aarons May cf Reeso Towle, Capt If Perclval Two base hits May, Towle. Three baso hits Frank, Perclval. Base hits Off Rodman 2, off Dow and Adams G. Strike outs Rodman 6, Dow 1, Adams 1. Base on balls Dow 3, Adams 2. R. II. E Nebraska 2 2 G 313 6 0 Omaha 0 0 0 1 12 2 Umpire Owens. A CORRECTION. Owing to an oversight the name of Ruth Squires was omitted from the editorial staff of tho women's edition of the Dally Nebraskan. Football-Nebraska Sophomore Class to Abandon Hop Because of Conflicting Dates The Sophomore Hop committee have decided to abandon the class hop this semester. It has been found impossible to secure dates at Capital Beach on account of so many other dances being held there and it was therefore deemed advisable to dis continue the project. Instead there will no doubt be a dance held early next semester under the present ad ministration. The SoprronTOTT clntt- -4 haudk capped by a deficit of $65 hanging over from last semester and with tho numerous events yet to be held by various organizations the risk is too great to take any chances of Increas ing the debt. An attendance of -a-sonablo diminsions cannot be assured and without this it would bo fatal to proceed further in the matter. The froshman class have almost decided to abandon their hop of May 17 for similar reasons as they have also come to the conclusion that there are too many other functions during tho remainder of the semeBtor. The Junior Relief Hop will take place upon May 16 without fall as this is necessary to raise sufficient funds to get the class out of debt. The tickets for this event have been on sale for the past week and quite a number have been Bold. The combined Senior masquerade and hop will be given upon the even ing of May 20. Tho fact that it is tho night before Ivy Day will do much to swell the attendance at this dance so that it Is also assured of success. ASSISTANT PATHOLOGIST Former Nebraska Girl Is First Wo man To be In Complete Charge of Field Experimentation. Venus W. Pool, A. M., '03, has been sent out by the government In charge of field experiment on the diseases of the sugar beet in Colorado. She is assistant pathologist in the depart ment of agriculture and is tho first woman to be sent out in complete charge of any field experiment work. Recently a government bulletin has been published giving tho results of Miss Pool's study on the sugar beet diseases. it Owing to tho fact that a part - fc of the Girl's Edition was late -fc in coming off the press it was -fa Jc impossible to make campus de- -fa liveries yesterday. Those who -fc fa did not receive a copy will ob- -fc A- Hgo the staff if they will call -fc if for their Nebraskan at Station if A this morning. - la vs. i - t , German Dramatic Club Donates $10 From Play for Art Studies The German Dramatic club has ap propriated $10 from the funds secured from their successful presentation of "Die Journallsten" and has made .1 present of the same to tho German department. Tho money will bo UBod to purchase art studies to be placed in tho study rooms and clasB rooms of the Germanic students. Miss Heppner, who was abroad last Bunnnor will probably bo intrusted -vv.it h the selection jfa suUablc gift. It may also be used aB tho basis of a fund to buy something more ex pensive such as a bronze statue or large picture. University Men to Discuss Solution of Liquor Question Five University men will dusciiBS the proper solution of the liquor ques tion in the Temple theater, May 5th, at 8 o'clock. The orations will be judged by three Lincoln men not con nected with the University. Prizes of $25 are offered by the Lincoln W. C. T. U. under whoso direction the contest is held. The discussion promises to be snappy and well worth tho hearing. The admission Is free and all those interested should make It a point to attend. CHI OMEGAS D0 CIVIC WORK Othopedic Shut-Ins Are Object of Their Attention. Give Children Holiday Celebrations. Chi Omegas everywhere are inter ested in social and civic work and Kappa chapter is no exception to this rule, as its memmberB have undertak en work at the Orthopedic Hospital, centering their efforts upon tho chil dren. Sunday was chosen as the best day for this work, as many of tho children go to school all week. Chi Omegas read, tell stories, and sing to them and take them flowers, cook ies and Inexpensive gifts, which to the girls mean little sacrifices, but bring Joy to the little shut-ins. At Christmas and at Easter, appro priate celebration havo been ar ranged. The work is so divided that different girls go each Sunday and tho children have their favorites and watch for them each weok. May morning breakfast at St. Paul's Saturday, May 3. Breakfast served from 7 to 9:30. Price 25 cents. Kearney Normal-3:30 FETE DAY UPON MAY 17 NEBRASKA H. S. ATHLETIC ASSO- ClATION MEET HELD AT THIS TIME. EACH SCHOOL SENDS TEN Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals Given to Winners Commercial Club Makes Appropriation. Fete Day, the occasion on which the Nebraska High School Athlotic association meet 1b held on tho No TmfsTuI "TTOTlrhnir been et for May 17 On this day any student that la a member of the Nebraska High School Athlotic association and eligi ble under its rules and regulations is ontltled to enter the meet. A suc cessful conteBt from tho coinpotitorB viewpoint, 1b asBiirred in considera tion of the fact that the new clndor track is in excellent condition and that no weather conditions can havo any material effect upon the events. Each school Is allowed to ontor ton men with no moro than two start ing In each event. Gold, sterling sil ver and bronze medals will be given to the winners of first, Bocond and third placoB, and silk badges to tho wlnnerB of fourth places. A banner will be awarded to the winning relay team, no individual medalB being granted to the individual members of such team. A larger banner will bo presented to tho team winning great est total number of points. The Lincoln Commercial club, in order to retain tho annual meet in Lincoln, has made a large appropria tion to cover the local expenses of tho meet nnd the University donateB tho use of tho athletic field and tho track equipment. Every effort will bo mado by the University authorities to make tho meet and Fete Day In general an enjoyable occasion to all visiting high school students. Tho following is tho order of events: Track Events: Preliminaries and Beml-finals in 100 yard dash, prelimi naries and semi-finals in 120 yard hur dle, 880 yard run, finals In 100 yard dash, finals In 120 yard hurdle, pre liminaries in 220 yard dash semi-finals In 220 yard daBh, finals in 220 yard hurdle, 440 yard run, one mile run, one-half mile relay (teams to consist of four men, each man to run 220 yards). Field Events: Polo vault, 12 pound shot put, running high Jump, discus throw, running broad Jump, 12 pound hammer throw. Field and track events will go on together, but as much allow ance as possible will be made for contestants whore events conflict. In order to avoid danger to spectators and contestants in other events tho hammer throw will bo contested on tho morning of the meet starting at (Continued on Page 8.) -wLinMi MrttKK. WkAl A. .!.,. . .. K r- m c A I 1