The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1913, WOMEN'S EDITION, Image 8

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Eleven Dramatists Elected To Club
Membership Following Tryouts
Wednesday Night.
At I he (Jorman Drainntlc Club try
outH held WcdnoHday evening the fol
lowing people were elected to the
dub Lucille and Cainllle Leyda,
Frank CarlHon, Helen Springer, Mdith
Xeal, Winnie OtitheuHe, (Jertrnde
Scrlbner, Mary Roluihr, Madeline Hor
Ion, KianceH, Tutlilll, Vivian Cleaver.
From the IryoutH which wore held
about two weekw previouHly, the fol
lowing kI were admitted to the club:
Johanna Ogden, Helen Jchh, Agnes
SainuelHon, Minnie Schultz, Ottomar
SlrleU r, Maude Clark.
Plans are now being made for the
play to be given next year. "Die Jour
nalisten," given thin year, was a
marked success, both dramatically and
(Inanchlly, and the club, which has
encoulaged to even greater efforts
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Ilrealhes there a man with soul so
Who never to himself hath said
"Tomorrow morning will I arise
Hefore the sun lights up the skies
I'll set this clock so It will ring
Hefore the birds begin to sing.
It's strident tone will me awake
An eaily S o'clock I'll make."
Hut when at an unearthly hour
Next morn the clock with all
Makes noise enough to stir the dead
And wakes the man upon the bed
Hreathes there a man, I now repeat,
Who would not chuck it in the street,
Hack Into the bed to leap
And with a sigh go off to sleep?
University Girls Interested
In Russian Work at
Neighborhood House
Very few of us, as students in the
liiiverslty realize that right here, in
our own midst, we have a "little Rus
sia,'' -shose inhabitants hold a strong
claim upon us, as the means of their
becoming nationalized and at the same
time, becoming intelligent citizens of
(lie state (Jermans by birth, the peo
ple that make up the population or
this small section In Lincoln have
migrated from Germany to the Vol
ga rher in Russia and eventually to
They are a svurdy, capable group of
people, but seemingly helpless, with
no conception of the American Ideals
or ways of doing things.
With the end in view that of giv
ing them American standards, works at
TTeTnrorKnnlzeu nTTly-thrrp- ycnm, f(MlaTtTP North" ttfriT Neighborhood -house-1
at Ninth and New Hampshire streets,
is being carried on Hereclasses are
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Exit "The Staff."
Kenneth's gono a-fishing,
Muster's gone away,
C. L. Rein has disappeared,
Won't be seen today.
Cutight's out a-fussing,
Yochum where is ho?
Lawsy, we're deserted,
Hut we like to bo.
Coe Muchanan's missing
Driscoll all the mob,
Somewhere Keefer's working
He's still on the job.
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Earl Heilman, a freshman in the
medical college, lias been forced to
leave school on account of a severe
siege of scarlet fever.
held for boys and girls of all ages.
The girls are taught the domestic
arts and organized play, and occasion
ally i he older girls are allowed to
display any dramatic ability they may
possess, in the production of simple
plays, under the guidance of some
talented person The boys are al
lowed to expend a little of their sur
plus energy otherwise expended in
harmful ways, in wrestling matches,
and other athletic forms of amuse
ments They also hae a glee club,
under the leadership of a university
m mber, occasional expeditions to the
state house, museum, state farm, post
olhce, or some other place of Inter
est, are sources of much pleasure to
the children, and at the samo time are
of cot slderable educational value to
them. Nor is the social life of these
children neglected. Scarcely a holi
day goes by, that it isn't celebrated
by them, in some fitting manner.
These "parties" are always great suc
cesses and are very much appreciated
by the children.
Tiie obstacles to be overcome in this
work, however, are great, for the min
ute the child returns to his own home
from the Neighborhood House, he is,
literally speaking, back in Russia
again where the mothers and fathers
not so appreciative as their children,
are inclined to scoff at the American
methods so unlike their own, and to
discourage their use In the homo.
Hut it is to bo anticipated that when
these children grow up, and have
homes of their own, that they will in
dorse and bring into practice the mod
ern American methods and principles
that have been taught them at the
Neighborhood House, and that in so
doing they will become strong, broad
minded men and women, worthy of
citizenship In the United States.
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Patronize Our Advertisers.
The Delta Chi annual formal party
Is tonight and the following men, be
sides the active chapter, are here for
it: John C Mullins, Falls City; James
A. Patten and James E. Bednar of
South Omaha; R. A. TlbbetB, Hastings;
S. V. Shonka, David City; A. M. Hare,
Auburn; Earl D. Trump, Omaha; O. B.
Clark, R. E. Bickford, and C. Petrus
Peterson of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Neil of Kansas City are here as
Otto Liebers, a member of the
senior class, who lias been for some
time farm demonstrator of Gage coun
ty, is now at ills home In Lincoln re
covering from an operation for appendicitis.
Loretta Spencer of Baineston and
Dale Pugh of Topeka are visiting at
the Alpha Chi Omega house.
A style event of interest
to all young fellows who are
particular about their ap
pearance. Just two days more of it
What is it? Simply a
week in which you are at
perfect liberty to look at and
try on all the suits you wish
without feeling the slighest
li: .. i
uungauon 10 uuy. (yf
unce you ve laid eyes on j)ijr
these lithe, snappy L Sys- o
terns -brimming with the
5tyfepu i id l" y oir4Htcrr-all
over to get into them $17
You should have had your spring
suit long before May 1st, but now
that you've held off so long it would
be a shame not to get the BEST.
See our L Systems.
Get a Handsome P( ster for Your
ill L '. V
i ' (o I I )l
m vl
- j i -
In l
- b" VI V
New Messaline Waists in plain and fancy
stripes, wide range of attractive models in
all sizes.
M OC Tailored Waists made from a sheer quality
4 l.vl Hnene, detachable collar, button front, turn
back soft cufis. All sizes.
M CO Lingerie Waists. The attractive and large
P range of styles we are showing at this price
should please you. They are made on the better lines
such as you would ordinarily find in the $2.00 and
$2.50 priced waists. All sizes.
ai$2.G0, $2.50 to $5.00. We believe you will satisfy yourself
that the assortment and the attractively well made splendid
fitting waists that will be shown you here cannot be dupli
cated elsewhere at the price. Fine laces and embroidery
used are attrictive features we call your attention to. All
Many new styles have reached us the past week in Silk
Crepe and Linens, in the low neck wide collars and three
quarter sleeves. Priced at $2.50, $3-75 to $6-00.
If you haven't already purchased the Music from
the two Operas "Little Boy Blue" and "The Firefly",
take a tip from me and get it. It's great. There are
about five big hits from each opera.
JKlaBHWBwVilW"J'';JWI',,'l' V ' ""