et.mMJmfm!LJMm!mWm!i, Mny2, 1913 WOMEN'S EDTTTON THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I u - I it r HARRY PORTER The University Supply Store 1123 O NOW Showing our Spring Oxfords and Pumps BECKMAN BROS. W07-0-Stredr GIRLS' CLUB AFFAIRS I ! omSossed f JFationen imparts any indididuatify fo yiur correspond ence. Monograms, Jrat'ernifif and sorority crests supjptied in anistyte. ozaceiournal co. toossi til L Hi y ii . jjkT SftfL PJf inaojsinc-copptK riAit initnAvinu rtU3 liiiiliilr THE GIRLS ARE TO BLAME For This Ad. At Least They Said KODAKS, STROLLS IN THE COUNTRY AND GIRLS all went together. We can supply the KODAKS and develop and finish your pictures. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 1217 O Street C. H. FREY Wholesale and Retail Florists 1 1 33 O Street The special girls' issue of tho Ne brnHkan offers a good opportunity for a review of what the Girls' Club Is doing It is with a feeling of satis faction that we mako tho announce ment (hat the club has advanced very decidedly this year and that It now stands on firm ground and looks for ward with unbounded hope to a future of greater helpfulness, wider activity, and closer fellowship between the members. The stiuggle which almost inevit ably accompanies the childhood of new enterprises is drawing to a close. We are assured by the increasing In terest and active part which all the girls are taking in the work of the club that what was once a beautiful dream is now a splendid reality. We have worked out a constitution suited to our particular needs as Nebraska girls. We have solved tho problem ormTeTrn1.niU'iilH tu a -certain ex-4 tent But it remains for the girls of the next few years to perfect these entertainments, and suit them to their sole object, a closer social life and stronger synnnpathy among all the members of the Girls' Club. It would be pleasant and profitable to renew each of the social functions from the reception for new students in the fall, the breakfast in the State Farm grove, and the luncheon before the great Kansas feotball game up to the activities of t tie last few weeks. Hut we must content ourselves with looking at the larger movements. The most serious work of the club s that of he'ping worthy girls by means of the "loan fund." The annual dues are '.lit cents, a sum well suited to eer one's pocket book. Ten cents of each payment of dues is reserved for current expenses. Twenty-five cents coes into the "Loan Fund.". Our faith in the value of this work has been very much strengthened this year by tho expression of heartfelt gratitude which has come from girls now out of school who have enjoyed the benefits of this fund. The money has been returned in every case, fre quently with a gift of ten dollars to the fund. The last few weks have been full of work and interest for the club. Tim idly at Hr,sL and then with an ever increasing confidence in our power we planned to send a delegate to Wiscon sin to represent us in the conference of Girls' Clubs there this summer. After much ifoostlng from optimistic members of the board word was sent to Wisconsin that Nebraska would send a delegate. And then the work of getting subscriptions began in earn est. Each girl was asked to give a dime. Needless to say, subscriptions were not restricted to that popular price. Lorena's ever-present smile in creased to vast proportions as the money (putting it mildly) began to pour in. Everyone was more than willing to help. The election on Tuesday revealed the fact that Miss Daniels, our president-elect, will represent the club at Wisconsin. The club looks forward to hearing ubout her islt next fall. We shall be in Letter touch with other The results of the election are al ready so generally known that only a word is needed. The new board will find themselves in the position of early settlers in a new country. The I pioneriYs,""Xhat is the boards of the I faithfully and well. But earnest thought and devotion is as much need ed now as ever before for we want to make Nebraska Girls' Club one of the greatest organizations of its kind. The digging, which Is connected with a position on the board Is more than compensated for by the pleasant com panionship which tho intimate con tact with other girls all working for a common ideal and object, means. A still greater compensation is the un selfish joy which n faithful board worker feels when she sees from living results that she is doing a real service to the girl of her class and college. Patronize Our Advertisers. THE TWENTY-FIFTH THEME Inspirationless and stupid I sit. The hands of my 59-cent alarm clock point to one hour after midnight. In her soL-had mynnmmntn sleeps Pfla.ce tully, while I adjust tho cold cloth on my head and strive to think of a theme of mechanical Invention. Not being of a mechanical turn of mind, I do not know the difference between a cog-wheel and a boiler. (Perhaps there is no such thing as a cog-wheel I am not certain.) I agree emphatically with a former professor who said, "There are no new plots." More than that, there are no new stories, no new ideas, and my old ones are chronicled In twenty four previous attempts. My eyelids droop, my hand is too nerveless to guide a pen, my eyes ache and my head has grown enormously large and heavy. If I could only keep It from bobbing in such a silly way The hands of the nickel-plated clock have ticked their way around to 1:37. The end has come. I am senseless, witless, thoughtless, but I have fin ished my required number of themes I hope. Ex. Patronize Our Advertisers. PHARMACEUTICAL GIRLS ENTERTAIN Miss Mildred Young gave a slumber party Tuesday night at her home, 10:5 So. 14th St. Miss Barbara Osborne gave an Or pheun: party Wednesday night. Iast night an informal evening was spent at the home of Miss Nell Ward, 2500 Garneldd St. May day decora tions were used and progressive gainer were piayed. The Girl He Could Read Like a Book "I can read that girl like a book," said the far-sighted man to himself. She thinks I am crazy about her. I won't call for several weeks just to bring her to her senseB. " He pictured to himself tho disappointment and sur prise of tho girl. After four ,weks and nine days, ho decided that he had been a Htlo hard on her, and in a par ticularly generous and affable mood he went around to call on the "poor little thing." He had some elaborate explanations all ready to refute her pitiful reproaches. She met him at the door with a smile. There was a sort of friendly cordiality about her manner that made him feel Btrangely 111 at ease. How tho conversation drifted toward Wag- first hard years have done their work nerian opera he never could recall. A ' """uarewiHUimw 'T',i I Vt I