The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1913, WOMEN'S EDITION, Image 5

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    u..M '. WaWWNsB
May 2, 1913
Y. WC. A.
Attitude Toward Suffrage Important
Her Influences Can Be Far
Reaching. CHAP1N BROS.
Valerie Bonnell and Cabinet Plan Ac
tive Year for University Girls.
Militant Suffragists Replaced.
The Young Women's Christian As
Rociation is one of the largest and
strongest organizations in the Univer
sity, and ranks with those of the uni
versities of Minnesota and Chicago. Its
purpose is to develop "all round" coll
ege girls, and Includes In Its scope
the opportunity for growth physically,
socially, intellectually, and spiritually.
It Is controlled by a cabinet of six
teen representative college girls who
are interested in the furthering of the
work of the association as a whole,
and who show particular ability along
certain lines. The cabinet for the coin
ing year was installed last Wednesday
-tLveiilliK. Those chosen to hold ofllces
on the cabinet are:
President Valeria Bonnell
Vice-pesldent Lorena Dixby
Secretary Norma Kldd
Treasurer Esther Bennett
Chairmen of Committees
Devotional Maudo Clark
Bible study Margaret McIIenry
Missionary Elizabeth Lawrence
Social service Ethel Hills
Social Genevieve Lowry
Finance Alma Blandln
Publicity Gertrude Scrlbner
Poster Freda Stuff
Room Margaret Long
Chuch affiliation Phyllis Neligh
Conventions Mabel Daniels
Association News Bessie Rogers
The new cabinet and Miss Fannie
Drake, the general secretary, are anx
ious to make the coming year the best
year that the association has yet
known. Plans are already being dis
cussed for helping new students In
the fall to find their places in the Uni
versity life. The association rooms in
the Temple are br-comlng more and
more a center for University girls
Some new Ideas are being worked out
along the lines of social service. And
since Nebraska is an agricultural
state, special attention will be paid to
niral social betterment.
The cabinet is planning on the sup
port of all University girls to make
the coming year count for much in
the life and development of the girls
at Nebraska.
Every college girl should be inter
ested in woman suffrage because she
is the progressive woman of tomor
row. She is the one who is fitted to
fight for the cause becauso of her
broad minded, Intellectual life. The
college woman has the power of ex
erting a wider and better influence
over those around her than thoso who
are denied a college education. Wheth
er In her home or In professional llfo
there are always those around her
who look to her for advice and leader
ship. Through the medium of the bal
lot she will be influential in securing
better working conditions for factory
girls, better sanitary conditions and
rfoe-ttei inoral-iuJJiejcoJIlIlUluJti.
Flowers All The Time
Thue is no woman who has better
opportunities for both general culture
and the study of economics and poli
tical problems than the college wom
an, thereforo sho should bo a leader
and a moulder of popular opinions.
The professioral women and future
teacher should have their opinions of
this great question. I do not mean
that the girl in college should sup
poit woman suffrage but sho should
be interested in it and feel that sho
is responsible for making a well con
siders d decision as to her own stand
in the matter.
When we think of the good that col
lege educated women could accomp
lish if they had suffrage, how they
could replace the rioting militant
class, then wo see how important it'
Is that the coliego girl should be in
terested in this subject.
R. K.
Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c
r W
Give us your next order for Punch.
We know we can suit you both in quality and in price
Patronize Our Advertisers.
We Wonder
We wonder why the men-studes
Always run the Rag?
Why don't they ask the fem-studes
Instead of working "stag"?
We like to smell the rotten paste,
We get it in our hair,
Wo like to wield the scissors,
We like a swivel chair.
We like to run the business,
We, like to make a show,
We've liked this Girl's Edition,
And we should like to know.
W. S.
Frollch'B Orchestra, rnono L-7363.
Tuesday, May G. Dr. It. II. Wolcott
will give an hour lecture on Eugenics.
Mrs. Huntington Wilson of Washing
ton, D. C is arranging to have lec
tures on Eugenic given in all of the
large eastern L'niversities.
May 22, Wagner's one hundredth
birthday anniversary will be com
memora'od The chorus will give spe
cial l.asic.
At the :;st convocation of the year
the musical production, 'illavatha,"
will be gnon.
Patronize Our Advertisers
When Girls Have
Their Say
They order an Knsign cub for it menus service and relia
bility so different from the rest all full size carriages. The
pleasure and comfort one makes it worth the while. Any ex
tra trouble is a cheerful pleasure. We are friends to all the
tfirls and always strive to please them and study their comfort,
liring your R. R. tickets to our office and we will cheek your
baKae to destination from your residence.
Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co.
215 So. 11 St.
Of the University Y. M- C. A.
Breakfast 7 to 8 : 30 Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Mrs. Daniels is visiting her daughter
at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Mildred
and Madge with their mother' will
spend the week-end at Omaha.
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