J iiui jiRWimnwBwm uMWjmw.m May 2, 1913W OMEN'S EDITION THE DAILY NEBRASKAN m The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRA8KA Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska Telephones: Day Omco IM888. Editor H-1518. Managing Editor D-3844 Night Omco H-4204. IJiiHiiK'HB Manager- U-1821. WOMAN'S 8TAFF Editor-in-Chief DphhIc Mason Associate Editors I.ouIho CuiUh Hvangellno Lour Winifred Seopar Mabol DaniclH Anno Wynne AUiIpMch Ruth Sheldon Suffrage Radiol KHIogg Sub-Editors Art I-Ycda Stuff ('ampus HorteiiHe Kauffman Literary Lorena Rlxby Reporters iRorna MontRoniery JcBHie HeRtliol Ethel Arnold Valeria IJonnell mmmmmmmm Vella Wolcott Subscription $2.00 per year In advance. Claire Hardin Lucy Hart Helen Drake Gertrude Scrlbner 5 cents per copy. Entered at the poBtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second claBS matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1913 The Htaff extends especial thanks to Mr. Hurhanan, Mr. Snyder and Mr. Driseoll. Without them the publish ing of a Woman's Edition would have been impossible. The persistent aim of the staff of the women's edition has been to pre sent to the University public truly and fairly, the interests of the women of the University of Nebraska. They have hoped and tried to produce a pa per which will cover these varied In terests. They have attempted to pre sent a paper that will be as nearly a normal college paper as it is possible to make it with a once a year appear ance. An issue of this kind, purpose ly covering the activities of the wo men for the year, cannot be a fair ex ample of a college paper. A staff com posed entirely of novices with no jour nalistic experience cannot hope to pre sent a typical newspaper. If they have succeeded in Retting Into definite for u few of tho interests and problems of our women, if they have awakened a serious thought for more altrusistic spirit, if they have succeeded in bringing to the atten tion of women their calling oppor tunities, their efforts to make this a woman's paper will bo rewarded. May they bo granted tolerance for their failures and for their successes the fair credit due to serious purpose and ( arnest intent. Among the organizations in Nebras ka there is in each class a small group of girls formed into a society desig nated by one of the following names: Mystic Fish, XI Delta, Silver Serpent and Black Masque. These organiza tions are self-perpetuating. The mem bers are chosen by their Immediate predecessors. These societies were organized for the purpose of promoting class spirit and general activities. It is a good thing In some instances for leadership to be centralized, and with the Idea that a few girls In close organization could better propel college interests, could act more quickly and more effec tively than larger organizations, these societies were formed. It was the aim to select representative girls who showed ability to take hold and push whatever legitimate project came within their reach. Some of these organizations, how ever, have not lived up to tho high and worthy purpose for which they were created. They have fallen Into the rut of ex isting only in and for themselves", wIITi a party or two a year and no sacri fice whatever for the college com munity. As soon as an organization does that, it is dead as far as useful ness is concerned. One reason for this falling off is the fact that the electing members have not held up, above everything else, above personal preju dice and preference, above society affil iations and tho like, the prospective qualifications as a leader. A girl may bo pleasant and agreeable and much loved and yet not possess those quali ties which make her a successful cap tain. Good, faithful soldiers are al ways a necessity, but in these particu lar organizations captains are needed. It Is hard not to show partiality in the selection of girls. It is hard for a girl to withstand tho desires and ex pectations of her Immediate friends. Hut the strongest girl will have the good of the greatest number so strong ly at heart, she will view life from such a broad horizon, that she will bo will ing to make whatever sacrifice is re quired to see the best qualified girl as her successor. Our organizations should not savor of the spoils system. Can we not put "party prejudice" aside? Now that the time is at hand for the choosing of girls for next year it is well to think of these things. Is the girl you have in mind equipped for the service Bhe is to perform? We have enough of more society in college. What wo need is conscientious, self-sacrificing push ers. Is your girl a pusher who will look unselfishly toward tho advance ment of college interests? Is she will ing to make sacrifices, or will a sunny day find her doing bench work instead of attending rallys, supporting athle tics or other all university affairs? Does she even have at heart the inter ests of her own sex? Will sho strive to obtain for women more adequate ac commodations, rest rooms, lunch rooms and other calling needs? If she is not one of those who is will ing to give of her time and of her self to better general conditions and to participate in and advance college in terests, then she is not tho girl you want. She will prove to be so much dead timber, which in tinje, will ring the death knell of your organization. Remember always, that usefulness and leadership are the two primary requi sites for tho members of these organ zations. Such organizations are an Im portant feature of our college life, and can do an inestimable amount of good if they are composed of altruBtic material. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT A Dry Editorial FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1913 Salus Populi Suprema Est Lex A larger percentage of students go from the grade schools to the high school and to the university from the "dry'' towns of Nebraska thanr from the "Hvet" towns. - Increase the enrollment at the university by increasing the number of "dry" towns. Remember alcohol kills the living and pre serves the dead, and that high balls mean low scores. Vote Against the Saloon and Its Sister-in-Law B 1 6 1 9 Office GREATER LINCOLN Phones B I 523 Treasurer ASSOCIATION B 1672 Secretary II & N Sts. Becoming Smart New Washable Dresses In A Great Variety of Styles Beautiful Lingerie Dresses, plain and Combinations. Handsome Ratine Dresses, nobbily trimmed. Fine Voile and Marquisette Dresses. German Val lace and embroidery trimmed. Priced at $3.95 $4.95 to $20. Just received the New Balkan and University Middy Blouses. The Smartest Style of the Season. Priced at $1.50. WEINBERG'S 1337 to 1343 O St. I 4 msmesmsm