The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1913, WOMEN'S EDITION, Image 11

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Muy 2, 1913
Department of Home Economics
One or the moBt enjoyablo nnd most
practical coursoB open to University
girls is that of Home Economics, often
erroneously termed Domestic Science
The Home Economics department
originated in Nebraska fifteen years
ago under the direction and supervision
of MIsb Rosa Bouton. A room was ob
tained in Mechanics Arts Hall and pro
vided with a clipboard, tables, a sink
and a stove To equip the laboratory
and buy supplies there was an appro
prlation of just fifteen dollars, which
was obtained by a loan from the de
partment of chemistry In 100G an
appropriation for the present building
at the State University Farm, was se
cured and in 1 908 the department of
Home Economics was comfortably in
stalled In new and splendidly equipped
Fifteen years ago but seventeen girih
were students In this particular branch
or universrry vronr; but today inure lhft&lub-K tn ''nllrchten the rlnb mem-
than three hundred are registered for
the course.
Originally the major part of the
students time was devoted to the cook
ing and serving Six years ago Miss
Bouton introduced the Domestic Art
Department. At that time only one
year's work in sewing was offered but
for the past three years Miss Helen
Lee Davis has been In jharge ot this
department and has developed the
course to include a study of the qual
ity and cost of the textiles In con
nection with the second year sewing
she has, this last year, added a teach
er's methods course
Other recent courses are the House
hold Administration Course and
Teachers' course in foods.
A few years ago MIbs Alice Loomis
was placed at tho head or tho Homo
Economics Department and under nor
efficient supervision many new and
valuable reatures are being intro
duced. The Household Administra
tion class Is taking particular pleas
ure this Bprlng in decorating the prac
tice dining room.
In tho food -work, special attention
Is being paid to invalid cooking and
dietary standards.
The only organization among the
girls or the Agricultural Colloge Is
that or the Household Arts Club. This
club was organized in February, 1911,
and is composed or the faculty ot the
Home Economics department nnd
twenty girls of the Junior and senior
classes who are registered in the Col
lege of Agriculture and are majoring
in Farm Economics. The purpose or
hers concerning new rood and health
problems or the day The meetings
are held once a month and whenever
possible the services or some good
lecturer are obtained. At one or the
most recent meetings Mr. Redrern,
state chemist, talked on pure roods.
Ab yet but tew or the senior girls
in the department have made final
arrangements tor next year. Dora
Kidd, '12, who has been taking post
work this year, haB accepted a posi
tion at Aurora. Miss Elvessa Stew
art, '12, or Fremont, has also been
taking post work this year, but recent
ly left school to accept a position in
the Philippine Islands. Miss Stew
art sails from San Francisco on May
Professor Sanford Presided As Toast
Master. Last Meeting To Be
Held May 13.
The annual banquet of tho Latin
Club was hold last Saturday night at
tho Llndell hotel The appointments
as well as the toast card", were ex
tremely unique. The tab.o wns dec
orated with daniodils, terns, and yol-low-Bhaded
cnndles. The place cards
enclosed In the toas' list? wero tied
with yellow ribbons Professor San
iord, as toastmaster, presided over
the following program
Ad Supera.
Hex Convlvl Pror. Sanrord.
1. Dies Lustrlcus Marjorie Wall
ner. 2. Sub Matre et Patre-r-Loien i nix-by
Literator Miss Hunter.
Orbllius PupilluB Alma Bland-
Tirocinium Alice Morgan.
G Athenaeum Grace Hanson
The last meeting or the club will be
held May 13, at the home ot Wlnnlfred
Outhouse Professor Buck and San
ford will have charge of the program.
To the Editor or The Daily Nebras
kan: May I, through you, thank the men
connected with, the editing 'Of the
women's edition? Their co-operat'on is
sincerely appreciated by every mem
ber ot the woman's staff
For the Staff.
May 2, 1913.
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Former Student Writes
of Her Work in the
Philippine Islands
"It scarcely scorns possible that moro
than half a year has passed since I
left Nebraska and that I am now en
tering upon my sixth month In tho
I shall not attempt to tell you about
the trip rrom San Francisco to Ma
nilla, more than to say that it Is a
delightful trip Honolulu is truly a
"Paradise on Earth" and Japan to
one seeing It tor tho first tlmo, Is
exceedingly Interesting.
We have been In Tacloban since tho
first ot June
Tacloban as your perhaps know Is
situated on tho east coast or Loyto.
It is surrounded on threo aides by wa
ter and is backed on the fourth sldo
by mountains. In spito of tho drought
of the paBt few months it is a pretty
place. The streets are narrow and
are made or white coral. Samar lies
just across tho channel to the east
and the northeast within plain view.
The cool sea breezes which blow
most or the time make tho climate
very agreeable. I have not known the
thermometer to register as much as
100 degrees In tho shade which Ib
quite a reller arter having experienced
the heat oT a year ago last summer
In Nebraska
Fruits such as bananas, pineapples,
various kinds or sour oranges, limes,
guavas, etc , grow here and can be
bought very cheaply. There are only
a tow vegetables such as corn, small
tomatoes, camotes (similar to sweet
potatoes), squash and egg plant.
I American vegetables are cultivated to
Have the Highest Class Millinery De
partment in Lincoln
Prices Are All Very Low, Compared
With the Quality
Millinery Buyer Has Just Re
turned from the Eastern Markets with
New Hats and New Ideas for De
signing Hats. See our mid-summer
Dress Hats
Tailored Hats
Sailor Hats
Motor Caps and Hoods
Our Stylish Coats Have No Superior
and our Suits and Dresses are the Very
4 4 4 4
Our Prices are The Lowest.
We have all of the New Colors, the
Newest Styles and the most comfortable
looking, feeling and wearing cloths.
4 4 4 4
It is a pleasure to show them even
though you do not buy.
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