The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1913, WOMEN'S EDITION, Image 1

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TWiwnM IP" m "' m i i iwMimimmi"m wpi'ifn tn wui ' .- tt7 T- ry JT."iyn ivm I ,
XTbe SDails IFlebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 137
Price, 5 Cents
Public Dancing Exhibit
t -- .'
Possess Precision, Skill, and Quick
Decision Which Rules of
Game Demand.
Special by Jennie Boghtol.
Mr. Hugh Fullerton, with the aid
of a gyroscope, two expert mathema
ticians, and a fountain pen has figured
the rate and direction in which a ball
propWletl bya portr-Bld--llUiKc---w-iH
Hard Work in Wesleyan
Game Does Not Take
"Pep" Out of Nine
After the big swatfest held
Wednesday afternoon at Wosloyan In
which the score was 14 to 6, Instead
of 13 to 6 as announced yesterday the
Varsity men took a short but peppery
practice in preparation for the two
games the end of this week. Sev
eral of the Varsity were missing from
the lineup but the old time pep was
present neverth e 1 e a s.
travel if met squarely by a bat in the
hands of a gentleman named Speaker.
But with all his reliable data at hand
no one has ever figured out just why
Merkle failed to touch second, or why
Snodgrass missed that fly. These
questions are as elusive as the age of
A great many energetic and expert
gentlemen are connected with that
branch of dramatic art which is called
baseball. Some of them actually play
the game, hurl the sphere from hand
to hand and pose for 'he Sunday pa
pers. Others own teams and blocks
of stock and transatlantic liners on
which seaworthy patrons of the game
are wont to disport themselves. A
few are called scouts These brave
fellows beat among the bushes and
seek to unear'h pitching pnrvels and
outfielders of great class. Still others
are scribes. These gentlemen possess
a fine command of English and a sense
of humor. They bruh lightly over a
bonehead throw to the wrong base
and dwell heavily on a stellar catch
In right field by Mr. Tyrus Raymond
Cobb. But the most humorous thing
they do Is to constantly refer to this
game as "Americas National Pastime,"
or "Our National Game." Unfortun
ately this Is not absolutely accurate.
It has been the pastime of the men of
America for some time, but the ladles
and girls of America have been unable
to participate. Indeed It would be
quite aB fair and just to refer to tat
ting (the alleged sphere of poor weak
woman's enjoyment) as cur national
But a few brave spirits, aware that
such privileges as ball games and bal
lots were being withheld from the de
serving, raised a hue and cry and be
gan to gradually annex these pleas
ures. Ball teams have been organized
for girls and the plan has been well
received. The style of game and some
of the equipment has been slightly al
tered, but this Is done to accommo
date the small field on which the game
Is necessarily played rather than a
lack of skill on the part of the play
ers. In spite of time worn jokes and the
funny papers, girls have proven th.Qi.i
solveB very adept at throwing a bill. A
skillful girl can field a bunt with all
the grace of Hal ChaBO himself and a
number of the local baseball squad
will hit above .300. And the players
are benefitted a great deal by their
efforts. The rules of the game de
mand precision, skill and a quick de-
Large Track Squad
Comes Out in Preparation
for Meet Tomorrow
The present fine weather is putting
the track team Into the best possible
shape. A large number were out on
the field last night and It wan duo
no doubt to the prospective track
meet which is to be held tomorrow.
At any rate there was a good llvo
spirit manifested throughout the af
ternoon's practice. This lively bunch
bid fair to bring tho Cornhusker
track team back to the old standard
which it had a couple of years ago.
(Continued on Page 2)
Harte, after his great playing the
day before took a rest and contented
himself with light practice on first
base. Flory was unable to bo out
on account of a bad foot but will get
Into the game this afternoon. Has
kell also failed to appear upon the
diamond but his place was ably filled
by Ross who has shown some little
class as third baseman.
The pitching staff which is to de
liver the goods to the University of
Omaha today and Kearney Normal to
morrow, consists of three men at the
present time, Beckoff, Rodman and
Smyrha. It Is quite probable that
Beckoff will go against the Omahans
this afternoon with either Harte or
Captain Towle behind the bat.
The hitting of the local aggrega
tion has increased preceptibly lately
as was shown by tho score card of
Wednesday's game. Flory led the
crowd with the stick, getting three
safe swats out of five times to the
plate. Haskell too, perpetrated two
safe ones out of four trips to the rub
ber and one of them was good for
lour sacks.
The Omaha unlvereslty have played
several games already this season
and the greater part of them have
been placed on tho winning column.
They have easily defeated such
teams as Bellevue, Cotner and others
of like standing. Dow, who has been
doing the hurling stunt, has a great
amount of smoke with plenty of dope
on the ball. His work against the
Bellevue aggregation was of the
league stuff.
The Kearney Normal team which Is
to take on tho Huskers Saturday at
the same time as tho big handicap
meet, have fond recollections of last
year's game and expect to mako a
much better showing. They have
not suffered defeat yet this season
except by a professional team and
that by a small score.
This week-end certainly promises to
be a taste for the one which Is to
follow next week but nevertheless is
to be a great one at that. The game
this afternoon with Omaha, the hand
icap meet tomorrow afternoon and
the Kearney -game the samo after
noon is going to get the fans In a
good mood for next week. It might
also be added that an admission fee
of 25 cents (two bits) Is going to be
charged for each day's entertainment
which is to include both the track
meet and baseball game Saturlay.
the high Jump in the lnndlcap meet
and it Is quite probable that someone
will be discovered to help Big Sov.mi
Meyers in this event tho rest of the
season. The broad Jump needs
another good man badly, although
Reese and Wherry are Jumping over
twenty feet, the aBsltanco of anoth
er man would be greatly appreciated
for then these two men could take
better care of tho sprints.
The sprinters are working ulllgent
ly on tho starts and aro getting over
I he ground faster every night. Reese
is In good shape and expects to mako
excellent tnno In Saturday's moot.
Zumwinkel is getting into better form
than he showed Saturday and has a
good chance of bringing his time
down where his record stands.
The hurdlers too aro busy prepar
ing for the speedfest tomorrow.
Quite a number of new men have en
tered these events and with tho aid
of their handicaps will give the
scratch men u good run for their
money. Roberts is getting Into shape
again after his bad fall last week.
It Is hoped that all the entries fjor
the homo meet are in by Saturday
morning sure so that the different
heats and places can bo arranged.
From the looks of the entry blank
posted in the gymnasium there will
be a faBt and interesting schedule
on Saturday afternoon.
Twenty-Five Numbers on Program
Mrs. Helms Vocal Soloist.
Tonight at the Temple theatre, tho
girls of tho Department of Physical
Education will give their first public
dancing exhibition.
The work of tho girls' dancing
Associate Editor Keeps Memento of
Cnildhood In Exchange Desk
Explanation Wanted.
We do not like to give away pro
fessional secrets, but since this Is
tho Girls' Edition, and therefore an
exception, we aro going to enlighten
the public upon some matters which
they might otherwise not hear about.
One of our worthy associate editors.
"Buster," so-called, keeps his file of
exchanges In a large drawer in our
(Notice the editorial "wo"). Whllo
looking through the file, we found
something which might be termed
"foreign substance." It was a baby's
shoe, size two, much worn and stubbed
at the toe. One might expect such an
articlo, if found in a man's desk, to
be covered with duBt Not so.
Question: How could a child's shoo
feature of the gym exhibitions, but
this the first time that tho class has
felt itself numerically strong enough
to attempt an exhibition of this work
Much of the work consists of Rus
sian dances, from the Challf school
taught by Miss Anna M. Day, who
spent the past summer In Now York,
studying with Challf. Tho dances
range from the simple "Popples," to
the intricacies o f'Tho Golden But
terfly," from tho coquettish "Village
Belle," to the stately "Greek Maidens."
Each girl in the class is required to
present, during the year, an original
dance. These dances, as dlverso In
character as the girls themselves, aro
subjected to the severest criticism of
the class Some of the ones which
have come safely through this ordeal,
are to be given public presentation to
night. The program follows:
1. , Nymphs and Fauns
Mrs. Lillian Dobbs Holms
2. Dance, Her Warrior
. . . .Annie Wynne and Ruth Davis
3. Group dance Wooden Shoo Dance
4. Village Belle Frances Tuthlll
5. Spanish Tambourine (original)
Florence Farnam
Columbine Edith Mllor
Golden Butterfly
Majrgaret Kelfer
Sailor's Hornpipe Edith Shank
Polka Miniature Vlasta Sterba
10. Group Dance, Green Maidens
Playing Ball.
11. Moon Moths (original) ....
Ruth Davis
Throwing Kisses (original).
Frances Tuthlll
La Terla Florence Farnam
14. Tho Firefly (original)
Annie Wynne
15. Moonbeams (original)
Helen Randall
16. Furlana Ruth Sheldon
17. Greek Reverie (original)...
Gertrude Van Drlel
Woodland Play (original) . . .
Ethel Johnson
Group Dance, Czardas.
Bluetto Polka Ruth Fitch
21. Gypsy Camp Amy Garner
22. Group Dance, Russian Wedding
23. Popples Hazel Allen
24. Spirit of Spring
Magdaline Whltely
25. Group Dances, Hyacinth.
The Cornhusker
Tickets may be obtained at the desk
wander Into the desk of an associate
I audiences home." California Pelican. I in the Temple, 25c