1 A TI1B DAILY 1EBBA8KAS THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRA8KA. Offloo Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebraska Telephones: Day Office D-1888. Editor D-1B18. Mnnaglng Editor B-3844 Night Omco 11-4204. UuHlnoHS Manager B-1821. Editorial 8taff: EdItor-ln-Chlef Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON, C. NEIL BROWN Homor Phillips R. F. Lyman Scribes: Clarence. Speir Kred N Wells I K. Frost E. M. Kadleck 8oclety Reporters: Olairo Hardin Winifred Seeger Ilortenso Kauffman Business Staff: Ethel Arnold Ruth Squires Manager C. C. Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Driscoll Circulation Manager T. Erlo Keefer Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. 5 cents per copy. Entered at tho postolllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1913 tli " " FUSSING VS. BASEBALL... The hnsehnll sharks are revelling in the sunshine and loudly exclaiming tho joy they feel now that the ideal weath er for national pastlming is here. Tho game is enlisting new followers dally and you can hear fanning bees on every side. But in the meantime the fusser is hard at work, this is his ideal weather, too, and lie wastes no time taking ad vantage of it. You see him early in the morning strolling to school with some fair co-ed. Between classes h" stands at the door of the library or Unl hall and awaits some other fair one who will walk with him during the next hour. In tho afternoon he Bits under the trees or on tho new stone bench and with an innocent expres sion on his face and one of tliOBO I'm gono looks In his eyes tells some deep ly Interested damsel wonderful lies. This is truly tho open season for fussing and tliose who pride them selves on being an adept in tho gentle art are not letting tho hours of buii Bhlne slip past them finding them idle. mathiiLUinatic problem should wrinkle liis brow and remark, "I have encoun tered nn obstacle," when it is much shorter and more expressive to say, "I'm up against it," but say, folks, wouldn't life be just as happy if we talked English? C. H. Frey, UniverBity florist, 1133 0 Bt. CLASSIFIED COLUMN WILL the girl who took a dark blue raincoat from tho girls' gym cloak room please return it. 4-26 4-26 LADY STUDENTS desiring good pay ing position during summer months will apply to MIbb Cass in writing or in person, Monday and Tuesday, 445 No. 13th St. L-7124. 4-26-3t NOTICE For classy finishing see Frederick Macdonald. Auto phone B-3368. Tho Know How Photographer. LOST AND FOUND. Dr. Alldrltt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg. "SLANG." When I first came to college (pardon a personal reference, as the lecturers Bay), I thought it encumbent upon me to rid my speech of as much slang as possible. But lo, soon found that to be r member In good stRiuling one must know how to sling slang on all occasions, at all times (except when writing a rhetoric theme). Methinks that could Noah Webster come to earth again and visit one of our colleges ho would stand appalled, and sigh, "Alas' Has America developed r new language so soon?" And the good man would really believe that his Immor tal dictionary was entirely obsolete. Now, I am not advocating that any student, when he comes to a difficult LOST A fraternity pin, name and date on back. Return to Rag office. Reward. 4-29-3t LOST A garnet pin on S street be tween 15th and tho University, on the campus. Leave at Registrar's. 4-29-lt FOUND A leather purse containing several dollars in money and several checks. Owner can have same by identifying and paying for this ad. 4-26-3t LOST A class scarf pin with C. R., '12 on it. Please return to this office. 4-22-3t LOST A lavalier Friday night. Re turn to this office. Reward 3t SALESMEN WANTED. AGENTS WANTED Uso your leisure time and earn $4.00-10.00 per day; out fit In pocket sample case; details sent upon application. Clinton Mfg. Co., Clinton Bldg., Columbus, O. 4-29-4t THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Three-year course leading to degree of Doctor of Law (J. D.), which, by the Quarter system, maybe completed in two ana one-fourth calendar years College education required (or regular admission, one year of law being counted toward college degree Law library of 38,000 volumes The ummer Quarter offers special opportuni ties to students, teachers and practitioners. Firat term 1913, June 16-JuIy 23 Second term July 24 August 29 Courses open in all Departments of the Univer sity during the Summer Quarter For Announcement address DEAN OF LAW SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO DO YOU INTEND TO STUDY MEDICINE ? Rush Medical College In Affiliation With The University of Chicago Offers a cource of four years leading to the degree of M D. Also a fifth-hospi tal year: REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Two years of college work. Advanced and Research Courses in all Departments. Address Dean of the Medical Courses THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO Are You Going East or West This Summer See the Round Trip Rates COMMENCING JUNE 1ST, 1913 Denver, Col $17.50 Colorado Spring 17.50 Pueblo 17.50 Minneapolis and St. Paul Minn. 16.20 Deadwood, S. I) 17.85 Hot Springs, S. D 14.85 Cody, Wyo 32.00 Sheridan, Wyo 24.85 Thermopolis, Wyo 32.00 Salt Lake and Ogden Utah.. 30.50 Return limit on the above points Oct. 31st. Yellowstone Park via Gardner or Yelowstone, Mont 32.00 June 11th to Sept. 11th; return limit Oct. 31. GLACIER NATIONAL Park.. 35.00 Short Limit 52.70 46.05 Long Limit. Fox Lake, 111 $22.70 Par Harbor, Me 67.20 Portland, Me 60.20 PoHton, Mass 60.20 Detroit, Mich 33.20 Petoskey, Mich 36.94 St. Joseph, Mich 25.80 Asbury Park, N. J 56.70 Lour Peach, N. J 56.70 Atlantic City, N. J... . 57.20 Cape May, N. J 57.20 JJf!aLQ,i X. - -41.70 35JQ- Niagara Falls, N. Y.... 41.70 35.70 New York, N. Y Kingston, Out 51.80 Toronto, Ont 43.65 Montreal, Que 52.20 Burlington, Vt 59.70 Geneva Lake, Wis 27.70 Waukesha, Wis 22.70 Milwaukee, Wis 22.70 45.70 45.70 47.80 47.80 45.70 37.20 33.30 38.70 42.80 Ask About Stopovers and Rates to Many Other Points FROM LINCOLN Dates of Sale TO SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES, SAN DIAGO. Special Dates: June 30 to July 7, Aug. 22 to 29 ROUND TRIP RATES $55 Daily June 1st to September '3), Limit October 31st $60 TO PORTLAND, SEATTLE, TACOMA TANCOUNHR Special Dates: June 1st to 4th June 22d to 29 July 8th to 11 $55 Daily June 1st to September 30, Limit. October 31st $60 $17.50 higher to Include Califor Write for Literature About G Park Booklet, Summer Tours to Burlington Route. 13th an nla, Portland and Seattle, lacier Park, Yelowstone National the Pacific Coast, etc. G. W. BONNELL, City Passenger Agent, d O streets. Lincoln, Nebraska We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re-FRESHMENTSinthecity Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c $ etrtih cur. T vla 47 fr j:ii:iiiw-ihjrm. -m. yjm .m.Ji The: University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information co WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and R Sts J