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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1913)
v Xlbe S)ath IFlebrasfcan Vol. XII. No. 133 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1913 Price, 5 Cents . MEDICS BURST FORTH DOCTORS CHAFING OVER INAC TIVITY PREPARE TO STARTLE OTHER DEPARTMENTS. WILL INDULGE IN GALA WEEK Picnic arid Dancing Party, Omaha Trip and Other Events in Prospect State Board Examination a Feature. Not to be outdone by the ags, en gineers, and other department roist erers of the Univorsity who persist In appropriating perfectly Rood weeks to hold nefarious orgies for displaying their own genius, the medics will at tempt next week to surpnBs all previ ous offenders. No more will the aus tere disciples of Hippocrates be con sidered "dead ones" by supercilious members of other departments. Weary of the drudgery of studying occipital bones and freak femurs, and nauseated with the reeking odor of formaldehyde the medics will seek rest and recreation under the open sky. Each Btalwart male may have to pro tect a shrinking member of the oppo site sex from a grinning skeleton leer ing at her from some dark corner, for the men of medicine in their haste to depart from the campus may leave a portion of their anatomical studies be hind them. The gala week of the doctors begins with Tuesday as they feel that at least one day of tho week must not be Bluffed. On this eventful Tuesday, then, they will assume the responsi bility of taking charge of the "Rag" in order that their doings will be correct ly chronicled. Tho committee in committee in charge of the medical bulletin will bo "Sawbones" Moser, "Laughing Gas" Munger, "Hat" Orvls, "Bess" Mason, and "Doc" Sage. Some prominent medical authority, whose name at present cannot be divulged will address the aggregation at con vocation. The state board examination will bo taken on Wednesday as it Is believed that this ghastly day Bhould be a part of a "sure nuff" medic week. To lift the depressing gloom produced by this event Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott have char tered Capital Beach for Thursday and have Invited tho entire bunch of medics to a party at this pleasure re sort. Friday is the day of the annual pic nic, and a big picnic dinner will be held at noon which is assuredly suc cessful with these epicures. Green burg, Ruth Warner and Young in charge of the repast. In the afternoon various formB of athletics will be In dulged in to determine the relative strength of different pairs of biceps. All classes are urged to get busy and arrange the various athletic events for the occasion. Reports should be made before May 9 to Sidney Reese, chair man of the committee, Heine or Boli baugh. The emblem worn for tho week will be felt arm bands with white field, and (Continued on Page Four) Many Local Men Plan to Go to Estes Park Y. M. C. A. Summer Conference A large delegation of Nebraska men are going out to the Estes Park con ference to bo held as soon as school cIohgb. This Is the annual conference of the Y. M. ('. A.'h of the colleges .and universities of the middle west. Other conferences in the east are to be hold at Lake Geneva, Lake Mo hawk, and Silver Bay, New York. Un til ruUyJLhiiJiiiddjejveHt confer- once has boon hold at Cascade, Colo. Kates Park Is considered in every way more beautiful than Cascade in re gard to location and scenery. Every summer, at theBe conferences, loaders in college and university ac tivities, athletes, debaters, and all around students gather for ten days of study, recreation, and fellowship. Tho forenoons are given over to study periods and the afternoons to baseball, tennis, fishing, and mountain hikes. The evenings are given over to the discussion of the life work of college men. The leaders are men of international repute. College men who have attended these conferences say they are worth aB much as a year of college life. GIRLS' CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Large Vote Comes Out for Annual Selection From Four Classes. At the Girls' club election held yes terday In University Hall a vote of over 125 was polled. The following officers were elected: Mabel Daniels, president; Bess Rogers, vice presi dent; Lorena Bixby, secretary; Louise Brownell, treasurer. The board mem bers elected from the junior class were: Elizabeth Hyde, Marion Pettis, Bertha Weiss; from tho sophomores: Esther Bennett, Winifred Seeger, Freda Stuff; from the freshman: Jean nett Finney, Doris Slater, Frances Young. Notice. All members of the PerBhing RifleB who wish to attend tho Pershing en campment May 30, Juno 1 must be present at tho meeting Thursday night, May 1, 7:15 at tho Armory. C. K. PAINE, Captain. Meeting senior hop committee today M. A. 205, 11:00. II. II. Harmon, class 1913, captain of Company C and a member of Alhpha Sigma Phi withdraws from school to day to accept a position with Mumn Relse Construction company at Perry, Kans. fr Battalion Butts Manual will Jt be the order of the day in the - military department today and tomorrow on the campus. Claude Mitchell Takes Examination for Degree of Ph. D. Claude Mitchell, A B. '10, A.M., '11, who is an Instructor in the zoology de partment, took an examination for the degree of doctor of philosophy last Thursday, passing the examination with high honors. Tho examining board consisted of Dr. J. II. Powers, Dr. R. H. Wolcott, Dr. R. A. Lyman. Dr. F. D Barker, Dr. Gunther, Dr. K. M. Wilcox. rfrr-M lttimil-nijwlaiihiuunjoJgyhlH minor subject, and the subject of his thesis for graduation was "Sex Deter mination of the Rotifer (ABplanchna Amphora)." In the celebration of tho fact that ho had successfully passed the difficult examination tho new Ph. D. purchased a new hat, which he laughingly told a Nebraskan reporter Is a size larger than ho Ib accustomed to wear upon his bulging "dome." Creighton Tennis Match Scheduled for Week From Next Saturday The tennis enthusiasts have been practicing diligently In preparation for tho dual tennis meet with Creighton University a week from Saturday. Four men from each school will conteBt for supremacy on the chalked courts. Tho tournament will consist of four sets of singles and two of doubles. Those taking part for Nebraska will prob ably be Williams, Meyer, Sussman and Gardner all of whom were win ners in last fall's tournament. About tho middle of next month will be held another school tournament to deter mine the squad which will enter the Missouri Valley tournament. GOV. INSPECTION MAY 12 Annual Event in Military Department Scheduled Soon Compet May 29. Captain Bowman has announced May 29 as the date of the annual mili tary competitive drill. On this date, which constitutes the end of drill year there will be held on the athletic field regimental parade, competitive drill between the companies and in dividual competitive drill. The win ning company and individual In each contest will receive loving cups. Government inspection wllL be hold May 12. Captain William H. Ray mond of tho general staff of the Unit ed States Army will be the inspecting officer. The Tegner Society meets next Sat urday evening at 8:15 in Faculty hall, University Temple. Rev. E. G. Knock will give the talk which he was un able to give at the last meeting. Im portant business is to be transacted at this meeting bo that all members should make it a point to be present. All Scandinavians cordially invited. WOULD TEACH "WONDER" PROFESSOR C. J. KEY8ER OF THE COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY 8PEAKS. DO NOT STUDY TO EARN MONEY Tells Student Audience That Highest Purpose of University Is to Arous Curiosity Not Give Knowledge. Professor C. J. Keysor of tho illilthematioH department of Columbia Univorsity spoke at 'ho rogulaflOT vocation hour Tuesday morning, chooHlng as his subject "Wonder." Ho said universities and colleges wero founded not for the purpose of pro viding young men a chance to earn their bread and butter, but for arous ing and gratifying their sobc of curi osity and wonder. "It Is a mistake," he said, "to bo too much of a hurry to preparo ono's self for the avocations or life." "Go to the university In order to develop your wonder. Knowledge is a good thing In Itself, and Bhould not bo Bought after for the mere sako of tho thing." Professor Keyser Is an easy speaker and though he delivered an impromptu speech he held the closest attention of his audlenco for the full half hour. SENIORS SILENT ABOUT DOINGS Do Not Allow Particulars of Meeting Yesterday to Get to Ears of General Public. The seniors held a very well at tended class meeting yesterday morn ing in Memorial hall. It Is reported that nearly every senior was presont but nothing definite could be learned. Reports by the various committee chairmen wero listened to after which President Wenstrand gave a little talk to the class on their duties prepara tory to graduation. German Dramatic Club Tryouts. Tryouts for the German Dramatic club will bo held in the Temple in Faculty Hall Wednesday evening, April 30, 1913, at 7:30. The Camp Fire Girls will meet Wed nesday afternon at 5 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Dr. Harry Manter of Lodge Pole visited at the Phi Rho Sigma house last week. Dr. Manter Is a brother of Edna C. Manter of tho zoology de partment. Two bulletins of special Importance to the agricultural interests of the state have recently been published by the experiment station at the Univer sity Farm. Bulletin No. 134 by Pro fessor Wilcox describes the treatment of dry rot in potatoes, while a second one number 12 by Professor Cooper covers the points Of selection of ground, selection of seed, and cultiva tion. The bulletins are sent free on request by the experiment station. '. I : I m r- " '.' l .l ' I fc r-'-t-f v -