The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1913, Image 1

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    TLhe S)atl IFlebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 133
Railroad Fare and Entire Expenses
Need Not Exceed Five Dolla
Excuses Granted Those
Taking Trip.
Tho college of engineering of the
-University -af-JSghraaka will conduct
an engineering Inspection trip to Om
aha on May 2 and 3, 1913. The fol
lowing plants and works will be vis
ited: The electric generating plant of the
Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Rail
way Company. The South Omaha sub
station of the Omaha and Council
Bluffs Street Railway company. Tho
Electric Generating Plant of the Om
aha Electric Light and Power com
pany. The railway repair snops oi uiu
Union Pacific It. R. Co. Tho McKeen
Motor Car Works. Tho refining plant
of the American Smelting and Refining
Co. The water works of the City of
Omaha, at Florence. The Omaha Gas
company's plant. Bennett's gas engine
driven electric plant. And others.
The railroad fare will bo $2.20, the
cost of four meals will not exceed
$1.20 and the one night's lodging $1.00
or $1 50 according to accommodations.
The total cost need not exceed $5.
This inspection trip is offered by the
college of engineering for the purpose
of affording the student in this col
lege the opportunity of seeing tho ap
plication of engineering principles to
industrial purposes. It is considered
valuable from an educational stand
point, and hence, all students who
take this trip will be excused from
their classes on the two days re
quired. It will be necessary for each
student to remain with, the inspecting
party for the entire time from Friday
morning to Saturday night, In order
to obtain the dean's excuse.
The officers of the companies whose
plants will be visited have In each
caBe extended a very cordial invitation
to all students interested.
For the purpose of making the nec
essary arrangements everyone who In
tends to be a member of the ispectnlon
party will signify his purpose by sign
ing the roll in the office of the dean
of tho college of engineering, M. A.
A small booklet describing the
plants to be visited will be placed In
the hands of the members of the In
specting party. This booklet will
Berve as a note book and as a manual
for the trip.
The details of the Inspection trip
ard in the hands of a committee from
the engineering faculty consisting of
the following: V. L. Hollister, chair
man; C. L, Dean, J. N. Bridgeman,
L. F. Beaton.
Mandolin Club will meet in the
Temple this evening at 7 o'clock. Im
portant. All members out.
Ames Takes Closely
Fought Track Meet by
FasWork in Relay Race
By a score of (0 to F4, Nebraska lost
the first dual meet of the year to the
Iowa State College last Saturday in
a fiercely contested meet, which was
not decided until the relay was over.
Nebraska took the first event In the
slow time of 10 4-5 and there never
was any time more than 8 or 10
Luoiiita difference between tho two
teams and the result of the meet re
mained in doubt until the last event
was run.
In the half mile relay the Ames quar
tet had a comparatively easy time al
though the Nebraska team made a
good showing. The Ames team led
from the start and never were headed.
The mile relay was a little different
race and very warmly contested. Zum
winkel led the race for the first
quarter with Bates and Racely retain
ing the lead, but Beaver was unable
to keep the lead from Crawford the
fast quarter-mller, who broke the tape
two feet ahead of tho Cornhusker
The two teams were very evenly
matched for Nebraska took Beven
firsts, Ames secured the Bame number.
Ames took Beven second places and
the Cornhuskers five. By securing the
two relays the Aggie aggregation won
the meet but if they had lost either
one of them they would have lost by
one point.
Summary of events is as follows:
100-yard dash Reese, Nebraska,
first; Dickinson, Ames, second. Time,
10 4-5.
120-yard hurdles Lindstrum, Ne
braska, flrBt; Oarst, Ames, second.
Time, 17 4-5.
Half-mile run Manlng, Ames, first;
Goetz, Nebraska, second. Time 2:04 4-5.
220-yard dash Dickinson, Ames,
first; Ka'ser, Ames, second. Time,
23 3-5.
High Jump Meier, Nebraska and
Crawford, Ames, tied for flrBt. Height,
Mile race Snyder, Ames, first; An
derson, Nebraska, second. Time,
4:39 2-5.
Shot put Meier, Nebraska, first;
Ross, Nebraska, second. Distance, 37.3.
220-yard hurdles Rodgers, Ames,
first; Gross, Nebraska, second. Time,
28 2-5.
Pole vault Reavla, Nebraska, first;
Lindstrum, Nebraska, second. Height,
Broad jump Reese, Nebraska, first;
Moad, Ames, second. Distance, 20 : 10
440-yard dash Crawford, Ames,
first; Wilson, Ames, Becond. Time :54.
Two-mile run McMasters, Nebras
ka, first; McWhorter, Ames, second;
Time, 10:32 3-5.
Discus Meier, Nebraska, first;
Johnson Ames, second. Distance,
Half-mile relay Ames (Dickenson,
Kaiser, Iverson and Clutter), first; Ne-
(Continued on Page Three)
Preparations for
Debates Being Made
Preparations for Nebraska's inter
oollegiate debate next December are
beginning. The five questions pro
posed by the five members of the
Central Debating League were an
nounced yesterday. Tho questions
are published in full below.
It i.s very probable that In a few
weeks try-outs will bo held for tho
Tirnpnn-i TiiTefconegraTe" -nmnmngi
squad. It has been found mpro suc
cessful to begin the exhaustive prep
aration for the great and only for
ensic contest of opposing universi
ties In the year before the summer
vacation. The debaters find It easier
to take hold of the work in Septem
ber when the main stakeB for the
great conflict of wits aro sot in May.
Hero follows the great bones of con
tention over which tho competing uni
versities of the league prefer to
(1) By Nebraska.
"Resolved, That tho policy of rog
ulatlng trusts is preferable to tho
policy of dissolving them."
(2) By Iowa.
"Resolved, That the United StateB
should relinquish all control over the
Philippines, guaranteeing independ
ence, constitutionality granted of
(3) By Minnesota.
"Resolved, That immigration into
this country uhould bo further re
stricted by meanB of a literacy test."
(4) By Wisconsin.
"ResolVed, That Congress Bhould
pass a law similar to the Canadian
industrial disputes act of 1907, consti
tutionality conceded."
(5) By Illinois.
"Resolved, That American coast
wise ships should be required to pay
tolls for the use of tho Panama
Nebraska's Choice of the Questions.
In deciding its order of preference,
the Nebraska debating board would
like to have the composite Judgment
of persona interested members of the
faculty and students. Notes may be
left at 206 University Hall.
The annual banquet of Alpha Chi
Omega Saturday night. The fol
lowing alumnae who are back: Inez
Thomas, Lucile Hudson, Beulah Jen
nings, Ruth Walker, Mabel "McDowell,
Reva Rusell, Hazel Teeter, Dale Pugh,
Julia Solomon, Maudellne BenniBon,
Minine Stalder, Mabel Doran, Mrs. Nell
Whltmore Johnson, Mrs. Marion Whit
more Webster.Mrs. Hazel Mann Mc
Dowell, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Vera Cox Bav
enger. Floyd W. Gall, "11, A. M. '12, who is
botany instructor in the Lincoln High
School at the present time, haB re
signed to take up a professorship at
Ohio Wesleyan University.
Price, 5 Cents
Graduate Foresters
To Go to Missouri
For Thesis Material
Professor Morrill of tho foreHtry de
partment who has boon for tho past
week in MIhhouiI will return Wednes
day. Tho object of tho trip was to
look over tho timber land of J. B.
White to determine a suitable location
for the graduate students In fores
try to carry on their management
"Tlie Tor es t e r swliofTrwTyrWngTrpr
on the theses for their masters' de
grees will make the trip into Mis
souri to collect data at once. Thoro
are only a few working upon this sub
ject of management of tlmberlands,
about six In all who will tako up tho
work In Missouri.
Cases of
Diphtheria Connected
With University
The city health authorities have
succeeded In checking the diphtheria
plague to such extent that but four
new cases were reported yesterday,
in addition to the four cases pub
lished Sunday.
Some eight of the cases of quar
antine bo far registered in tho ofllco
of tho health officer have affected
persons connected with the Univer
sity. The homeB of Edith Allen,
Harley Brown, Wlllard EolBom, Her
bert Bushnell, Elizabeth Black, and
Helen Hall have been placed under
reBtrlctlon, although not all of tho
students named have not been con
fined by such. The wife of Profes
sor Lawrence Fossler has been taken
down with the disease and two daugh
ters of Professor C. A. Bobbins aro
taken down with the disease,
the homes of both being under quar
antine. Seventy-one cases make up
tho total list of quarantine in the
Agricultural Students
Offered Jobs With Salaries
of $2,000 to $2,400
Within the last three days, opportun
ities have come to place three men in
Agriculture in thre different states at
salaries varying from $2,000 to $2,400.
An extension man is needed in Mis
souri where a maximum salary of $2,
000 can be paid. A professor of dairy
ing is wanted In Oregon at a salary
of from $2,000 to $2,500. A professor
of Agronomy Is wanted In Nevada at a
maximum salary of $2,400. These let
ters indicate the demand for efficient
men in all agricultural lines, and
should encourage young men who de
Blre such positions to specialize in
some line of Agriculture.