THE DAILY UHRA8KAN The Daily Nebraska n PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRASKA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebrasska Telephones: Dny onicc IM888. Editor -B 1518. Managing Editor B-3844 Night--Oirjce IM201. HiiBinoHH Mnnngor H-1821. Editorial 8taff: Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON, C. NEIL BROWN R. F. Lyman Homer Phillips 8crlbes: Clarence Spolr Kred R. WoIIb Howard It. Blttlngor 8oclcty Reporters: Claire Har"din Winifred Soegcr Hortenso Knuffman Business 8taff: Manager C. C. Buchanan ABHistant Manager J. L. Drlscoll Circulation Manager T. Erie Keefer I. K. Frost E. M. Kadleck Ethel Arnold Ruth Squires SubBcrlptlon $2 00 per year In advance. R cents per copy. Entered at tho pofltofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. "College Shoes for College Men" This is the Bootery's Spring and Summer--- "DORKING" A New, Snappy English "Tan" for Men. Made latest British toe- flat shank "Quaker" heels. The Summer "Dorking" goes good with English logs "Swagger" effect. Look up the "Dorking," soon, sir! MEN'S BOOTERY .- 1 $5 FR1 fWrV AFK-I Ir-iir-MU CALENDAR. Krida. April LTr KosiiH't Klul) Production "The .Matchmakers." Mpha Oniricon l'i -Annual Manqncl Mpha eta Dancing Tarty- Frater nity Hall I Mi 1 Delta Chi House Party. Sattmla. April lit!: Mpha ('In Onieuii Annual Banquet Mpha O'liricon Pi Formal Party. Nu Sigma N'u Dancing Party Music Hall Phi Delta Tlu'ta House lui Sigma Alpha Kpsilon House I ' ; 1 1 1 Kappa Sigma Dancing l'ait Fol soin Hall. Sigma Nu Danc-ing Paii Hall. Kciarnes (Muh .M"cting. (Jerinan (Muh Meeting Ag (Muh Meeting. hankinpt d.ince resting heavily on their shoulders, have found willing hands to aid them in the persons ol nine en ten who nohlj subscribed tlieii willing, responsible and reliable sig natures to the junior resolutions ol succor These aie onl a few of the many results our changed point of view on extravagance Man achieved (Ioc: work, boys The best ou could possibly do for vour ITiu er it v The licst way to boost tin- I'lihcisitv is to boost its good name its moial depend ! a bilit , its linaiu li i iiiimss .ind liar i actc-i Individuaiity Plus Tailoring Worth PROGRESS WITH RESULTS. Seinlinent for gi eater economy is increasing. The classes are paving their debts. The financial leliabilitv of students Is (inner today than at ntiv time during the last two years of hn pecunlous, dissolute and reckless class management. And, better still, the student conscience is clear. Patiiots, wot thy the task ol con verting oui changed sentiment in'o results, have not been wanting Messrs Sweeley and Dawson, them selves enmeshed in the deficit ol th late Cotillion, have lovallv come to the rescue by attaching to claims against the class theii own peisonal liability. 'I lie senior law class, undei the leadership of their unproclaimec1 but ellicieiit h'-i'oe s. have- voted to as sess them.-ehes out ol (lie nolo A senior coiiiinitiee, composed ol men whose names we do not have but who have lelt the weight ol e-lass embar lassinent and have unselfishly sboul tlered it. base agrt i-ti to stand good ior a senioi benelit dance at Cap'.iol Beach. Finally, tb juniois, with tin burden of a baukiupl plaj and a I THE AWFUL NUMBER. alsli t (Mialiug nude? c-ompe I ition luinished thein by oui distinguislieil toi t niglitlv c ontempoiai v , tile gn-aiei pail ol the .t ii H bioko loidi witli a veliow mini Iter that was "Awlul " While our staf! penniis us to state liv way of explana ion tliat we did not pioduce a singli line ol the alleged awlulness, they have lorbidilen ib to discuss its merits The "Awful Number" was our irst, and will be our only, unlncuin hered concession of character to them Let it be said, however, to the staff's eternal credit, honor and glory, that the "Awful number" was the most widely read and the most heartily 'ii- i joyed ot any that have so far been produced In tact, there is only one 'disappointing leature about the el I low number, and that is that the Ne biaskan has long been mistaken as to tin- kind ol newspaper literature a col leue commuuit) appieciates. We have , blindlv supposed that the average stu dent was eager and thirsty for the n, Bed serious truth We have stub bornly maintained that the Jlimsier less intelligible brand ol expressions weii- genernllv avoided b the llniver sitv leader But the success of pub licalions devoted exclusively to aw luliiess is dis' re ssingly against us; is com lusive of the increased eagerness I lave you ordered Jyour Sum mer suit? Do you know which are approved fabric designs and what is considered cor rect style? It will be a real pleasure for you to At .- it A A " - )m iM t ' M MM r VML 1 'It I V 1 1 I I, in Million S irlu -uk Visit Our Shop andjnspect the handsome array of exclusive patterns that discriminating dressers are wearing. We'll show you clothes you are worthy of wearing and the cost will appeal to you favorably. C. L. Anderson Tailoring Company FINE TAILORING 143 South 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. Continued on Page 4.) TAN BOOTS WHITE BUCK BOTH HIGH AND LOW BUTTONS. $6.00 SIIOKS I SELL FOR 2.95 BUDD :: 1413 O :: Up Stairs Mv i CHARMING MISS FRANCES STARR Who comes in David production and original Now York Company "The Case of Becky" at the Oliver, Saturday Matinee and Night A V s