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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1913)
be H)atl IFlebrashan Vol. XII. No. 131 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1913 Price, 5 Cents I PUNNING FOR IVY DAY SENIORS MAKE PREPARATIONS FOR GALA DAY OF YEAR FOR CLASS GOING OUT. MUCH INTEREST EVIDENCED Nearly Every Organization in School to Have Some in Events of the Day According to Chairman. I dii, the one da ol the jeai de Tumi r'nrtnTtyTrr-rhp PTrnrrrr, ntmreTr this vein on Wednesda.v Hie 21st of M:u Wliilr tliis du is set aside and class - ue used in honni ol tile gi.iduat ing '-Indents, oveiv one takes a pait in the (ei(ises and the three lew ci (lasses (clehiate togethei with tlicii elders llnrrj Cotton, chair man ol the senioi coinniitle' and in dncct chaige ol the exeicises, has piepaied a lis) ot noel and oiiginal stunls su)ileinejit,ii to the tiadi tional piogiani of the holidav NiMih ei oi ion in Hiding the hand, Clee luh, Spikes Sphinx, Inno( iit1-. l!la k Masque, and ollwis an piep.uing then individual part ol the ptogi.ini and pioinisc lliat it will he Uie hesl and most elahoi.itc 'ei piesinti'd to the Univ el sll v student- 'I lie lull list of events will not be divulged as v e' but it is known that in addition to the planting ot the I 1 Will WeiiHtiand, and the Ivy tla oiation bv Otto Sinkie, athletics will plav :'ii linpoitant pait in the iitei laininent The piogiani iH di vided into thiee parts, including the formal exercises in the morning, the athletics and s'unts ut the State Farm in the afternoon, and the lunch and Dramatic club play in the evening Clarence W. Harvey in Collision With Fountain, But Injured Only Slightly 'la i in i av in' llai e , 21.'..") South Thn teenth stiet, a sophoinoie in the I'niveisitv and a member ol Delta Tan Delta liatemitv met with an ac cident Wednesda.v evening at 10 o'clock which might have resulted much more seriously when he crashed the auto mobile, which he wub driving, into Thompson Fountain at Eleventh and II streets Very slight injuries were suf feied The machine was going at a speed of twenty miles an hour, according to Harey but the slippery pavement re tlected the light from the arc directly above into his eyes and made him lose contiol of the automobile The front of the machine was badly twisted out of shape by the impact. Three weeks ago a more serious acci dent occurred at this place when John Miller was killed following a fast ride after a rainy evening such as Wednesday. The Tact that this first ac cident knocked over the main figures of the fountain was one cause of the latter affair as the fountain now lacks its most conspicuous piece Kosmet Klub Holds Boards Tonight at Oliver With "The Match Makers" Tonight in the Oliver theatie the Kosmet Klub annual production "The Matchmakeis" will occupy the boaids in presenting to the University pub lie- one ot the most interesting plas ever given at Nebraska Last vein (lie Kosmet Klub produced its Hist rToTTTTco"pera, Which proved OnP of TtTF biggesl (hawing (aids ot 'he veai and packed tin Oliver theatie to the dooi- Tin eltoil that i1- being put in tonight 's opei a the sti enuous ( oac h ing that has been pi ad iced lor weeks bv those in charge the patient prac tice and constant intetest shown b.v the cast, and the natuial talent that formed the basis for the discriminate selection ot the personnel combine to make "The Matchmakers" a hit that will have but a verv slight visible touch of the amateur The music wiitten by Miss Watkins for the comedy is of such a popular natuii that the music has already seeped out thiough the medium of Ihosi who .ue able to play bv ear and has iieatecl a veiv favorable impres sion on impioinptu audiences Re heal sals have been held in the Tem ple ev( ry night for several weeks past with a double lehearsal on Saturday, 1 and drilling and criticising ot the woik of the cast has been seveie and gruelling. The head coach of the ic hearsals lnu let slip no opportunity to instill interest and life into everj line and action, and spirit and enthusiasm have been the kevnote ol cvfv re heaisal The plot and setting of the "The Matchmakeis" aie of such nature as to be of appealing inteiest to college people The hero of the pla is a llaivaid student and his escapades as impersonating unintentionally a college professor and attempting to take the place of the latter in de luding a lecture on ail to a fash ionable audience produce laughable situation!-, of which the author has taken lull advantage to make comic interest Tickets have been on sale for a Week at the Oliver box office Three priceb 25c, 50c and $1.00 aro being charged for seats and it is said that the sale has already been so large as to indicate a full house. SENIOR HOP COMMENCEMENT Combine d senior hop and masquer ade tickets are now on sale. The dance will be held at Capital Reach, Maj 2(i Tickets are limited to 108 and are to be sold at $1.25 each As the dance conies the night before Ivy day, they are going fast and you'll have to speak early if you want one They are on sale with R. E. Smith. C. Radcliff, Merle Howard, Frank Long and II Birmingham. H. K SMITH, CLAYTON RADCLIFF, Chairmen. Cornhusker Sells Out All of First Order-Will Attempt to Get More This .vein s sale of Cornhuskcis was a recoi d bi eakei Fai more than ever belore, lai moie than had been ex pected, the l!U.! annuals went like hot cakes On the campus alone i)27 books w eie sold to students To give exact figuies, ,'!)2 cloth bound books and 5.15 leathei bound hooks weieoideied Besides, 200 were sold to (he t nlveisit) and 50 went to advance mail oideis I'racticall !H)0 leathei bound hooks were oidered Only 5011 leathei hound books had been ordered ol the printeis, and it was necesai to telegiaph the pnntei at once for a change in the ordeis The bad weather Wednesday ?indoubtedl prevented many students tiom pur chasing, for all da.v long there weie inquiries in the office of Husm ss Man ager, as to whether or not moie would he oideied Hovvevei, the entire edi tion was sold, and all oideis were l el used Ktloits aie being made to have piinl id 5d() extia nuinbeiH It is feared, howevei, that this cannot lie done Seveial sections have alieadv been punted, and if the foi ms haw been biokc n thev could not again beset up except at a veiv heavy expense As has often been stated in the Dally Ne bi.iskan, it costs almost $.', apiece just to print and bind a book in cloth, and the sale of moie books at the pi ice of $2 and $2 50 was not a inone.v making imposition from the Cornhusker's standpoint In a dnj or two it will be known whether more can be obtained at a price which will enable more books to he sold for the rock-bottom prices sub sciibers have just paid. If more can be obtained, then another oppoi (unity will be given to those who have not al ieadv subset ibed In the meantime, positivelv no oideis will be taken Company "E" Wins Gompetj Drill at Farm Yesterday Afternoon Military activities ceased at the State Farm yesterday when the an nual competitive drill took place in the second regiment. On account of the disagreeable weather there was a smaller crowd than usual. The con test among the companies ended with "E" first, "I" and "L" and "d" "V" and "II" third fourth and fifth respec tively. After the company drills individual "compet" was held. Ross Enyart, who won second last year, finished first. The last thing on the program was the announcing of the commissioned officers for next year. To be colonel, Ci O Adams, lieutenant colonel, Chas Murray; major of the first battalion, Loeske; of the second battalion, Henry Hull. The newly appointed offi cers relieved of the old men and (Continued on Fage 3.) DIPHTHERIA SCARES MANY OVER THIRTY CASES REPORTED UP TO DATE ALL COME FROM SOUTHERN PORTION. NUMBER CONNECTED WITH UNI Prominent Members of Faculty and Student Body Sick or Have Relatives Down With Dread Disease. The cilv of Lincoln is in the throes of a diphtheria epidemic and thiitv three cases have been repotted to the health authorities at this writing The epidemic is still spieading although gieal pi ecautious aie being taken to pievent this Tile southern poitiou of the city has been most affected and the homes which are Infected with tho disease are said to have been found to have purchased their milk from the same daii v The boaid ol education met Thins (!,i .i 1 1 1 inn n lo take action in the inattei but it has not j el been deter mined jusi what coiiisi thev will pur sue in the mallei Dr 1 S Cutter, insiiiiitoi in phv siologu al chemistry and toxicologv at the I niveisitv, and j Dl II II WilMe Ol the b.K tel iology i depai I ineiil have been assisting Dr Spialman, ihe it health olllc ei , and olliei ph.v su ians lo make tests of the bin tei lologi ;il cultuies taken fiom the tlnoat-. ol th inf'ited persons Seveial I'lllsetsitv people have been slilikin with the disease which is lagiug In the southern poll Ion of the city The following persons con nected vvilh the Univeisit ol' related to I'niversil people aie ill at the present time Mrs. C S. Allen, wife of Regent Allen, Benton Dales, jr.. I of the chemistry department, Mrs 1 Law lence Fossler. wile of Professor Liiwience Fossler of the German do paitinenl, Ihuiey Itrown, a member of the Sophoinoie (lass and the Alpha 'Tau Omega fraternity, Willard M. Folsoin, a member of the freshman class and Ifeta Theta 1M lraternity and his rathei, M W Folsoin, Dr. I Dean R. Leland, uniueislty pastor of i the First 1'iesb terlan church, and i his liule d uighter Antitoxin'- have been administered to all of the cases so far reported and in in.'inv instances the doctors predict mild attacks Miss Lucy Robinson will talk to girls at the Y. W. C. A. today from 12 to 12 15 Miss Robinson was tho guest of the Cotner Association yes terday. Miss Howells has arranged for a series of dramatic recitals as follows: Reuvis Gist will recite "Monsieur Heaucalr" by Booth Tarkington at tho Temple Theatre Wednesday evening, April 30 at 8 o'clock sharp. Miss Florence Hostettler will also give a recitation at the same place, date and time, May 8. In these recitals all c hisses will be represented. Admission free and everybody welcome. I, SLttui"fr