AWFUL! AWFUL! AWFUL! be 2)aih IRebraekan Vol. XII. No. 130 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913 Price, 5 Cents UNIVERSITY TO BE SOLD JANITORIAL BOARD DECIDE TO CONVERT IT INTO A PACK- ING HOUSE CAMPUS IS IDEALLY LOCATED Proximity to Railroads a Great Induce ment for Purchase Buildings To-Bc- usea'Tor spectar Purposes. v. wild iiiimn is cnrient upon the (.iinpus todav The Univeisit instead of being lemoned or extended is to be sulci' Men representing the Cudahy Packing Company have been upon the campus loda.v conferring with the Jani tonal Board of the University and as a result of this conference with the janitois it lias been delinitelv decided the I'niveisitv will be purchased b this compaii foi $lti,000,000 The pioimit ol the vanous build inV's to the lailto.ui of the Mis -nun 1'aciln makes the plan of con veiting the rnieisitv into a packing plant a teasible one The buildings aie , ldealh located and aie neai enough to i;cth"i to enable the animals to pass ! i om one building to another without' becoming exhausted 01 losing flesh The beaut it ul campus will offer excel lent opportunities for the gentle cows to blouse in the cool shade of lofty elms and lilac brushes, similar to the methods of those cultured bovines be-1 longing to the llershc.v's Milk Choco late Company as pictured on a card of- feied as a piemium with a box of chocolates j The pictuiescnie iron tence surround mg the piesent institution ol learning will also be extiemelv useful in pie i venting the giaceful obese swine fiom ' i (Mining about upon the green pastuies ( , the v.cinit.v of O stieet It is true I the icli.ictoi animals mm dislike this entoiced mipi lsonuient but then so jou.n upon this earth will be so bi ief that U is thought that the will pietei r spend their last hour in peace and -.elusion fiom the outside world The Administration building will be used as a shipping and canning depa.t ment of the plant. The reason for this ih no doubt a sentimental one as this is the building at the present time from which some students are "shipped and "canned" from the Unhersity. It ,b rumored that Professor Iceberg has been engaged as chief shipper Chemistry hall will make an excel lent lard refinery. University hall will 1 used as a crematory to incinerate these animals vhieh do not come under the pure food law Doctor Maxey has been appointed Cremator Termater on account of his nwntv to nropound such burning ques tions to his law classes, while Manager O.r of the University Caretaria w... -Pure Food Inspector, tt is sincerely Papa Dales' Lectures j Rudely Interrupted by Clanging Alarm Clock I Some well meaning and Ingenious student set an example Morula alter i noon which might be followed with good i esults b otl.eis Finding e tieni" dlflh ult in keeping awake in a inteimittent ahum (lock to the class, I and tinned it loose The inckel, made up ot a nuinbei ot shoi i spasms, lasted tweiitv two minutes and a halt The student, who happens to be a Iiesh man, says that while he needs the sleep he thinks it ungentlemanly to get it dining a lecture. The class in general was grateful to him for his little plan Faculty Elite to Give' (Elaborate Social Function I The next gleal scxietv event ol the I ,, season will be a gorgeous dinnei dance , given b the facultv This will he a decided innovation In the wn of social events at the Univeisity and is being'i then some time the aw fill happens A looked forward to with gieat expect- prominent Greek dances w it li a pretty ancy by both facuiltv and student !"' '"' ondorn who she may be, Nothing definite has jet been nn.'" "' noU ,,a' ilH h' WfllkH do" nouncod b the committee in charge "" """ ' -eei Her spending her hut it is understood that this great j o... " font of a launch build event will take place earl Ki May j lnK , , , ,i, ,, i However, we must tell all the truth After interviewing some ol the pro i " , ,, ,, .,.,, , ,, ,.., There are fraternities and there are moters of the idea we have learned mi .. ,i i soioi lties So we find there sorority that a sumptuous repast will be sei v ed ' "l""" .i i ,i iw. gli who. it is explained go there eailv in the evening and then the h" ' a unde, the leadeish.p of Eddie Foy. '''"' ,0 h"" w,l '" Ul 0" ""J conductor ol international .eputa.ion d an one ever see a sorority gi. The ones who find themselves among 'l'"" w' h" " lwt ,1,1IU ,I,K the select few will be treated to one of the gieatest social events in the hls toiv ot the Univeisitv, the Dallv Ne biaskan loiinal included One ot the things that will (lis tinguish this fiom all the rest is that I onlv those who are the proud posses sois of dress suits will be included on the invitation list This is to do away with the clothing store nuisance and to piotect personal property - The members of the committee do not want their names made public as yet but they give out the valuable in formation that the grand march will be lead b Miss Knsone and Prof Iceberg, who will immediately before the big dance begins give an exhibition of fancy dancing such as is never seen on the Orpheum stage, but frequently viewed at some of the formalB given this seabon by the fraternities and so ioi lties This feature was kept a secret until the interview by a Daily Nebras kan reporter, and only then on the con dition that it would not be made pub lie except in the awful issue. The in Restrictions of Organization Committee Hold Not With This Dance The commute on 01 gani.ations has 'aid Unit Imn.i fide dances can not be given b the . ii ions classes becauHe the hae gte.jt debts hanging over them but no amount of effort will .rsj dance i esoi t on N street be I ween Eleventh and Twelfth streets When some pooi innocent freshman ! has time lingeiing on his hands, he lis told to visit this place and "trip I the light fantastic" Immediately lie I dissents because he is not acquainted i That, explains the upperelassman, is not necessary, so the fresh goeB to the dance What would the unenlight I ened public think if the knew that I Dub Guidinger went there once? Once 1 toi him was enough, he could not be so unconventional as to ask a fair9 k itch en maid, whom he had never met, to ,lii;;;;:;t,M;i;;:IH this unconventional ism has not tenors Indeed, some of our schools most distinguished stu dents find It the greatest pleasure to " "'" h f ' Maine wiiii some preny iiihh who mm sold him candv at Dalivinple's oi who has waited on him at the "Palis" Hut DANCE EXHIBIT SOON Class and Solo Dances to Be Put on at Temple April 23 Historical Society Lends Costumes. Tickets for hv Classical Dancing Exhibit to be given at the Temple, May .1, will be on sale Thursday, April 23. at the Temple. Admission 25c During the ear each girl in dancing class is required to compose an origi nal dance. The best of these will be presented in addition to the regular classical dances Costumes suitable to the Impersonation of the different characters have been procured, those lent by the State Historical Society being among the most unique. The D. CI V meets with Miss Freda Stuff, 434 South Twenty-eighth Satur day evening, April 26. The German drama, Miss Heppner. Music by Evan geline Long. COMMITS UGLY MURDER PROMINENT MEMBER OF FAC ULTY NOW IN CU8TODY FOR OFFENSE AT CAFETERIA. CONFESSION GIVEN, BUT HELD Victim Member of Family Prominent in Restaurants of Lincoln and Wll-Known by-StudnU of University. Dr. Tolcott, a prominent member of the University medical faculty was ai rested yesterday for murder in the first degree and Is being held today pending l'uither investigation. The ! affair happened at the University Cafeteria and according to the .reports ot bvstandets was of an awful nature i Sobs from the victim were distinctly i heard over the entire campus and many complaints were made to the bureau of health and peace A confession was secured late last 'cveni'ig by a Nebraska repoiter after giving the culprit the third degree This document, however, will not be made public until the day before tho trial, as the case of the prosecution be weakened by the disclosal M Heed and Walter Goodman, two witnesses of the event stated last I night that the affair although sad was undeniably true Marrager Orr of the cafetarla was In tears at tho thought of the loss of patronage his place will sufler from the publicity attached to the terrible affair The victim was Amphaeaden Den geiangells otherwise cockroach in raison pie The Nebraska Ait Association has purchased Edgar Payne's "The Hills of El Toro" for Its permanent collec tion 'Hit piiture has arrived and lias been hung in the Art gallery. Mr Pavne Is a Chicago aitist of great promise The picture which has been pur chased was a general favorite in the exhibition held during the holi days. In writing up the names of loyal juniors who have undertaken to wipe out the (lass debt we unintentionally omitted to mention the nime of Har vey W. Hess, president of tho Junior class, who has led the movement for individual assumption of the largo de ficit. -fc The Girls' Club holds a mass -fc - meeting in the elocution rooms fa this morning at 11 o'clock for tho ' - purpose of naming the candl- dateB for next year's board -fa r "(Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) jje' S Ltnr-'MJ MMlt" JLa-