THE DAILY NERRASKAN SPORTS liy C harles I. Yochum h Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES ms m. Second Squad Takes Fast Game From Varsity Tuesday Afternoon iiikI mt-nl khhIh ol wind filled with 1 1 1 f and ofhei IIjIiik del)HH Hie Hec onil Miiad with Heckoff in the box took the VaiHitj for a beautiful trimming yenteiday The hcoi , allliounh latli t IniKe, due no doubt to (lie atnio Hpheiie conditloiiH does not show the relative nieiifH of the two teaniR Harte and Captain Towle woiked behind the hat and both showed nonie little chins JlLJlLat. deahnent The hlttiiiK of the teainluiA rniproYeo" Kieath this last week and by the time of the next name the batting aerae of the team should be vei v higli At present there ate several of the squad who have nicely fattened averages The abilitv of the tenni has not been abso lute proved by the games with Doane and fh Kansas Aggies, but within the, next week or tu days the Huskers will be going in good sliivye The return of Undeiwood to the game esteiday was pleasing to the tans and also the plajeis (Mint is a phiMi who plas one of the cleanest plaveis that has eei put on a Corn huskei suit, elliiei in baseball, basket ball oi in lootball His fielding abil it will aid gieatl) in the team woik and although his hitting is weak this will be impnned b piactice Jones, who held down (list base, lias been shifted to the outfield and Is doing good woik in ins new position His work with the stick has been of sue li a (lass (hat he is almost assured of a pla e on the team MMie pitching staff has been moie or less erratic and no visible impiove uieiit has taken place Heckoff seems to he going better than any of the olheis at the present time Hodman lias had some little trouble with con TTrTrr. irnr-tir-nrrmllT -overcoming 4ba-t difficulty Strain and Smjrha have been unable to get going in good shape but have been putting In some very hard work This gives the Huskeis on ly four pitchers to take on their trip tliiough Iowa and Minesota, but they will be able to handle the situation in good shape The practice today will consist of a game between the fresh men and the Yaisity on the athletic field MMie game will stmt at ?, IB piomptlj and the fans will be given a good chance to see the two teams in action Give us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price YEARS OF WORK RESULTS IN REFERENDUM VOTE ON UNIVERSITY REMOVAL (Continued from 1'ukc 1 ) ol tin' I'nheisilv At the same time the cIi.iik ellor has been able to gain suppoit foi the conipioinise achieved even though he stated that nothing would be done to keep any individual on tlu boaid of regents from advo eating peison.ill.v anj side of the le niovrtL issue h saw fit. The condi tion on SUiich the agreement was se cuied. said the chancellor, was that the I'-iiversitv officially should never lake iiioie than an academic pait in the dis(ussiou oi the iemoval question Oil ils Illellts lr II K Wolte, an ardent down town eteiisionist, wa.s also inter viewed He expiessed himself as sat l.slied, and M.itid as his own peisonal beln the .igiet inent n ached was the bet obtainable undei the ( ircum stances While doubting whether a quest ion calling for so much expeit .opinion as mmik val could lie eftectiveh .submitted to a popular refeienduin, be deilaied in substance that no objec tion lould arise from such doubt again-! the liberal financial provision ot the conipromise tor Univeisit) iin pioveuient. Many students who took an active inteiest in the removal question and who l.elievid that student opinion on the mattei was ot some weight with the ltgislatuie in deciding the issue, expiessed themselves as equally well pleased with the arrangement the deadlocked houses finally reached for I'niveisity growth The removal issue, they believed, was not one of principle bin one of expediency And they all thought that the legislature acted wisely in giving effect to their latest vision on the subject by adopting a compromise which would insure the Uniwrsit) more room. IBS THE NEW CENTURY PRINTERS LINCOLN Western Adv. Co. 1212 P STREET Art Calendars and Novelties Manufacturers of High Grade Advertising- Specialties TRY US WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER MISS ROBINSON VISITS UNI Will Be Entertained by New Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Today. Mis I.ucv W Robinson, one of the national uaveling secietaiies for the, student volunteer movement, is now visiting the I'niveisity association. 1esleidav atleinoon tea was served in her honor in the V V (' A rooms She spoke to the giils at the vesper! service Slie told of the status of women of other count nes, in general, and what the modern women of those countries are doing Today at noon she will be entertained at a luncheon b the new V W (' A cabinet. Mis., Robinson, although bom in Japan was educated in the University of Tot onto Heie she was a leader in stud. 'lit liti She lias traveled many veais and spent much time in Japan She conies to the University from the University of Iowa THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 : W Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: THE LIN DELL CATERING TO SPECIAL DINNER PARTIES BANQUETS LUNCHEONS RECEPTIONS An Excellent Table de Hote Dinner served from 6 to 9 p. m. 75c Music during Dinner Hour. Also Sunday Lunch Hour HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room 1 Cafeteria Plan ( City Y. M. C. A. -.- 13th & P L. C. SMITH & BROS. BALL-BEARING TYPEWRITERS Back space key models rebuilt like new. Guaranteed Typewriters. $40.00 to $60.00 Examine one of these before you purchase any make. RENT A TYPEWRITER, if you do not wish to purchase. We furnish a late model up-to-date machine. Typewriter supplies and repairs. i li pi "Trim jl --g-- y 4-&iaifi!Eiiiint5wfflHafe7 'iflBSiSSyJiHHaKSviTlaHGI L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. 135 North 13th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska A' 1 I j