nyimmuwwi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN miw iiwwm f9uifjata3ULjrvjvmuim$. h4 J, LEGISLATURE STANDS FAST FRESH BASEBALL SHOWS UP Conference of Both Houses Promises to Recommend Disagreement The Ioiir pending battle between the Svnal- iiiul House will ( ome to n -Hmnx today, or within the next few lays, In view of the Immediate ad journment of the legislature The re fusal of either side to acknoulege the ndvlHiihlllt) of the plans of the other tnitlmied to maintain the customary deadlock up to a late hour last night. A conference of a committee from -each house unt. held last night at the Undo!) hotel, and It was said by good .authority that that body would make an extended report to both houses sig nifying its inability to agree upon a mailable settlement, and showing the -necessary resulting disagreement In other words the two houses will be in the same position In deadlock as they have been fr.HojjV' JJHu;jmsJ- At ii caucus of removallsts held Thursday noon In the senate the mem Ifern of the joint committee were ln wtructed to offer one of the three platiH advanced by the University re lg?ntfl as a counter propositon to the rotn of the extension advocates. The plan as published in the report of the resen tH contemplated the removal of all the colleges except the technical college of law and a plan is offered in opposition to the house plan advocat ing extension of city campus and the institution at the farm of all studies necessary to make the course at the farm a complete agricultural course If the deadlock, as contemplated, oc curs, the situation resulting will mean that the University will remain in practically the same situation as it fa at present Not even the condition of the school, as it now stands, de plorable as it is in comparison with Mb neighboring state educational in stitutions is sufficient to dissolve the stubborn stain! on either side to recognize the pressing necessity for immediate action. It is expected, in addition, that in the session of today the legislature will take under advisement the bill appropriating $25,000 for the equip ment of the law and plant industry buildings A failure to pass such bill will depiive these two new buildings of the apparatus required for occu pancy and will necessitate the use of impromptu ami inadequate furniture until the next biennial session CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENT Miss Stewart to Philippines Will Sail May 3. Elvessa Stewart, '12, an assistant in the botany department, received notice yesterday of her appointment to he Philippine Islands. She will have charge of domestic science. Miss Stewart took the civil service examination two weeks ago. The ap pointment comes as a result of an es pecially high standing. Miss Stewart will sail May 3. ENGINEERS' WEEK. - Today, 2.30 I'. M., Athletic it Field Baseball: Engineers -fc -- vs. Laws. tAt - 6:30 P. M.- Banquet, Lindell -fc Hotel. - Hitting of New Men Especially Good Numerous Men Try for All Positions. The treshinaii baseball team turned out early yesterday afternoon and had the athletic field all afternon The first year men have a fine bunch of ma terial out and should be able to give the varsity a good stiff game when they get together Kor every position on the field there is an abundance of material and some of it is extra classy In the catching line three or four good men have reported but since practice has only begun nothing defi nite has been discovered. About seven or eight of the fresh have slg nllled their intentions of becoming ' heroes in the box The infield positions have about half I a dozen men for each place McMullen i Pitt ttrttoitr Mmnkv-H-UHt!7 -SelvwnbeT f ilosek, Hugg, Spier and Gardner seem to have the early edge on the rest of the bunch but next week may bring quite a lot of new material. The outfield too, has a great many men for each garden and some very fast men. IT the hitting of the fresh men team Is as good as the field work they will have a bunch that will make the varsity sit up and take notice. Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES MX m. Give us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price Place your order with Townsend as early ns possible for duplicate por traits. The Cornhusker price contin ues until the close of the school year. Adv. tf THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8:40 Dinner 11 to 1 :30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TE MP L E r g THE NEW CENTURY PRINTERS LINCOLN Western Adv. Co. 1212 P STREET Art Calendars and Novelties Manufacturers of High Grade Advertising Specialties TRY US WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER GOOD FOR MONEY This add good for $3.00 in payment on Clothes at LUDWIG'S. Do it Now. 1028 O L. C. SMITH & BROS. BALL-BEARING TYPEWRITERS Back space key models rebuilt like new. Guaranteed Typewriters. $40.00 to $60.00 Examine one of these before you purchase any make. RENT A TYPEWRITER, if you do not wish to purchase. We furnish a late model up-to-date machine. Typewriter supplies and repairs. L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. 135 North 13th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska I 1 1 kiwimmwywiw" miii