The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1913, Image 1

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n t r
XTbe IDatl IRebraskan
Vol. XII.- No. 127
Price, 5 Cents
Price Is Low in Order That All May
Attend Best Ever Musical
Seats lor the "Match Makeis,' the
Kosmet Klub's annual musical pro
d notion go on sale this morning at 10
Both pla and music weie written
and sfaged bv Fnheisit talent and
the attendance promises to be good
The Kosmet Klub was or gam .ed two1 ,; Haiboiu will act as toastmaster
vears ago with the pui pose in lew . Cliancclloi veiv. I'rol () .1 Fcrgu
of each ear staging a musical produo J son. Vol nc Hedges and Louis Ciam
tion written in its entirety b Univei )( h. p.esident of the Fngineei ing So
sity people The competition tot place
in the oast is an open one
The great i egret of the Klub is that
the plaj could not be produced free
of charge
ehui go but unavoidable expense
. . . i
. . . i
makes it impossble. They do aim,
howe er, to hx the pi u e so that it mav
ni'Molv cover cost of production
- -- -
Several Frat Games
of Baseball Will
Be Played Soon
Todaj will be a busv da for all of ,
the amateur ball teams and some that
ought to be There are several frat
games scheduled on paper but vvheth
er or iiot thev will play is a matter of
conjecture '
The Delta Tans aie scheduled to
meet the Alpha Tau Omegas in a prac
tioe game somewhere in the near 1- ,
entity of Lincoln Kach of these teams
are good ones and have some very
fast material The Sigma Phi Rpsilon.
are the proud possessors of two teams
and will piobably have a game all
by themselves The fiat schedule is'
not out et but should be about the
tirst ol next week I
Several of the fraternities, who do
not want then names mentioned aie
going to plaj games sometime between
Saturday afternoon and Monday
Wrestling Squad
Leaves for Madison
In Fine Condition
Three members of the wrestling
squad left for Madison, Wis. for the
wrestling tournament this . been made to the program by procur
Carl Ganz, Gunther and Phil , ing Mrs Helms as soloist for the
Southwick were the members of the
team to accompany Doctor Clapp on
the trip. These men are in extra good
,hape and are expected to make a
much better showing than the squad
did at the dual meet with Iowa The
other members of the squad that were
to compete in the heavier weights did
not go as they were not in very good
Shop Men End Week
Annual Feed
atjLindell Tonight
The annual engineer inn banquet will
be held at the Lindell hotel at t .?
tonight This is a big eent In the cal
endar of the Nebraska englneei Last
eai 210 men attended the bnuqtiet,
and fulh as mmij aie eiected this
Manv alumni aie ictuiniug foi the
banquet On the campus the tickets
are going fast, although niiinj aie wait
.ng until Satutclav to purchase theii
tu kets
The tfJITBT 11sT, av announced by
Chan man Tone is a good one Piot
, - ,(, an, included in the toast list.
and insure the excellence of the pro
gram Kacultv rnembeis and ptonii-
alunini will also probablv be
(.allcd on for shoit talks
'rn(. banquet at the Lindell tonight
( ()M.S H. most successful engineeis'
week in the histoi of the Cniveisitv
n the events so lai been well
su))orted The iall brought out a
huge eiowd and was a veiv enthusias
tic afiair The ball games pioduced
.i gieat deal ol college spint and a
cieditable program was given at con
vo at ion
While no one man or group ot men
, an daim credit for that which is the
1(.slt of the spirit displaced b all the
sll()I) ,,,011, the engineer ing societv was
,lt, ;,,,ur(.,. () ;h,' plans Tor the week
ri,sj(ient Gramlieh and the following
committe es have put much time and
(,fjOIt ,,,( the ai rangeinents for the
Convocation Alliens, chairman,
j,.igaard, Dre-det, Someis, Wirt
Banquet Tonev , chaii man , Verson,
Wohltoi d, ('has Anderson
-As Cotton, chairman, I'aiker.
'punks, (jieen
"Hag" Ljrnan, ( liaii man . Kvans,
SjKI0Ili Tlioinpson
Baseball l'haios
The week was financed bv the- sale
of the buttons This 111 chaige
ot L 1' Ams
Dancing Exhibition to Be Given May
3 Mrs. Helms to Be Soloist.
I Tickets for the classical dancing ex-
I hibition to be given at the Temple,
May :5, will be placed on sale Monday,
April 28 at the Temple, or may be
reserved now by seeing Miss Anna
Day Another pleasing addition has
, Theta Formal Party.
The Tlietas will give their annual
party at the Lincoln tonight The
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae back for
the party are Florence Dutton of Has
tings, Mamie Anderson of Shelby,
Marie Hodge of Omaha, and Mrs Hu
bert Orr of Missouri Valley.
A. I. E. E. Takes
Basketball Game
From A. E. M. E.
The engineeis continued their week
ol athletic aclivites b holding a has
ketball game last evening between the
mechanical and eloctiioal engineeis
The electiical engineeis won the con
test attei a bitteilv fought contest by
a score ot IS to 1" The marked char
actei istics ot I he game weie the
i oughnoss and the spectacular goals
shot b s( lentillatlng plavers ol both
learns" Fori IIP e-lpnrtrs" rnr Btnr Avorlc
was doii" b Cauiei and IMeioe while
Westling and Finlcv were the shilling
lights of the inec hanlos
The Hi st hall was the loiighei and
leseinbled a football game plaod
track suits moie than it did a basket I govei ntnent," was the subject for dis
hall game "Hizoner" Mr Candy act .HHi()I1 Although the struggle was
ed in the capacit.v of umpiie or i el (.()M, ,,, lmhcHiVf (o th(, very iHHt
eiee and ieall did a tine job of it,
too He ic.illv called two fouls on
eac h team but little did thev llgure
in the final score
The second halt was just a little bit
loiighei than the fiist but not quite
is inan.v louls weie called The scoi e
was tied fiom time to time The game
was a gocsd one and leallv was bitterly
fought the best team winning
Engineers to Meet
Barristers Upon
Diamond Today
Although Coach Stlehin and the
'vjusitv team are in Jay-Hawk land, salient remarks ou the merits of tire
the University public will have the speec lies vvei e greeted by long and vig-
.. i i ii ! or ous applause
opporturutv to witness a good ball,
game when (he engineeis meet the' The j-.dges .e.urned w Itl. a rosy pic
laws this afternoon at 2 30 The.e It, , " ' ' of ,h,, "'' ,h,'' enjoyi-d on the
a deal of i hairy between the j "'P , "e of Nebraska's largest and
two colleges and a good game is as- '" piosperous cities The debate,
suied The game will he cspeii to the IlH leported b one csf their number,
geneial public l'1 I s. i j I d A Prince, gave particular
Owen Frank will lead the laws and ( expression to the pleasures which the
will pfobablv pitch imstrong and : oppoi t unity tcs judge tills contest gave
St i am are also possible pitcheis tor him
the law team The i est of the team
have nest yet been announced
Manager I'hares of the engineers
has announced the following tentative
line-up Dow.c , Lindstiom, lb, Llcht).
lils, Fricson, or Peterson, lib; Votavv,
ss. Bowman, cf, Heck rf, Parker, if,
Tunka, Krajcek and Keefe will pitch
for the shop men.
Roth colleges have lost several men
on account of the absence of the 'var
sity, nut this will probably serve
only to make the teams more evenly
matched, so that a good game Is as
sured. Alpha XI Delta Banquet.
Alpha Xi Delta sorority holds its
tirst annual banquet tonight The
alumnae back for the event are Mil
died Bevins of Beatrice, Celia Malone
of Blair, Hazel Robinson of Hastings
and Joy Schrekengast of University
! Place.
Falrbury High School Defeats Edgar
High School in Warm Debate
and Becomes the District
Last Monday night occurred the de
bate between Falrbury and tedgai high
schools- Of this hotly contested foren
sic affrav a publishable report has Just
reached our ea.s The regular Nebras
ka High School Debating League ques
tion, "Resolved, That American cities
should adopt a commission form of
,)loUH struck in rebuttal, the decision
of tiie judges was for Falrbury
The opponents met each other In
I he Fiist Haptist church of Falrbury
and delivered their speeches to a house was packed to halls and corrl
dois Adjutant General llartlgan of
the Nebraska State Militia presided,
This debate is Hpec iallv ((suspicious
and 01 inteiest to I'nUeisit) readers,
say those who heard it, because three
ot the Univei slt s most prominent
men, Doctor Fdwin Maxey, Harry Bur
tis and Ilaicsld A I'lince serve the con
testing orators as judges
At the close ol the debate the judges
were asked tcs express their estimate
of the work just presented, and their
Harry R. Minor
of Redpath Systsm
Remembers "Daily"
Daily Nebraskan Inclosed find
check for $1 due you for the last se
mester to the Daily Nebraskan.
Always glad to pay for an organ
that is so inspiring to any loyal Corn
husker. Allow me to congratulate the
manager and staff on the increasing
strength of this publication.
SeeniB to me that our University is
growing fastly together in spirit and
purpose and let us all unite in further
ing the general interests of Nebraska.
I am ever ready to help the fellow stu
dents at all times.
Cordially yours