kmi- nA rjiifi tnimmpmnmvpmn&m i f MMrAiViJMW 4y ft, T II E DAILY EBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebrasska Telephones: Day omr H 1888 Editor -IM618 Managing Editor B-3844 Night OlhYe IM204. HuHlnoHs Manager B-1821. Editorial Staff T Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. 8NYDER Associate Editors J. L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON C. NEILBROWN """ Scribes: R F Lyman Fred R Wells I Ralph Wood Homer Phillips Howard R. Blttlnger Paul L. Martin Clarence Spelr I K Frost F M Kadleck Society Reporters: Claire Hardin Winifred Seeger Ethel Arnold Hortenno Kauffnian Huth Squires " Business Staff: Manager C (' Buchanan Assistant Manager .1 L Drlscoll Circulation Manager- T. Erie Koefor Subscription $2 00 per year In advance K cents per copy. Entered at the pout office at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 187!) I RIDAY, APRIL 18, 191J the looms on ibe thiid Hooi ol I'm msit, II, ,11 "THE COLLEGE SHOE STORE" 'BETTER SHOES FOR MEN' The Bootery's Spring '13 Rubber-Sole Oxford THE STADIUM' (.SPRING HEEL OR REGULAR) made with para-rubber soles smooth tan-Russia, new English "Outing" toe and shank sunken eyelets. The treadeasy "Stadium" is the "Klassy Klog" from now on, with the boys who care. They all like the "swagger" "outing" look of the "Stadium" MENS BOOTERY 144 No. 12 CALENDAR. Fiid.iN pnl is llelt.i Dell. i DelU I'. ills l'lii Uho Sigma n.iiM mg I'.iiIn I Willi I In spn ndnl exhibition ot ol I Spikes I). lining P.lltN Siglll.l Nil I lege spun I II I II Islli (I Us this XX I U 1) llousi ,'h' Migineiis tlnie I-, but one ilung Mph.t Pill House P.ut wiong ,iml is, (le pitt the I'llioll Litei.llX Society llioi ( ol li ss Ilie( ll.l II 1( .1 1 l)l.lsts ol the l' Litii.u Society I ngiin i mg liumpetti the test o the S.ltUI(l.l. plll IT I'lllMlsiM s (Xpectid to l.ibot The EnKllsh ( luh H.uniuet eil should (.tu-e no ( (jinpl.iint .ig.unsi Kappa lph.i 'lliel.i I'omii.iI P.nt ' ngineii- It 1- a (h.ngi against Lincoln ''" l "n ''' Ml Useli lph.i XI Delta Maiiqint 'I he Cnneisit has tailed to adjust Tegnei Sociel Meeting its ink to its pl,i Cast tollows tes Foiesti Club Hop Musk Hall niti i .ils enlii el too n i egulai Alpha Chi Omega, House P.utx !i edu at lonal (oiitnnne 'I he law Peill Club, Home o Supt Dtlell olleges (tlebt.ites while the eiigi Ag (lllb .Me- ling lieets gilini The englintis s. ml a hand to x on i sud window whin ou Should l'ni(isit (ainpus gates hi ( i.iiniiiing loi out nud s, tin s hit open all night, 01 should the u.m 'eis m law While the Choi us ( lub, 01 ten paiis ot students and otlwisiihe (!ee (luh, the Ceimaii lub and who pi.Ktwalh lodge on the i.iinpu-. 'he ( osmopolitan (lub an p.uading in w .11 in weatln i be dinen out at In' ihe highwas and b wass adjoining the most industiioiis p,nl ot the (am Now is the time to make new mi i pus, ,ili tin othei ( lubs ol w lin h tln-i e pi o eiix nts on the ainpus and also an about oik to m h student, aie oh the tune to impioe old ones One ot ial.n, lit almost leitam disastiis tin most uselul gits i i inadt l am "I a hall a scin. stei ,it pn im mg ' le i class to its alma niatii was tin diink ' niistt must bain so to h. union ing loiintain donated l tin (lass ol ie tin oi i uu in Mill ol its dip. lit I'll 1 Pow ei s subset pi i nth iii out i ol uu nts t I In lucii ukus will all ol the gilt li.i x Ik stowed upon n no uo oil a! appi oxunati h the same ot 1m i i ne and attention than to shut linn it oil in tin I. ill and stall ll in tin spnng '111. best pi, ( e to dunk wal. i . INTER FRATERNITY RULES in Lin i cil n is now u ii ph a a ut and en i t u le 1 'I hat on and attei Si p d.ingi'i oils bee ..use ol i in (uiiosion ol ti nihil 1 I'M!, no tialMiui shall in the spigots lo gel tin hi si ad nit itiati am man until he has ( oniplet age out ol this most uselul leg.u we ed w oi k loi whnh tin I nneisit of should uu kle plate the bubbleis at Xelnaska has gmn twintj tout lnuis once ot (ollege (ledit (wln'thei eai lied Hi iilus unieisit oi elsewheie and is Kei model ii building should hae legisieied in the Unneisitv ot e n heating plant Heat is necessai I luaska loi the lollouing semestei We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c er nTrmrr7Triw'hj -- immr GeJhtih zJr,7$i7 i i '! (ami f v : 1 1 ( N If Hi toi about six months in the eai m Ibis latitude Hut wlnn as now, the spnng is well advanced and the thei nionietei has toi soeial das stood at SO, it is not asking loo much to suggt si that the steam be tinned off ilnle II a No Irateinity shall i ush in ,m wa whatM)eei any new studinl ii ii 1 1 1 t p in Tuesdaj ol the second w et U (including the week of legistiatiou) in e,ithei semester b (Continued on 3) Clothes of the Right Sort are always satisfactory if they're made right. Have your Summer Suit tailored to conform to your personality. You'll find they Cost No More Than the Ordinary Kind and you're not obliged to take what you can get. whether it pleases you or not.. Before you buy see our line of 500 handsome fabrics for summer wear. Prices moderate. C. L. Anderson Tailoring Company FINE TAILORING 143 South 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. Ladies Low Shoes $2.50 Samples in $4.00 and $5.00 Grades. All Sizes, All Leathers. BUDD Up Stairs HI THE HEW CENTURY PRINTERS Western Adv. Co. 1212 P STREET Art Calendars ' and Novelties Manufacturers of I ligh Grade Adveitising Specialties TRY US WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER LINCOLN -r.V MA'wyiMHiJ jyi lawMMuiinyj 1 IfflTTIir ' "!