iWWrtipil1niw IK- . '' . wwjuuuuwewi THE DAILY EBRASKAN iJMSXBM' ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRA8KA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebrasoka Telephones: Day- Odice II 1888 Editor II 1618. Managing Editor B-3844 Night Ollice 1M204 HuhIih'HH Manager B-1821. Editorial 8taff: FHitor-inChief Managing ccmor C. L. REIN. Associate Editors J. L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON C. NEIL BROWN 8crlbes: n V Lvman r red it. womb j. luupn woou Homer Phillips Howard H. niltliiRi'r piaronro Snelr I K. Front Society Reporters: Claire Hardin Winifred Seeger Kthel Arnold Mortense Kauffmnn Hut li Squires ' Business Staff: Manager C ('. Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Drlscoll Circulation Manager T. Erlo Keefer Subscription $2 00 per year In advance T cents per copy. Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class matter under act of Congress March , 1879. VELMONT-MA0RA KENNETH M. SNYDER Paul L. Mnrtln V- M Kadleck The popular "Belmont" notch Collar made In self striped Madras. 2 for 25c Annow COLLARS Cluctt, Tcabody & Co., Maker University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOICITED THURSDAY, Al'iCll. 17, 1!H.' TrtEBAND-GONGE-R-TT- -ittxLnuiLdiiuiuXQllt'gi: Track Men Working For Drake Relay Meet at Des Moines sjlLijLL 'hat Win n the weather cools down, we; marks and distinguishes the prospec will uy to think again While you the Iaers from the balance of the are In the same shape, wait with us, : stud) nt body, Mr Uadclirte did not and as the shadows of our May daystati He merch w.mted the success snowstorm collect, we'll all get well , of th- event made public to show together. what cheap I'niversity amusement" Slack as the spring weather has coupled with a reasonable interest in caused our physical and mental ener the event itself can do , gles to he and appear, we are able to( utter aloud, if prosy, shouts for the music that was the University's when summer struck us a year ago We want the open air band concerts re newed. The open air hand concert, begun last yoar( was much enjoed and well attended. It was then that the new art of "fnssing," as more or less des perate single Hie Is popularly termed reached Its highest perfection and re finement. Study was conveniently re laxed. The girls came forth as rapidly ns tho spring leaves. And both the. band and the girls suceeded In bring Ing out tho boys. Unlike so many of our activities, the open-air hand con cert was condemned by none; it didn't cost a cent While tho band widely diverged in its music from Bonaparte's March, the libraries were deserted, the streets were temporality tree of stu dents, Saratoga trade fell otl, and the campus was packed with cheerful, cheering :nii.drcds The concert can..' oil' at no lied time Like all leal pleasures it was spontaneous, perfect l autoiM.i.K The night alter a hot oppiessm- dav like yeMeida, was as lih'-l in Mud us law i l w i a an houi - : n ( .tl di version as not The miiiihI of the trump) t was a s'lllicii-nt signal for crowds il i. -.ting hu (li.'l'iiig ic tinis of win I; ;.i .1 warm 1 to n. seinhlc. For holding together the spints and lntre.-.is ot all students, .it a time of th)1 ear when their sterner ambitions melt, we recommend the open-air band concei ts Tin recent Law smoker, held in honor of Prolessor Coanant, was doubly successful. It extended the profcssoi all the informal telicitics ap propriate to the occasion And it came, out tinanciallj ahead. Th' artist to whom the credit for the two-fold success of the smoker is due is none other than C. S. Itadcliffc Mr. Radcliffe felt proud to report that the smoker made nearly $9 and that tho full amount made was turned over to tlie deficit fund Whether the financial success of the legal fore gathering was due to the low price of admission, which, was 10 cents for nearly everybody there, or due to the The track men are hard at work In prepaiation for the Drake rel.i games' that are to be held at Des Moines on1 Satuiday Nebraska has so few men, of experience this year that not much i hope is held out foi a victor for the crimson There are to be two events i the same as usual, the half and the quarter mile. Some new men have come out lately that may cause a shake-up in the relay teams that have run in th)' meets so far this year. The lew men that are practicing the hurdle.- do not seem to show any par ticular class They have been haudi capped b the weather and have not been abb- to piactice. The weight men looked so poor that they have discontinue. 1 piactice. The long ills tanct men aie the only men that show up Well. EXCURSION TO AMERICAN l ART GALLERIES ll .i sullwient number ot person-, -ij.ini a desire to participate, an e cm -.ion to tht ptincipal American ,ait g.illciii--. will be anarrged in June I Tli)' p;nt will start from the Univer Isity.-i short tiinenttei commencement The itinerary will include Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Washington, Philad) Ipln.i, .'ew orrk, Worcester, Hoslon, Niagara and Hullalo. A fee I of $lu will he charged to defray the expense ol guides. Lecturers will ac Icoinpanv tin party and special guides jWill be provided at every point. The 1 trip will id' oflcred at actual cost. ! Persons interested are requested to , consult the director of the school of line arts at their earliest conveni ence. Tlie Mandolin club will meet this i evening in the Templo theater at 7 o'clock shaip. This is important and everybody should be out. Bring your j gourde w it li you. Nebraska's Engineers ARE READY FOR WORK ANYWHERE We are ready, right now, to supply the underwear trade of Lincoln you know the kind you want in the athletic, the cool, loose-fitting B. V. D. or Wilson Bros'. "Klos ed Krotch'" or if you prefer the close-fitting style, the light, elastic "Superior" or the pop ular Mesh- Weave Union Suit. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Good Clothes Merchants We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re-FRESHMENTSinthecity Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c '". & c7ejfr'tih cur7l2 The: University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public'School Music Apply for infornation 10 WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and R Sts x ...... , .-f -.