The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1913, Image 1

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Ibe Hail IRebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 124
Price, 5 Cents
Plenty of Good Men out for Box Posi
lion but Uncertainty as to
Endurance Makes
iitcida the athletic Meld took on
H TfTv animnTrri npitrttrHiicf oftfi thj,rr-l the Mudsill w took- advantage of
nic 'pnng i. mis ol last week Foot tin oppoitunitv to attend
hall baseball rnd Mack occupied tin
field ne;nl ,ill ot the afternoon Tin
icK.ih.ill -quad was .Mia huge tor smlr,,,, ,iJl( nR S()HMh ()f , ( , sup.
a :nc day and the Koyal Mentor pu
lii- p-oteges thiougli a good signal
Iiiiulin- with more 1 1 ill in the Midi
in :its ol the game
I'aM ball predominated m mnnbeis,
tliecoach h,iing seveial teams out on
the lit Id There is quite an abund
ant i ot iiia'eiial in evoiy depaitnient
ec pi the hulling loice and that at
pit Milt consists ot Strain, Rodman,
Reekoll, Sinyhia, Latluop and Arm
strong ()nl a couple ol these men
aie at it to go the whole trip while
norit ol tin in n in the best of con
'! he' catching proposition has gnen
the coach little won) foi in Haite'
he lias a man who is anle to take care
of any game- He has a good whip
to second and also uses his head all
ol tin- tune Wliise-nand, too, has
shown soiin lilte talent along the le '
cenmg line- and no doubt will be gnen
ii chance It display some ol ins good
woi k.
Inst base was occupied by Jones
and Jack R.iv owing to the- absence
of I'ndeiwood Jones was in line ioi in
esteiila with the -tick and smashed
OUi seei.ll line dines !
'1 li
positions in the niMeid have
not be-, n decided upon and piobably
will not be until tl.t ft am haves lor
Hi. souilie in tii in l Thuisdav moi n
mg On thai nieiiiing, ( oac lies Stielini
and Reltzei will take about a dozen
of 'he. i chosen ones and journey into
the Javhawket slate In the attei nes.s
noun ol the' same clay they will cioss( The pall beaieis weie John Led
bats with the fast St Maiy's team andjvwth, J E Miller, J L 1'eters, W C)
Hicn pioceed to Hie land of the Kan Jones, Rrof Laurence Fossler and
sas AgiioilMii ists Fnday and Satin
day altei noons will see serine real
genuine baseball between these two
teams The St Mary team, although
not belonging to a very large scliool
lias tile real goods and will cause the
Huskeis to let out ai' they have to
win. The two days following will ('ht -
the metal ot the Husker machine.
Whether or not the pitching statf will
be able to stand the pace is Hie one
question and a vital one at that. As
lor hitting alrllity ot the nine, that
has been improving very perceptibly
the last cojiple ol clays.
Track aspirants yesterday held a
jubilee also with the largest number
(Continued on Page Four)
Special Convocation
Gains $112.50 For
Tornado Sufferers
The special convocation vesieiday
morning, which for a time piomised
to end in a farce, on account ot the
small uuinbei of tickets sold, sni prised
its hackers by attracting some four
hundred and fifty students One bun
died twelve dollars and fifty cents was
secured for the benefit ot tin state
tornado sufferers, the tickets selling
at 25 cents each (Masses were ex
cused at 10 o'clock and a laige mini
The piogiani the same one
gnen before the Matinee Music. il Mori
da niKht. a production ol l.ohengi in
ported bv the lTiueisit diet
and orcliestra.
Committees Still
Debate on Uni
Removal Ouestion
'I he committee Mom both houses ap
pointed to lake care ol the- iciiioval
question has done nothing finthei than
de-bat the' question No agieeinent
can be i cached as both sides seem
'bound not to gie in to the oilier The
senate has set Wednesday for tne
Mine of adjournment, but it is not
likely that they will do so
Large Number of Friends Extend
Sympathy to Mildred Who is a
University Girl.
I'lie of Mis Mabel K Mom
mg was held yesteidav at 1902 E
stieel. with a laige nuinbei ot triends
,,, attendance Mi s Moining leaves
daiighlei , Mildi eel, a sophomoie in ( a(,., .,,! y, furnish unlimited
the Univeisitv, well known about ( Iini,S, ,,.( t,,, the- c o eds w ho ai e ex
u,e uunpu-, and hei husband, Mi t . t 1 to nowd the bleaehe-is
Morning Death came Mondav as the
i,.sult of a slioke ot apoplexy seveiall. ..........
days ago with a shoi t pieceding ill
Judge A S Tibbets. The body was
inteii"d in Wyuka cemetery.
The following is a report of Hie ex
penses and receipts of the German
niamatic ci.UD piny given last month:
1 Ticket sale
$129 77
Adv and printing . 25 20
I Make up $ 8 00
Music . . 20.00
. Piopcrties 33 01
Uslieis and ticket agent 7 50
?93 71 $129 77
93 71
Proceed- . 36 0(1
t pIOpcrties
Competitive Drill
Between Pershings and
Workizers Monday;
'1 lie annual compel between the
Woikieis of the Stale Kami and the
I'ershings ol the Unlveisity cadets will
take place next Moudnv afternoon on
the athletic He-Id 'I lic-e t w o 01 ganl.a
t Ions ri'pie'senl the best niilitaiy skill
ol the school and ai e known to con
lain the ctack drilleis of the regi
Following tin compel the two legi
merit-, will be- seen in the fir si dress
paiade ot tin eai This milltaiy
event has always iittiacted much at
tention Mom the students, and plana
will be made lo make1 it as inteiest
ing and enrei tabling as possible The
band will be out in lull lorce with
a hunch of new music It is expected
that the Chancellor and Governor
Mom head will be on the field, along
with a number of prominent men
among the faculty and biLslness men
ol Lincoln Tne bo s in khaki are
,,v,'",iv doping that the coeds huh
our in huge niimheis to insplic the-m
In their labois
The competitive' elilll itsell will be
gin shaiph at 4 10 o'clock All 1
o'clock c lasse Monel.iv will be ex
cused, ielding the atteinoon to Hie
.Militar deitai lineiit
Will Have Inspection
On the twelfth ol May, the caelcts
will undeigo their annual inspection
bv the government olhceis I'.ioi to
that time the daily dull will be le
voted tej close and extended order
work so that the companies may he m
the be'sl condition possible tot a llglel
Dress Parade.
Dining Mav. it is planned to bleak
the monotony of tontine drill by M-t
, u,lir .lside eveiv Thursdav Ioi a m-iM
,,i,M1t :t Rutts manual and di ess paiade.
Th(.s( ,.il(lu ,. (ja s ujh niake Hie dull
,,,,,. pleasant and inteiesting lor thci
fc Rig Kilgineeis lajly at S -fa
fa o'clock tonight, Geinian hall, -
fc Tenth and N streets All En-
fa gi-ieeiing classes excused to- -
fc morrow -
fa Program, April 17: -fa
it 8 30 a in Raseball, Athletic
fc field C E 's vs Ag Engrs fc
M. E 's vh. E E 's I
jt 10:50 a m. Concert on campus, -fc I TEGNER SOCIETY.
fc "Old German Rand." The Tegner society meets next Sat-
fa 11 a in Special convocation - urday evening in Ranquet hall, Unl--fc
2.30 p. in. State farm, chain- diversity Temple, at 8:15. Rev. E. G.
fa pionship ball game. - Knock will deliver ono of his excellent
fc it talks Excellent music will also be
-k'kk'ki'k'kiK'kiKiKiKiKl rendered. A cordial invltaation to all
W A Rockie of the Geography de
parment lias iecently received an ap
pointment to Hie field staff work of
the Canadian Paclllic laihoad.
Who Will Work in Conjunction With
Hop Committee Who Are
Helpless Till Debts
Are Paid.
Harvey Hcps president of the
Junior class issues today the follow
ing statement of plans for the pay
ment of the debts incurred by the giv
ing of the Junior play and the Ne
braska Cotillion in February.
A iccent tilling of the Student Or
ganization committee declnres that
no organization of University HtudentH
can e igage ill any activity involving
financial expeudiluie until all of its
debts aie paid This means, that, un
less all outstanding obligations of tho
Junloi elas aie- met eiy soon, thorft
will he no Junioi hop this semester;
theie lll In- no Senloi hop, not Piom,
in 1 e I'll next y eai '
That is, unless all debts are eMs
chaiged, the class ol 11)11 will be al-lowe-d
lo pai t ie lpate in piactically no
activity '
The situation confronting us is not
the most ladiant This ve-ai's deficit
on the prom and play aggregates
nearly $350 A combination of clr-
umst..iie e s lai gelv be y ond our control
1h rt,HI)(.nblhi(. for this failuie Tho
play and prom received the silent con-
som (), ai,m)s( ,.w.iy Junior, although
for ,,, ,,,a.son tM,, majority with-
held ilieir financial suppoit
-j-u pi oljlom siinineis down to tills:
Unless we, as a class, desire to be a
social nonenlilv in our senior ex-
istence. wt must meet our obligations
and leave .school with our credit
sOUI1i Accoidmglv in older to hell,
work tut some solution for this dlf-
flcultv I am appointing a Junior I)e-
Melt committee consisting of JuliiiH C Ilarnev.K S W'hei ry,
Roswell Haskell, Richard Lyman, J.
', Diiseoll and Fi ed 'liumbull Tho
fa commit lee will woik in conjunction
witli the class ofllceis and the Hop
committee, alieady appointed.
in order to succeed we will need
the earnest help and cooperation of
every Junior registered in tho Univer
sity. Theiefoie be ready to help
boost for the solvency of tho class of
President Junior Class.
Eva Lambert of Grand Island, who
visited here the last two weeks, has
I returned to her home.
. . .., r