THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Big Banquet to be Held at Lindell Saturday Evening The Kngineeis will hold their an una! banquet at the Lindell Hotel Sat unlay evening, Apiil 1!l, l'tK!, at K .'( 'I'll Ik will be the (Umax of Engineers" Week and evciy engineer should at tend The committee m charge have spa led neither tune nor inonej in malt m this one ol the er. best events that the etimineis hae had a chance to att nd this eai All the live pro lessois and good cngineeiH will be I here plate at the banquet will be given loi the best cngmcciing jell turned in before Satin day This is open to all THE ENGINEERS. Piotest Oh. pil ''-. poor engineers. Fui solkiI jiuls weJm nut. ml ( annot een I est ill peace When we lie uon our co' The I! 1 T and ul I cm es Da'H ihiiikI us while we nd Logarithmatic Spirals Ti to ensnare our feet P. We must lead lives like Misers glim nd boat d up onlv v or k, nd I'rol Engberg is .mrhtv sine To get us if we slink Oh, pitv us poor 'Migir.eers Tied (low n w Mh ball and chain , Wc'ic stake 1 out in the vvilderne-., nd filled ( h-u-k lull (.1 pain We live on hoise powei niostlv now Willi angles tor 1 I . And we mils' 1m hvdiaul'fs books Though w e omI h.tve one shn I Cotillions do not bother us Class deficits and sin h , And that is why, some other- -av We don't amount to nun h Hut listen gente reader You know we'ieon the s(uare, nd when you speak f on the level It's we, vou mean, ai e there nd so though we don't cut the dash In the social life so gav, We hope to come unto our own In some not distant 1.' SUA' CAMPUS NOTES I'a jour subscription now tf Telephone Yule Bros at once. Loeb's Orchestra, Phone L7G20. Pay your subscription now tf Frolich's Orchebtra, riione L-73C3. Dr. Alldritt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg. B-3609. C II Krey, University florist, 1133 O Bt. In Red Box, that fine University Seal Hox Paper The University -Hook Store. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros. Printers, 1313 N street. I CLASSIFIED COLUMN NO'IM'K l-'oi c lassj finishing Hee Kredei ic k Macdonald Auto phone H ! PIX The Know How I'hotogi apher FILMS developed. 2(ic. all kinds ot' coiiinien ial photography , students woik solicited Kiederick Macdonald, iito ii :::!;h STUDENT solKitois, new woik, good i omtni' sums to light men lL'i'.l S St Mil:'. 7t FOR SUE New Waid .- Wnght ten ins nuket b.ugain at f" See Has com. unioi law I 1 1 3t LOST AND FOUND. LOST small blown Mooies non leakable jien Please icturn lo this oflice -1 10 3t LOST 'pike pin Tuesday morning on the campus Please icturn to this ollu e . . -HO 3L LOST Laige gia F of N notebook, Ii nilii ( an keep the covet if he will letiiin the notes to the addiess on the back ol the book A 10 L't LOST Cold handled parasol Initials II C W engraved on handle l(e tin n to Hag oflice RENT, ROOMS. I'OR KKNT To fraternity or sorority a huge model n house: Inquire 1 137 Q -1 10 4t Drawn by The Cornhusker staff artist was unable to finish this drawing, con sequently in order to have a good likeness of this famous campus hu morist a prize of one 1913 Annal will be given to the student who draws in a mouth that will best fit the circumstances. The prize drawing will be printed in the Cornhusker. Draw in ink and mail to Editor, 11)13 Cornhusker. The populnr "Belmont" notch Collar m.idc in self strlpcil Mudrns 2 for 2Sc Arrow COLLARS Cluctt, Pcnbody & Co., Maker BIG GAME HUNTERS' FIRST Choice ,m' Big enough for the biggest game of North America. STEVENS P' "HitfllPnuor" DArAn3nrr Rifle No. 425. List Price - - $20. OO .25-.30-30-.JZ and .35 calibers 3 I'so Kcni. Auto Ixw diiiK Ciirlrultfrs jZ SUREFIRE NO CALKS N3 JAMS 3 Our "High Power' Hides also fur nished in fancy grades. Ask your Dealor, Send for liund-soinc, new Kille Cu tiling J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, V. O. Box 5004 CHIC0PEE FALLS, MASSACHUSETTS L J 'm 1 v V V i .c v 'l i m mritA uar ifl THEATRES ORPHEUM Pioymm for Week Beginning Mon day Night, April 14th: VOLANT THE HESS SISTERS JOHN AND WINNIE HENNINGS HUGH J. EMMETT Frank WORK & PLAY Jewel HAL AND FRANCIS MILLER & LYLES PHOTO PLAYS LYRIC MON , TUES nncJ WEDNES THREE DANCING MARS BRUCE RICHARDSON & CO "THE QUEEN OF SPADES" THE RIVER CLYDE Ai LANARK "OUT OF THE STORM THREE SHOWS DAILY. MATI NEES 2 P. M. NIGHT, 7 & 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c. Night All Seats 15c WEag&m "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room afelcria Plin City Y. M .A. -:- 13tb and P ii!imna?i!T.rITfr ltrl-l Jfc YOUR SPRING SUIT You will want a Suit of unquestionable style. You will want quality in material and tailoring. Value, too, will be an im portant consideration. Inspect our models and decide for yourself. FULK CLOTHING CO. 1234 O STREET 1 1 ll frar?.., .J. -.