wuuiMiju(ibMWUi s.iA THE DAILY NEBRASKAN n Summary of Events in the Construction of the Panama Canal One of the i;reatest eiiKineei mik woik.s cer attempted was the inn struction oT tin- I'anania c.inal s the nuclei taking is now ncai iim com p'etion a sum ma 1 ol some l the more important eents in connection with the canal ina lie ol mteicst The work was staned in 1KS1 h a French nimpanj which slant I altei ward went bankrupt, and sold then holdliiKH to the New Panama Canal coinpan The were not iihk h moie snccoHHfnl than their pi edecessoi s. and in l!t0.'5 the United States pin chased their rights and piopeit toi $40,000,000 and the canal one Horn the republic of Panama foi $ lii.niMi.oon At first the eimineei in chaine w,is- a man taken from cnil lite, but this did "not prove FiiccfMnliil mid aimv wi. KineerH weie placed on the (oinmis sion who hae c har;' ' H the woik ol the (anal one Suite Kebmaij, l!iu7. Colonel (Joethals has lx en Inef engineer and has proved to be a ie markably eflicient men It was decided at the outset to pio ceed with construction ol all ol the impoitant points at one tune so that they might be completed togethci 01 as nearl so as possible It was e pected that Culebra Cut and the Catun Dam would prove the most important factois in the canal construction and the most impioed methods weie adopted lor this woik The ecaa Hon Iuih been can ted on b the hug est steam shovels that have evei been built and the material is earned awav bv the alwavs waiting tiains of dnt c.us The slides in Culebra Cut have caused moie or less dillicult.v m that thev necessitated the excavation of about 23 per cent moie of material than had been originally calculated It is hoped that the lormal opening ol the canal will take place .Ianuar 1, 1II14, and all ot the important works are now either completed or far enough advanced that onlj some nn expected catastrophy will prevent it There will still be a small amount of material to be taken out after the wa ter is turned into the canal but this will be removed by dredges that will be in continuous operation for at least seveial yeais to take care of any ma terial washed into the channel from the banks The operation of the canal and the canal .one will be under the dnection of Colonel (Joethals ac cording to the piesent dec lsion of Con gress The cost of the canal const I net ion has been greater than was originally estimated but a great many changeB have also been made The total cost, based on piesent expenditures, is :C7r, 000,0(10 A svstem of tolls has been devised that will ultimatelv re turn Ibis amount to the United States The annual cos! ol maintainence and opeiation will be about $4,000.1100 and this is also coveied by the levenue horn the canal tiallic Thus the ad vantages ol a dnect water w.i.v be tween the east and west may be made accessible at no gieat expense to the United States, and the ompletion ot the Panama canal sees the lullillment ot the hopes ol an isthmian canal laned b the Nicaragua -aiial pio iccts dating back as far as lST.n FOR UKNT-Dnnco hall, second floor Mrownell blk, SoxOO leet, no better Moor m city, elevator service1, cloak looms, toilet rooms, good piano, no public dance allowed In hall, limited to fraternity, soiority, club and private dances, dates ieseivcd, $8 a night Hoth phones John Tavlor, Hiovv nell blk Pav voui subscription now tf No. 520 NON- A M BALKABLE SELF-POINTING A Hammerlcss Gun with Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth est action. THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun LISTING AT $25.00, is indorsed by Shoot ers everywhere as "Superb for Trap or Field." Mnde in five styles and illustrated and described in Stevens Shotgun Catalog. Have your Dealer show you a Stevens Repeater. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. 0. Box 5004. CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW school T Krrr yrr (oil Hr Imcling to (Iryrrr ol Dot tor of 1 fiw (J D ). wlucli by tlir Ounrtcr nystrm, mny be completed in two and one fourth cnlenilnr yearn C olletfe education required (or regular admission one year of law being counted toward tollee dearee I aw library of 3ft, 000 volumes The Summer Quarter offers special opporuru tin to students, teachers and practitioners Fir.t term 1913, June 16-July 23 Second term July 24 August 29 Courses apen in nil Departments of tlir Univer stty during the Summer Quarter I or Announcement address dEAN OF LAW SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO X&f j yJ I nLal TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They aie always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner M and O Street 'ay your .subscription now. tf DO YOU INTEND TO STUDY MEDICINE ? 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