The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1913, Image 4

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    Dean Stout Tells of
Many Successful Grads
in Engineering School
ll is intensely inteicsling l nt tli'
iiuige I" 'I'" degree of success attained
by engineering graduates of the I'ni
vei-Mi.y, and to undertake to discover
traits of chaiacter and features of
training which may have exerted a de
tenninliiK lnuuen e
In what follows I shall not attempt a
coinprehensie ntntemeiit or nnalysia,
. .
but shall descrilie a lew of the men as
they appear to me I shall try, how
ever, to obscure their identities so that
even the men themselves may not pel
celve them
A Is one of the older graduates As
a. youngster lie was brilliant, but not
inclined to seiiousness Kven now, as
a high salaried chier officer of a law
cm poratlon, his responsibiliiies do nof
weigh upon him I attribute his sue
cess to a cheerful but not driving in
dustry, his mental quickness, and the
tact that he early adopted a specialty
and perfected himself in its practice
15 is an early graduate, although
somewhat later than A Altera year
or two of miscellaneous work covering
a wide ratine geographically and othcr
w ii e, he entered the employ of one of
the larger concerns He now ranks
high in that organization, and his work
althoimh oT a diflii nil and exacting na
lllle, is interesting He is of the cheei
lul but (b liberate type, and has (level
oped as an eeutle, e'-pecially .IS all
oigaiuei and s r.ei
(' is ol still later vintage s a stu
.lent he was in good repute with the
taiultv. III spite of the fait that he
was not at all good in purely analytical
work Was a leader in student affairs
Is of aggressive t inpeia uient , natural
mechanical aptitude, lias executive
ability, and has accomplished notable
lesiilts in special lines lor his em
plovers Is at this time engaged m a
development which promises to make
In in one ol the well known men of the
1) and K are classmates who met
early i esponsibllity in a Held which
was distinctly new Although the
period since their graduation is rela
tively short, they have become hulls
putably the leaders In that field 1 ami
not sure that either of these men would
by this flint- have distinguished him
self if he had gone into an old estab
lished line Both, however, Were quick
to recognize and develop the oppor
tunity which was tinown m their way,
and U is to continued exeicise of this
quickness of perception, coupled with
energy and tact, that 1 atliibute their
I-' is a man who would have succeed
ed under any reasonablv normal cir
euiustaiices He was a brilliant student
of theory, and a leader m student af
fairs, practical and intensely energetic
His career was dcmousti.ttcd that he
possesses also executive and business
ability of a high order lie has been
successful as an emplovee and also on
his own act ount His courage in meet
ing the most formidable aspects ot
men and things" is one of the traits
vvhith was coiidm ed mateiially to his
sl( cess
(' and II calls decided to bleak out
ol i In- It 1 1 t-t 1 man class They took up.
on a scale propori louale to the little
capital they could then command, a
buHiiiims in which onginooring train
lug can bo appliod. Today (hoy art)
H'l-.JIU-J-. -
wnii o.fnbiiR..i in .ha. bHiPRH. win,
IncoinoH amounting lo several times
umt of tin. HHiuri..i ma., who has i.con
out for about (lie same lengtlt oi tune '
They have won chiefly through con
servntlve and honest procedure, and at i
tending strictly lo ihihiiicss, nut tnei
engineering training lias also help, d
to turn .lie scale in their favor.
i dating back to the nineties, was
.. , ,,, ,. -,i i '
gifted with energy and brilliancy Dur
..,,..., , '
ing li 1M I Iliveisitlv careei, howee.
. , . " , ii ,
talents weie to a noticeable (. ii nt
i.i. , ,. .t.. ii, ...mi, i.., i
lllt I IIIIK in v i i i w ii no. i nee ...-
inisdli ected I'pon graduating allied
)iln,Lj.tir M'ltlt tit.. . ii in in . 'iv i :i I -uli of a
u. (ll.l( iii.vv .. ii.:. ii .if net m imr elitellitlse
vvhith is one a refined engmeeiing
basis, and is now the chid directing
officer of his companv
K is several yeais old than his
brother l and has from the start taken
a serious view of his work He is a
good allaiound man and engineer, and
is in a highly paid position vvhu h eall'
for both technical and (.onjiuei cial dis
cerumen! ol a high older. The substaii
Hal view ol life did not at first appea
to I., and 1 doubt if lie would hav
made a success in a purelv proles
sional wav Hut he has made a dis
tinguished success, based on his tal
ent lor the ( onimercial ude, even
thangli it has been necessary in this
connection for him to peifect lunisell
along certain technical lines
M and N have been engaged almost
wholly in foreign work, in which they.
have both distinguished themselves
Their graduation dales bat k to a time
when the opportuuitv tor a food st,nt
for men with then piepai.ttiou was e Thev did not irsf, on this
first oppoi t unit v . ltoWevel. bill stead
fastlv and continuously developed
themselves as engineers and business
1' is now about loity e.irs old He
was an intensely earnest student, but
not an especiallv callable one His
first employers on engineering woik
did not late him very highly in re
sped to abilitv Alter he had been
at woik for a few vears he encounter
etl a series of rapid promotions, and
has been ever since in eminently re
sponsible positions, both domestic and
foreign His success seems to be due
to all endowment ol tiemendous en
ergy and a highly developed engiueei
ing and commercial imagination The
distinction of being the highest ;;i
laried engineer llolll the I'uivclMlv
can piobably be c laiuied eithei h him
or by M or X
t the other end of the lid ;ue a
lew complete failllies I tut thele I'
ll larger number who are meiely i da
the failuies I apply this teim to men
who are capable in many respects, ami
who but tor the absence of some qual
lty or the presence of some fault,
might have attained rank or position
which now seems beyond them One
such man made a very promising start,
but through a desire to plunge and
thiough practices not wholly honest,
reduced llilllsell to a lower level, 1 1 oil)
which he has thus far been able to
rise Another who has ability and
technical judgment is held down by
the fad that his output ol woik is
never up to standard in qtianlitv He
is faithful, anil thc quality ol his woik
IS excellent, but his pi ocesses ale slow,.
Tluee ol the keenest and most capa
able giacliiates. men who altei all an
slice C Ssl 111. Still l.lll slid! I ol lb.- lull
nieasiiie lo wh'c.i M.tir indu-irs ml
ability entitle l!it"i. bee illsc c.l pel
sonal characteristics wlu.h elispica -e
Sccond 1&suc Will Be 0ut thc Middle
of May.
-yu. u;,,,. p.nil hould need no in
1 1 ikIik I ion to the Fngineering stu
I lit K i's the magazine intended
in iui.-i i il for them mikI i- ubli'-hed
1 i lii-iii But -iriii"ii 10 -a it lacks
m nniu u.ti., 10 . .i n i.u ns
, i ii . .1 . .1 mm, in.,
the j-uppoit (ha1 fh owe il I lie Hlu
I'Miii siist i iptiou Ii i should contain
. .. ..
t he ii, inn s of lull i i i (iiii o the lOn
' i " : . 1 1 'j; studiiit-. ol this in -a Union,
mn , ,i,Ms nol, i..i in, in il The
busim -s inanagei .-eK elated oer the
lad th;il Ins stibsc i ipi i,.n list contains
Inn Id per (enl ol the lvi;ineering
I udi nls K i hat
i "p' esenlat iave
showing" It appears tr .ie, and at
any i i il show . the io, ally of ttiii
College to tlllll.!.- ' ( IK e nilig it. It
.-eeiii.i stiange thai i:.e n.ino'itv should
lind H iiecixsaiy lo send cut a elite
i'H'i mat lu. college t.h.mkl be judged
b r.ul Midi I.- th case Xow if tile
, 1 1 pi i c en I oi iion -ul'M 1 1'1! " w on Id
vh.ivv that tiiev ,.ie engiueei". in the
I I lie -I Use oi llle WO. (I, AelUJlSKa
would have a Bine Trial t Mat the
w hoi. school wc.ud " pioud '!. II
each one ol the .' 1 pel cent would take
a i ice! long ltiol. at I hei.isehes in a
inii'oi. ihey would piobably 1 nut up
he Ini- lie -s manager and hand over
that -Ik k and diiny eiolh-r.
Tin- ii -; : ii ii is 1 i en published
...a .. , i..... ii ..I, .-..I ..i ,,t . ii.. '
,11111 1 lilll. 1, 111- .I''IW1I -I III-
-ubs( libei , aim. in and .-'udent The
i cond i--ue will make iis ;ippe;irance
iboui lite mi, , i .May. .and is going
to uip;i-- the Ins, ivsiie in si.e and
man iial .di- H B W'ight, jicting
idiioi in chid, is 1,0.1 'i;.g ,l aiticles
hv tin lollowi.i.; iii.ii.
(. .1 Feiguvon, iuitho, of Kle.nents
ol Hi. c 1 1 i a I Ti aiisinis.-ioii.
.1 D I loll man. author ol Handbook
ii I leal ing aim ent Ing
B ( at. s, ;! duel' engineer
o I hi I loineslake lllllies
( '
Mini. ,.i l.i'ol'oLLOl' A Ifl liti 1
I ill
.""'-"' i'."'"
i . ,.i ;. . i. i .....nt
,1 ( Ttn; nirld, ice presmeiu and
geiu'ial manager l-'iiris Construction
ompa 1 1
K i' I i.ile and '. l'olk, Thesis
i idii is especiiilly jiroud ol i
in up to date alumni directoiy, that
he hi- -pi III .-olislclel able f line C(JIll
,iilin Ii contains the whereabouts'
1 1 1 1 1 in c up.ti ion ol all the engineers have giadiiateu fi tun here.
I In Blue t ml stnt'l is made up of
I 1 1 e 1 . 1 1 1 o W i II ; i II e II ' I
( ; X ( 'a I ii I , K K '1.!, editor-ill- '
c hid i
! I B Wi ighl, (' !: '1.:, acting editor-
'ii i liiel
Kdw. .J. K i mi , '. K. 'B, business
I. O Lit hty, .l !: 'l::, stall' editor.
(!li n alker. !: !: '!"!. sfiill editor
.1 Watc is, (' !: '1 !, stall" editor. i
It his been lumored thai several ol
ihe head piolessors (not ineiil loning
in naiiKsi have been wageiing to a
... . ...
olislclel able eMeill ils to llle a 111 1 II les
ol I he I espec live ball teams.
l'h'ce oiir older with Townseitd as
ailv as possible lor duplicate jior
11 nil The Coinhusker pi ice ( ill t i 11
Hi iiuill llle cio e oi inc s( 11001 y ea i
Adv. tf
Bay your subscription now.
Basement Fire Rudely
Arouses Commandant
Bowman Yesterday
I'M re which bioke out in the base
?1,,n () ,!. residence ol ,j,.llt k N
Bowman, :!L'7n Starr si i ect, threatened
the structure for a short tune .Mom av
moinmg iieu cii.iii and a is sownan
awoke shorth before .' o'clock to find
, ',, , ,.
'he home lull ol choking smoke and
it ;is with dilhculty that they made
their W.iv out ol the house
The Haines wen- confined to the base
ment ol the house by the piompt ac
tion ol the lire department II was
necessary to use a hose line to extin
guish the lne, which is believed to
have started I roin a furnace pipe. Con
sideiable damage to the household ef
fects was sustained from the smoke
(Continued from Page 1)
II .... Wirt
c Thompson
p. Beckoff
K l-:.'s
lb Jones
L'b . . Wilson (capf )
i'.b Versa w
.ss . Ciirrier
rf . I'arker
.If I'luires
cf Walker
c (liiimlich
p. . Schink
M !' 's
Morley .
Hums ..
I "oik
1 oney
( 'how ins
Ll1" l':'l.
I "l ou ev-i see an liishinan lead
a bunch ol Dutchmen"' You will have
t h- i are opport unity Thurschiy ;it 11 f.U
;l ' " " happen to be at the en-
,,i,l,r" '" -M'"'"oiial Hall Captiiin Sul-
liviin and hi-, "Old Dutch Band" will
..lender (?) seveial classical selections.
lter the concert the crowd will re
tne to the inteiior of the building
, ,. ... , , ., ,. , .
.where they will listen to Biot 1 ucker-
man. well known as the "Watchdog of
Ztttt iilH I lllMIWiie ,, ni'.i of IimC lie)
Student Finances
Hires are promis
Stout will preside
iMiun m i Miiiin i n fci ii i hi in in i iiti
Ituivs an- promised Dean (). V I.
, In the afternoon, we will all go to
i the State Farm and find out which
I brand of engineer is the best.
I The events scheduled for Friday are
a basketball game between the mechan
ical engineering society and the electri
Ical engineers, and, in the evening, a
lectuie by Biol" Skinner on "Static
Klectricity " This lecture is given each
year li is pi lncipally a demonstration
of the most interesting phenomena of
sialic eleefiicity
On Saturday, lor the first time in
mam moons the Fngineers will meet
the Laws on the athletic field The
long pent up rivalry between the two
piolessions will find an outlet at this
game Many aie the taunts which are
being Hung back and forth this week
, bel W cell t lie 11V ill ( amps
! The grand i lima ol litis gay week
conies al i". :'.) Sal unlay evening when
jllie Kngiiieors will gather at the ban
, quel table al the lanclell Hotel. Hast
(year theie w ei lluii men at this ban-
i . . . . . ....
que I It s tile lug event of llle year
lor I he Kngineei -,
Westein d Co, the New Century
l'i intei . tor Xovellv I'rograms Spe-
clal cb vigils, oicb'ls in lciUher, clolh.
pa pi i in inniai our specianv
Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and
Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th.