The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1913, Image 3

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    !B!S!?7rt3StaSiitatta-j?8VTBr-ui vS
(Continued fiom Page 2 )
HutV(oltaic) Uanilnatetl ifollisterT
Klect, Shvh we measure clcc ti it ai juice
by (lie peck
l'(arallel) Ktinetic) Sla maker, de
Mgner, at making rood dinvviugs, is
sine an old timer
-I (o i:il ) I Kllipsoulal) Jlasniuscn ltd
og ), fills the pooi Kieslunan w itli mid
night cramologv
C(ylindiical) l,(ubr icating ) De.ui is
finite neat lie sas steam is just
water that's ( ia. w itli heat
'(f)inpiession ) I0( xpaiisional i Q(ui.
ial) .Mickev. is tiiite fond ol It stum
the stl eiif;t h ol some hit ke
J(udgc) N(nuticnl) Hiitlginan. is
liead ol suiveois Passes nif)st til his
class In the width ol truss lians
Kdevator) H( cut Imiai k ) Kings
land finite good in (' V. Is a good
heal ted pi of like tlie all ought to he
Hloilei) l'(iiel) Haher. the anah'ei
of heat, sajs we don t get hot headed
by toasting oui leet
Afrclil Sftruft) "Riddei old, design
ei of sti ut-tiit en, is the Ik st piol m the
school to give sou short lcctuies
Tiof W'(hittle) Sthalt ) I'.lMie. close
If) ea h student lingcis, to s e that in)
f)iie shall get V'le'ise fn his fingeis
K( W'(att) Codd.ti d, our hit
est addition, is proving iiiitc uoilhv
t)f his good position
A(llhuint) K(gg) Hunting, fn hoth
bent lies and lathe, is teat hint; the
Freshmen without whiskers to shave
l,(o.iti ) F(ult i urn ) Seaton v ho
lides f st i in mac hind , helps I(ke)
Dliainage) Wood to linpiove l.iim
sceiiei y
('(rucli ('(mining) Kngberg
i to all Kngiiifci s, is Known to us on
Iv l othei 's tears
In oui Mathematics, eci one has
his cllOK c of mst i ut toi s ol leatheis,
hut w c all i ejoit c
It altei two jeais woik we have
finished all Math, lor the engincei s'
college is then a smooth path
.I(acket) ('(ore) (Iienan, with anvil,
haninier and tongs, comes last, hut not
least, in this crude tollection of songs
You can talk of your Law, and your
Medic degrees Hemg hard but the
can't hold a candle to K's.
The present time is the transition
pel iod of the farm It is marked by
the inherit fit scientific farming We
are tinning fiom the bad wasteful
bethodH tit pioducmg crops to the
model n sjstein of conserving larrn
resources The solution of the this
truly gieat economic problem is n the
liandH of the modern engineei moie
specificaly of the agricultural engi
neer, and it is his Meld of study and
investigation that I wish to consider
in a brief way
The first problem before the agri
cultural engineer is that of maintain
ing the fertility of the soil. This need
is so obvious that there is no need for
even a concrete example. Many farms
in Nebraska, even il this state is new
in agriculture, show that the crops of
today do not equal those of a few jears
ago. The land contains certain ele
merits necessary in plant growth The
plant takes up these elements liom
the ground and when the crop is re
moved the land is poorer by the
amount ol luatciial taken from it We
must therefore return something to
the soil to make up tor the elements
taken by previous crops It is within
the field of the agricultural engineer
fo show how to conserve the fertilizer
produced tin the farms ami how to
apph it to the soil
The next gnat pioblem is that of
f si i in lnan.ii'emi nt as applied to tTn
rotation of ciops Kach crop Jakes
elements out of th soil in a proportion
peculiar to itself Rotating ciops va
nes this poipoition All crops ifquiic
pi me ip.ilh nitiogeii and therefore In
an flop lotation this depletion of
iiitiog-ii must ictche consideration
sde f i f rii c oniniei t ial and other fer
tili.ei . mitogen is most eflleientlv put
back in the soil h including in a ciop
lotation, a ciop ol legumes The le
giimes loi examples tloei, etclles,
iow peas, ,uid .illalla have powei to
ake nitiogc n fiom the air and to make
il p. n. of the soil This is accomplished
b nil i ogen fixing bacteiia which woik
In the loots ol these plants The agri
i nit hi .i 1 en gin ei i , like the eflieiency en
gineei in inanutact uring who works
out a s-icin. must woik out the best
"-vUcin loi the I a r in i wheiey this
crop lot.nion mnv be elicited 'I his
'VMilll (.ill onl Te followed wTldl
the piopei laout ol the fields and de
sign ol buildings has been made.
Tin- l.isi pioblem and i lie most im
poit.inl one tin agi ic ultuial engineer
must gie his attention to is that of
Ihoiough tillage Rightly to prepare
the cul be ei tor a crop requires the
application ol power1 In the past
power has been luinished b the horse,
but we aie turning from the horse to
the uactoi, auto and srnal sla
tion.uv engine because the former has
pi o ed matleqiiate to the growing
needs ol model n I, iiining Not only in
pi ep.ii ai ion ol the 'ceil bed, however,
is powei coming to be ap
plied, but in hai v f-ting. load making
hauling in i.nt in all plates where
powei appiie-, to f st i lit woik l'owei
tanning at pnseiil m eels attention
moie than an othei eiigineeiing piob
lem The Held for the agi icultural en
gineei then is for investigation in soil
lei t ilit v , ( i op rot at it)ii iinel far in pow er
I'ln Alp'na Tan meets tornght at the
Lincoln Hotel m honor of Professor
Conant lOv civ body out
Common printed university tablets,
three si.cs at The University Hook
Pay your subscription now.
A number of organizations have not
yet ordered the number of pages tie
Hired in the CornhuHker Order blanks
were mailed to all organizations
These should be returned at once oi
others tilled and mailed to the Musi
iiess Manager before Thursday night
In tiividuals who have not paid for
their pictures at Townsend's must fit)
so before Thursdav at which tune the
panels aie piinted Pictuies not paid
for. or aiianged lor, positvel.v cannot
be printed
Resident fiats and soioiities ordei
space of lCrnest (Jraves
Oi gani.ation pictures are expected
to be paid foi he-lore the book is print
The lollowing have not oi tiered the
number ol pages desiied
Students' Debating Club
Union Societ v
Alpha eta
Itushnell Cmld
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Alpha Tan
Alpha Sigma Rho
Alpha Chi Sigma
lion Sphinx
I T nl Medical Soc
Deutsche (.Jescllige Veiem
Verein (Jerinania
Oerman Dramatic Club
Agi icultural Stan".
Kosmet (Mub
Phi Beta Kappa
I Hack Masque.
Hagensick's Orchestra, Auto H 2990.
What Are Your Plans for the
We have room for "live ones" to
lepresent us in jour vicinity You
need no capital -not a penny We
set .vou up in business We make,
w t believe, the best and cheapest
hand power vacuum sweeper in the
KKKKCTIYK We also sell other
household articles neetltl by every
Investigate Our New Sales Plan
Let us show you how your salesman
ship, backed by our splendid or
ganization can net you great re
suits this vacation Write today
stating territory wanted.
General Appliance Factory
1360-68 Main Street
'" iiiuiiii.niiuuuifi.iiuniiuaririiifiii.Miiiiir.Miinniiuu.Mi...iii..uutiiinprTTnnnririnLKJtMicpoD
your jjersonaf card 'sioufd6e er?
cfosedwifkyour commeicemruf
Wfiyrw sujjphyoueseftJes noiv
and 6e prebarer wfien ffie fme
for (neir use arrives?
We offer a se fee ion ofsifes af
prices fo suC (bur desire.
SYcfe JoirnaCChmfianU
HGR)VIHG IfVD mtfosszvc
"AUToi' a
, M, "UNI."
Abbreviations a r e i n
vogue, but there's one
form of a b b r e v i a lion
which we don't tolerate.
Namely abbreviating
men's clothes and calling
them young men's clothes.
We are the exclusive
representatives in Lincoln
of the popular L System
Clothes io young gentle
men. 1 he styles ai e conceived
the models designed and
the suits tailored expressly
to meet the individual re
quirements of young fel
lows who want to be
smartly dressed.
A dozen stylish models
and scores of handsome,
new fabrics to select from
stop and see them $17
to $30.
For m e n of mature
tastes! Kensingtons at
$20 and up they fit and
stay fit. Kenmores at
$14.50 and $17 the best
at the price.
You Don't
Pay for the Name
When you buy
a Spalding Ath
letic A rticle, as
some dealers who
are after bigger
profit on Athletic
Goods would have you infer.
You pay for-and get-honest
workmanship and material.
The name as evidenced in
the Spalding Trade Mark
is put on as a guarantee oi
what you pay for.
Our Complete Catalogue on rciusl
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
28-30 So. Wabash Ave Chicago, Illinois
Baseball Goods
We Have a New
and Complete Line
We Solicit the Fraternity Trade
H. Reusch,
118 So
12th S.
! j
t (I