TOE DAILY NEBRASKAN i .3 j L-.V "- The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Office AtlmmiBtrntlon Building. Lincoln, Nebrasoka Telephones: Da (Mine IMSSS Kditor H 1 f. 1 K Managing Editor H 3844 Nigbi (Mine It tL'iil Husiness Manager H 1.X1M. Editorial Staff: Fclitor in Chirf Managing Editor C L. RFIN, KENNETH M. SNYDE Associate Editors J. L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON C. NEIL BROWN Scribes: U V linnn Fred H WcIIh J Ralph Wood lliiiin'i Phillips Howard R Hlttinger Raul L. Martin Clai-.iK-.. Swir K Frost V M Kndleck Society Reporters: Clam- llaidm Winifred Seoger ftlhel Arnold I Ini tense K mi PI ma ii Ruth Squires Business Staff: Mauag'-i ' ' Miichnnan Assistant Manager- J L. Driscoll " ion Manager T. Erlo Keefer Sub' i i ipl urn fjou per year in advance f cents per copy" Enlciid at (lie postolllce at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second class matter under act ol Congiess March '.',, lS7i TUKSDAY. APRIL IT,, 1913 'I Ii" 1 l'iiI.ii 1 ill iiiok a acal ion hiil.i 'I Ins h,m' i t, perpetrated Me' Kir'ii 1 mi; Socielj Committee 111 (Ii.ii)" 1 Thompson, Sjngien, T-a -.1 if- l.smaii. (Iiairman These men li.ti- rule' iiitn liidini; toi an indefinite pi'l Kill Tlie 1 ( ) 11 1 in 1 ( I 1 1 hikes 1 his oppoi 1 1111 il in Ihank Hie lefiilar stall" lor the ii' i- ol iliep.ipei iiiul a 1 1 incon enience lit Ii 1 1 1 ; 1 ha e 1 exulted. Nelnaxka engineers havt lll.lile Iiolallle sill cesses 111 their cllOS ill pi oil - -ioll ' lliee i;i ,idn;it ion Then aii al-o ,1 I who aie what soni" might ( .ill ( (Ullplete failures The I li.l'OII' lor llie sllei e x. d I lie failure ill I lie.xe nil 11 i- ol ital intei est to I hose w lie, III a lew eai s. W ill be 111:1 K in--, or 111. 11 1 in;;, iniiids ol tlieii own liean Stout x aiticle, appearum 1 I' 1 win le 111 this issue, ix one of ex pei ial a I in- to engineei ini; stinlentx WE WANT TO KNOW. ( )ui nut i.ils ai e not ( ' 1. It hut w e w.ini to know just the same What .lie the eugllieeis going to do? e I 1 1 1 coillg lo g'l together be hmil one big Kngiueering Socletj? Or. an- the going to split up into . our ii p. 11 1 mental cluhx? Will thiie he a u ni li imI Kngiueering ( .1II1 He spll It "' ()r, will theie lie four gioups, c;k h one knock 11m the olhel ? Thlx 1. the 1 xiic lielore the ellgi 10 i 1 . ai pi 1 1 111 plan w ax suli IIUII11I .il the l.l -I Kllgilieel mg SocietN lie 1 1 1 1 1 - wh.i Ii. Il .idopleil. assilie.x the 1 nni inn. tin 1 o ihi depart mental clubs but makes them subordinate to the Knmiii'i linn Societs in matteis wlncli i oncel n the w hole college Tills is as it should lie it is claimed that the departmental clubs will lose some ol their present power by this plan We will not no into the merits ol this argument, hut we do say that it is of secondary im portance The Kngiueering College can not hope for its rightful share of Union Suits Close Crotch-$1.50 Grade BUDD ri power and influence in school activi ties from the effoits of departmental chilis. It is in the Kngiueering Society fhai we can do flit- most good for the college "nailed we stand you know the rest of it We are in favor of departmental clubs We are also in favor of an En gineering Society. There were three departmental clubs in existence when the present ngineering society u as organiezd The departmental clubs did not and could not fiom their nature fill the bill Tln- could not develop and and main tain a hcalthv college snirit Swmio of those in the departmental clubs at piesent, seem to have forgotten this fact. if the term "Nebraska Engineer" is to mean an thing it will be because the student body ol the whole college is behind a well organized society and boosting Nebraska spirit and Engineer mg College spit it What are ou go mg to do about it ? WE WANT TO KNOW. OUR FACULTY. All the professors in the Engineer's College, are known far and wide for I heir practical knowledge. Each professor has a subject befit ting his name So we put them to gether to make matter plain. O(rillce) V(elocity) (high) l'(res sure) Stout, Dean ol the College, is in danger of t lie gout O(hni) J (nice) Ferguson we can eas ily term, "A Departmental Head of Elei t rical C.erins Now (Hood) R(oads) Chathuin ix quite loud of travel So don't Cheat in A M. or you'll haw to scrah h giawl E(oco Wtlndinill) O(ha.xe), of the Agricultural school, makes ice cream and cake, and such things to keep one cool. .I(onie) D(ainper) Hollinan who's the head of the Mechanics, Comes here from Purdue just to teach us Dynamics. (Continued on Page 3.) $1.00 1415 Q Street GlRARD 2 IN Milton 2M5 in. Arrow COLLARS 15c cacti, 2 for 25c Cluctt, Penbody & Company, Makers mmmaHmHi Another &L Has gained admission to the Uni versity. Let us gain your ear just long enough to say that we have anticipated warm weather with a big assortment of the thinnest, coolest Negligee Shirts, with attached or detached Military collars and in the most pleasing de signes and color effects---a wide choice of quali ties from $1 to $7.50, and they are going fast' ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Good Clothes Merchants We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c eih YOUR NAME Is not on the Station A List IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED A CARD University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOICITED Youn Greek Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors 4 aJHllci )