xvmAgwa.t)tal,iJt y ? ENGINEERS' ISSUE TLhe SDail IRebraekan ., ! Vol. XII. No. 123 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1913 Price, 5 Cents ENGINEER8' WEEK. X2city ff DEAN RICHARDS WRITES FORMER DEAN OF ENGINEERS SENDS GREETINGS FROM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. LEGISLATURE FAR-SIGHTED Illinois Much Better Provided for Fin ancially by Its Legislature Than Nebraska. In response lo ;i rcuest foi ;i hitci for publication, the follmving w re cenllv received the editois from Former Dc.ui Richards, now professor o! iim'( lianlcjil engineering at the I'm versit ol Illinois Professor lti(haid was the fii-'-t dean ol the colelge ol engineering at the I Iiiivcrsit of Ne brasksi. and to liiin is due, in a large measure, the present high standing of our college He went from Nebraska to Illinois in I'll 1 "In response to your kind letter of March L'4th I wish to thank you for this opportunil to greet my friends among the students and laculty of the I'niver sit. I wish it were possible for me to be wnli ou during "Engineers week" and to meet ni liiends in per son t best a letter is a very poor substitute tor a peisonal greeting of the "folks at home " Since leaving Lim oln I have kept in as close touch as possible with the Uni veisit, for, naturall. I shall always be deeply interested in its successes and pi ogress I lfcive been much con cerned over the unlortunate contro versy regarding removal, and I sin cerely trust that before this letter is published and legislature will have de cided upon some definite, constructive policy regarding the matter Al though personally 1 favor the develop ment ol the present site, I believe that in the long run it matters little which decision is reached so long as the (pies Hon is finally decided and adequate funds are provided to carry out the pans agieed lo The Universit of Ne braska is a great institution, but the people ol the state must realize that the building of modern universites is an expensive process and the institu tion cannot hope to retain its present position without a large increase in its income The story of .Mark Hopkins and the log is a good one, but I always feel like hitting a man who tells it when attempting to prove that material things are of snuill consequence in the building of a great university. Of course, strong men in the faculty are of first importance, but these men must have decent places in which to work and iidequiite equipment for their work. During this year I have felt quite es tiiblished in my new position. We (Continued on Page 8) )K . o P S'l OPT fr V( (I April Hi, K mi i in if Monster H;ill and Smoker, Co if P Armory, Seventeenth and () Thurs. April 17 All En if gineeiing ekisses excused, if K Xii si in . baseball, Athletic ic Held (' !: 's vs Ag Engrs, M P -s v s K E -s if In ."in a m Concert on cam- i pus, "Old C.erman Hand " if 11 on a in Special Con if v o( at ion if 2 3u p in State Farm , if t liainpiionhhiu ball. KiULUV i Fnda, 1 p in Armory Mask el ball, A S M E vs I E E , S p in. Brace Hall Pi ol Skinner's lecture. Sat , 1!.:10 i) in Baseball thletic field, Engineers vs Paw s f :tu j) m Banquet, Plndell -jfc-hotel PROF OEORCE K C THl UN The Vet( 1,111 ol tll( Ellgiucci ing faculty De;in Stoi t gisidiuitcd hen in IMPS, and lias been ;i member of the faculty since IS'Jl. Prof Chat burn, head of the Department of Ap plied Mechanics, has been :i fjicult member since 1894. All candidates for the freshman base ball team report on the field at 4 o'clock, Tuesday, today, and bring glove. DA VI I. II. BOWMAN, Chairman. Doane Loses Fast Game By One Run Forced By Three-Sack Hit In a piWheis battle which was not l i idee until the last out in the ninth ii'iiing Nebiasksi won the first base 1 al game of the season last Saturday lioin the strong Doane aggregation b ;i store of 4 to 3. Beckoff did the iwnling for the Cornhuskers while Kielsi.iger upheld the reputation of the vi-itois Beckoff did good work ii inking out eight men but Kretsingcr -toied thirteen strikeouts. Each ill low etl six hits. Ml hough several errors were made dining the game none of them figured vi i much in the final score. Ne lu.isk;i took the lead early in the game ind succeeded in scoring the first tun in the first inning and gain in the I'nid the trick was repeated. In the i 'hth Mil stored ;i two-bsuse hit I -jink lollovving drove the ball to the outhei garden tor three bases scoring May The following is the lineup for Ne 1'iaskii and vh;tt they did in the first ga ne of the yesir: ah r h sb ii e pet 3 110 4 1 .3.T.; 4 n 1 2 2 1 .250 110 0 0 .250 112 0 0 .333 110 10 .250 0 10 7 1 .250 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 3 0 .000 0 0 0 3 0 .000 Flor, ss Haskeil, b Frame rf 4 Towle, If 3 May, c 4 Beckoff, p 4 Underwood, lb 4 Harte, c 4 Jamison, 2b 4 Two base hit, May. Three base hit, Frank, Haskell. Hits Off Kretsinger (5, off Beckoff 6. Ba.se on balls, Kret singer 4, Beckoff 0. Strikeouts, Kret singer 13, Beckoff 8. ENGINEERS CELEBRATE ENGINEERS WEEK TO BE ONE OF GAYETY AND PLEASURE FOR THE SHOP MEN. TAKE HOLIDAY THURSDAY Inglneering Classes Excused Thursday Play Baseball With Laws and Finish Week With Banquet Saturday. "Oil Algle, what are those men wear Ing E's for?" "Those, Cert rude, are not signs of proficiency In class work. Far be it from such E stands for Hrasinus, the Fccentrlcal Engineer " For, be it known, this Is the week commonly called "Engineers' Week" when his Excellency, "Differential and Integral Calculus," is told to get hence and the campus Is dotted with groups of grimy galoots gesticulating fiercely and planning outniges upon society in general All who hiive occasion to be in the vicinity of the Co F Armory at Seven teenth and () streets tomorrow night ire cautioned to don their ancestral tin armor, and stuff their cars with cotton if they expect to survive the night. For It is here, we sire told, that the perpe trators of these heinous offenses will assemble for their council of war. What other dimes will follow In the wake of this pow wow Is hard to pre dict. But it is safe to say that on Thurs day will be the big noise. The shop men have been preparing for this holiday for a long time. In tho first place, the faculty were to be pleas antly surprised when they should conio to their class rooms Thursday morn and find not a single stude. But It seems that a certain member of the faculty wits warned by si dream of this nefarious scheme, and immediately spread the siliirni The Dean, being of a diplomatic turn of mind, thereupon announced that there would be no en gineering classes Thursday. Now, what do you know about that? To reaj) the full benefits of this fes tive day th" shop men will rise early and convene at K:30 on the athletic field Here the four clans will en gage in two bitter conflicts. The weapons will be the baseball and tho willow stick. The C. E.'s will play tho Ag. Engineers, and the E. E.'s tho M. E.'s Here Is tho way they lino up: C. E's Agu 4orrison lb. . . .Nelson (capt) lawkins 2b Wllcov Kierle, (capt) 3b Weeks Owen ss Anderson Votaw cf Sjogren Bauman rf Cook i continued on Page Four) "'Lohengrin" Benefit Tornado Sufferers Chorus and Soloists Temple 10:00 O'clock Classes Excused U i i M 1 n I I --