The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1913, Image 1

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    .J a- . t Jt jx trirl:
XEbe H)&tl IFlebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 122
Price, 5 Cents
PLAY DOANE TODAY 'Engineers Also Take
Alpha Sigma Phi
Week Off of the
College Calendar
Next week is to follow in the
w aki
TRACK MEN COMPETE " A ' d- ,,- ,m" " K,1Ki
Te?-ns Will Be Picked for Drake Relay
Races Next Week Good
Material for
'lliis alttinoon the baseball season
neers week and will be deoted to the
mechanics Tin' gay tsti Kick start
Tuesda when I lie shop mhmi will break
Into the journalistic field with a loud
crash This much abused and long suf
Added to List
of Fraternities
Anolhei .iddition to the libt of fra
teinities in the l'nieisit of Nebraska
was made this week when fifteen stu
dents weie gi anted a chaptei In Alpha
Sigma l'ln Mthough negotiations have
been pending loi some time, definite
fenng publication, the "Hag," Is foned annouin enn nl ol the establishment of
by custom to submit itselt to the cal i the liaptei onUl not be made until
loured and grinn hands ot the noith
side tenement dwelleis on one daj each
w 1 I be tot m.ilh opened b
Jem Man j messages have been ic
yesterday when six ot the new mem
beis tctiiiind horn Madison, Win,
I n i ii the Do.tne Tigers and the Coin cenedall expressing
the hope that t he n nrrr they wen- initiated lv the ehap-
II i. e I
'1 he isiting collegians .11 e papi 1 will suiie the catastrophe
exitiiiL to put up .1 bettei article ol
ha 'ball than was displayed heie a
he engineers w ei e to hae had
tel ol IS( olism uni el sit J
'1 he haitei members ol the local
f haige ol the comoc ation Tuesda but , ( luipttT will be (' Shne, L A
resigned in raoi ot the Omaha tor Hickman. R .1 S(oille, .1 1" Mabcock,
nado The w ill gi e instead a spec ial L,., son It 10 Fee, I I KitiHtnan,
co-idition not hamg piacticed out ol piogiam at the (onvocation hour , Dana Cole, 10 II I)unawa, C C Key
do' rs an this y ea
la. "table (limatK (ondltions
V e,i'
The lo al team is 111 Ian
1 owing to the un Thuisday I0 ei yone is in ited
nolds, I'" I. Habcock. A 10 Allui, II
M-itois hae also not had the adan
ta- in outside piaitKi1 so aie 111 no
bef-r shape than the Huskeis
s a mark of their especial sanctln Haimon, C W Smith and V A
next week the engineers will be ap Luke
propr lately dec o ated No one will be
dniitted to their ai 1011s conchn es and
pow wows without these badges of
1 o;k h Johnson ot Donne is e ei y honor
Opt.iniStK oel the lesult ol todays
name and has hopes ol gning
tin Coinhu-keis .1 et good gann at
least 'I he Do.uie team is (omposed Wilson Lucbs, Ted Sullnaii. C W
(hn'fh ol eteians and they hac 1(.( k . I'austian. J A Christie C A
The nc(essai insignia may be ob
tamed liom the lollowing men upon
prool that the applicant is a true boi n 1 f
Mthongh lphi Sigma Phi is out- of
the stiongest Creek letter oiganiia
1 1011s in the east, it has only lecently
ommeiiced to branch out in the west
ein Ulliveislte
Nebraska becomes
the thud (liaptei west ol the Missis
eiigineei 1. 1' i ms, Ft ed W11 t , Ceo
plined tonethei toi a eai 01 two
I laupl man, J 1 1 1'iei ( e
in Id is piaMicalh the same as the
on- whuli plaed heie last season
( oach Heltei had no lineup to gie
on' in regard to toda s name but
pi.nticallv all the aisity mateilal will Former Nebraskan Bequeaths Millions
be given a (hame to pioe its woitb
The batter pioposition is gmng the
hum trouble to tin- ( oach for theie
,ti- not m main out at piesent and
tin weathei has also been of such a
nauue a- to allow nothing but nidooi
practice Rodman, Meckolt, and Smrha
ha.e bet n doinu the twilling The 111
held problem is et to be decided and
no doubt the showing made 111 the
atl'Miioon name ma decide a tew of
tin places M piesent there is no one
pet-on Miir ot his position on the nine
am; all an working haul to make the
' 1 ( oopei .it 1011
to Benefactor in Return for
Aid in College.
Chailes Fioelich. a foi nier student
ol Nebiaska was ei y generous in his
appieciation ol a kind fnend who gave
linn financial aid in college In the
eaih Xn's I)i Ed w aid S Higley ot
Chicago, who had no paiticular idea
that he was casting biead on the
wateis, lent Chailes Fioelich $700 to
assist him thiough a course at the Uni
eisit of Nebiaska
lOight eais ago Froelic h, who had
glow 11 wealthy in Austna, visited his
foimei benelactor and tepaid the loan
with interest compounded
Fioelich died without hells and Dr
Lligle has learned that Fioelich's for
tune approximately $ 1.00.00o. had
lett to him
ppl llel, the Othel two being lo
cated at California and Washington
Strong ( hapteis aie 111 existem e al all
the pioininent eaMeiii sc hools, and the
'Sigs ' aie one of the live 01 gainat ions
now actueat Haiaid The fraternity
is one of the oldest 111 existence, ha
mg been lounded in 1 8 1 ."
Sings Two Solos Which Are Much Ap
preciated Pierce is Cornet
LaBt evening the University Regi
mental Hand presented Its Annual Con
cert before a crowd which, while small,
did not lack hi enthuHlaHiru Under the
leadership of C M Cornell a piograni
was glsen which showed excellent
woik thioughout The listeners were
able to enjoy the moie classical produc
tions as well as the familiar "U-U-lf-N
I ' by the presentation of such selec
tions as the cnertuie "Stradella," and
the andante fioin "Suipilse' Sym
phon The quaitctte trom "Kigoletto" was
the lit st ot the so called special num
bers In this presentation the student
placis dlsplacd maiked talent The
leading pint on the Haiitone was
plaed b C C Meek, dium major of
the band
l'ieic e, solo ( ornetist,
showed some cxi client woik irr pre
senting the Fantasia "hump, Tramp,
Ti amp
The singing of Mrs Lillian
Helms, whic h is the stibjec t ot so much
pialse elsewlieie, was eciiall apple
c iated on this occ asion
wo numbers weie lendeied by .Mrs
Plans for establishing the c-haptci ' Hclins. dining which the band was
heie weie completed the (list ol thejssited in t he ac c onipanimeiil by Mr.
week Wayne M Musgnne of New lowing, claiinctist
with the baseball
tiafi.e will be the Hack tisouts to pick
the two teams that aie to lepresent
the Univeisity in the Diake lelay
laces to be held next week Nebiaska
has quite an abundance ot material in
the snrints and should be 1 epresented ,
tin sprnus ami "Peanut" Hill Visits His Old Haunts
by two good teams. I formerIy a stU(ent ftt
The competition will be held a the UnIveraIty of Nebra8ka and now
same time as the game so there will be j aUindlnir MIchIgan has been a vl8Uoi
no dull moments during the afternoon &
and all ot this comes unuer one uu
miHHion lee, twenty-five cents
Mr Hill, who was possessed of the
campus title of "Peanut," will be re-
""" membered as h vlng been on the Ne-
Pi Phi Formal. I i)ra8k,ul an(i Cornhusker staffs of last
The following alumnae of the PI year and actlve in several other forms
Beta Phi sororit weie back to attend of ttCtvlty. After taking two years of
their annual formal party yesterday. aca(iemic WOrk and one of law at Ne
braska, Mr. Hill entered Michigan this
year to make a special study of law
and will leave again for the north to
morrow He is a member of Alpha
Tau Omega and is staying at the fra
ternity house.
lOdith Fisher, Ceorgina Davis, Florence
Rush and Mrs Dunham of Omaha;
Mcrnlce Oien. Council Bluffs; Ella
Schwake. Nebraska City; Eula Bates,
Springfield , Fanny Powers, Lexington;
Susan Gillette, Norfolk.
York, grand vice piesident ot the 01 -
der, anied in Lincoln last Saturday!
tor the purpose1 of granting the char 1
ter and accompanying six of the men
to Madison, Wis, wheie they weie in i
dated Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week Upon their ietuin they made
ai langeinents towaid initiating other
member s.
Muslinell Cuild as .111 01 ion is 1 I
not c ounce ted with the installation of
the new chapter ot Alpha Sigma Phi
according to a statement which was
issued esteid,i by that bod Al
though six of its ineinbeis aie pell
tioners with nine other univei sity men
whose names aie withheld, theli action
is stated to be of an Individual nature
rather than as Bushnell Guild
C. K. Paine denies all connection
with the new fraternity or with the 1
Bushnell Guild.
Sigma Nu Banquet
The Slcm-i Nu fraternity holds Its 3
fifth annual banquet at the Lindell ho
tel tonlirht Many alumni besides the 4
members of the active chapter will at
tend. The out of town alumni who are
back are- W. F. Wunder of Harlan,
Iowa; E P. Snyder, Washington, Kan
sas; E M. Cassady Jr., Whiting,
Iowa; T. P. Risser and Clarence Emp
kio of Council Bluffs;, C. J Lord and
Vaughan Bacon of Omaha; H. H.
Drake, Humphrey; Dr. R. J. Hart,
Schuyler, Mr Russel of Cornell unl-
l verBity.
The folowing was the piogiain
Ciaud Tiiuniphiil Choi us "Praise
Ye the Fathei -Gounod
Oveituie, "Stradella" -Flotow
guaitette fioin "Rlgoletto" Veidl
Lewis Pieice, comet, 10 H Cor
nelius, clarionet, II (! Wenke,
trombone, C (J Meek, baritone.
' March alia Tuika" Moait
"I' I' U N P (Reised Veision)
C Mi ow 11 ('01 nell
s played by
a The Unheisity Maud
The Mexican Maud
The Rag time Maud
The Little Gei man Maud
The Royal Hungaiian Maud
Intei mission
Match "Our Nebraska" Flora
Andante from "Sui prise" Sym
phony Haydn.
"Una voce poco fa" (Italian) from
the "Barber of Seville." Rossini.
Fantasia, "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp"
Rolllnsou Mr. Pierce.
"Star Spangled Banner."
The Iowa legislature passed a reso
lution asking the State Board of Ed
ucation to rescind its edict regarding
the coordination of Iowa, Ames and
Cedar Falls The engineers will re
main at Iowa and the.domestlc science
girls will continue to cook at Ames.
1 j
I '. J
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