The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1913, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1'ny youi subscription now. tf Overflow Forces Museum to Pile Relics in Tunnels 'I In iiio In-ill tin1 museum has hlli i i In- i uinpiis t iiniii'I w ith skele tons til .mi icnl annuals s.iiiiiaii. Dili- III I III l I I lllle sll.lkc like In utes (il ,ni i-jiih c v;i ;i 1 peiiod has been unearthed niuitly and lenioved to tin' museum Tin- student who M-iitn'cs into the campus luiini Is may he startled by t In suggest n heaps of bones that arc Mnicil away in obscure cornels and dai l holes The la It of museum space to accommodate all that comes in loices the dejiai tnieiit to use the tun Dels lor the tune being There ,ne animals of all types rep icseiiteil The bones ol the niain nioiith, a huge ancestor ot the elephant, with fifteen -fool tusks is no more strange than the eighteen tcot reptile that was list week taken fiom the tunnels and put together at the mil seiiin I'ei haps the most remarkable tact is that these animals were In habitants ol a tropical Nebraska TEMPLE HIGH SENIOR CLASS GIVES PLAY SATURDAY NIGHT Will Present "Varsity Coach" Fred McConnell Coaching Cast. The thud annual play ot the senior (lass of the l'meisit high school will be given next Sutuiday evening in the Temple thcatie The play se lee ted lor U eseutat ion, the "Varsity Coach" is a college (oniedv in lour acts The acting is not ditlicult and the pans have been well chosen so that the management leels assuied that it will be the most successful ol the class plays The leading parts are taken b Miss (Jladvs Wilkinson and Conrad Wilson ot last semesters grad uating class F C McConnell, ot the I'nnersity Di.imatic club, is coaching the play Seat sare on sale at the Y A I C desk In the Temple C c Reynolds visited his mother at Dayton, Ohio on bis way to Madison, IsCOllslM Hagensick's Orchestra, Auto D 2990. II Sisler of (Jeneva is isiting his daughtei Rebanis who is suffering fiom an acute attack ol appendicitis Loch's Orchestra, Phone L7620. Place our oider with Townsend as early as possible for duplicate por traits. The Cornhusker price contin ues until the close of the school year. Adv. tf i Mrs (Jeorge II Thomas, who has been isitmg Eva Rosenbaum, re turned to her home at Harvard this morning The (lei man Dramatic club will meet Thursdaly evening from 7 till 8 i in Faculty Hall A short play "Er 1st Nicht Eifersuechtig" will be given and a business meeting will be held Every one be prompt CAMPUS NOTES P.i oui siihs( i iption now. tt Mane D.tllv has letuined to Diinlap, la , at tei a shot t mmI at Ihr ('111 Omega house Telephone Yule Bros at once. Opal Coiyell litis letuined to Klgin. Neb, altei a weeks visit at the Chi Omega house C. H. Frey, University florist, 1133 O Bt. "Hanky Panky." Thuisday night Lew Fields' all star tonipany in "Hanky Panky," another big musical show t list t is nothing more than a great big vaudeville entertain nient . This company travels entirely b special train and are now in their sevent v "iglith week with exactly the saint toinpanv ot principals that have been with the show during their long i un This melodious nimble ol pilli Mention is mtei preted by one of the 'inest casts of tunmakers eer assem bled ami a chorus conspicuously singled out tor Paris Lew Fields has given "IIank Panky" by lar the most stupendous pioduction he lias ever of tered to the public Seldom, if ever, aio three such riotously tunny com ediaiis as Max Rogt is of the tuitions Uogeis Hrotheis, who, it is said, lias the greatest part of his tared, Hobby Hoi th and Harry Cooper, recent co star with Mile Trentini in "Naughty Marietta" have been seen on the stage at the same time, then there is Hugh Camci on, always the pink ot sir torial perfection anil Dapper Clay Smith, Christine Nielsen statuesciu. and nhapelv as eei while Hill Montgeniei antl Florence Moore the woild's gie.itest vaudeville team in roduce in "Hanky Panky" their new antl original conceptions of eccentric comedy Their aie seventeen musical numbeis and theie will be an aug mented orchestia ol some eighteen musicians "I peisonalh giiar.intee that no betti i oi larger attiattion has ever been pieseuted in Lincoln or in any other t Ity ill the I'niletl States "F C ZEHIU'NU " Adv. Drawn by The Coinhuskei stalt aitist was unable to finish this thawing, con sequentlv in ordei to have a good likeness ol this (anions campus hu morist ;i pi le ot one 1!H. Annul will be given to the student w lit) draws in .i mouth that will best tit thet ircuinstances The pri.e drawing will be printed in the Cornhusker Draw in ink and mail to Editor, 1911! Coinhusker THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 . 40 Dinner 1 1 to 1: () Supper 5 : 41) to 7 :- TH E TEMPLE -: I Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES The Xi Deltas held their monthly meeting at the Achoth house Tuesday -v enlng In Red Hox, that tine I'nhersitv Seal l!ox Papei The University Hook Store Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people Oeoige Hros.. I iinieis, 1 .; Ki N stiff t .Now ii the tune to buy a pin lob oi i mg :;iu nth st Dr. Alldritt, Dentist, 202 Ganter Bldg, B-3609. Victor Moore at the Orpheum. Starling with matinee yesteiday Vic tor Moore anil Fiiiina Littlefleld in the j t)riginal b.ue stage acts, "Change I Your Act or Hack to the Woods;" I)e-I inarest and Chahot in music and danc ing, Wilsons Comedy Chens, intro dueing beautiful small performing i ponies, the revolving table, and the, unridable mule, Obey , a delightful comedy annual act that will be es- pcciullv pleasing tt both young and, I old, (! S Melvin. the versatile Scot, i the I lesson Players, in the one act coined "Hetween Trains," Chailesj '.Hid Madeline Dunbar in animal tun ' ology , The Dm Inns in a traniolin' noveltv. ' Teinble Night" 'Ibis' pioinlses to be the best comedy bill of ihf season Regulai Oipheiim prices Matinee 1 .". and L'.V. "lulu I." l.". '.", :f) and Tiiu I Ms . ghji Give us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price TO HAVE YOUR WISH COME TRUE For delightful comtort in cabs where you want to ride with the pleasure ot knowing you will not soil a costly dress call "Ensign!" Our cabs are all full size where four passengers may ride in comfort as coy ami clean on the inside as on den Rides as smoothly as a Pullman Her pleasant 1 enif inbrance of her escort to the loiinal will be moie last ing wheie you use an "Ensign Cub" It means luxury combat aiid pleasure Atlv TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They aie always the best We'seive hot and cold drinks. all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Coiner 14 and O Street