The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1913, Image 1

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XTbe Sail flebraekan
APRIL 11th
Sprig has cub!
Lykelle! Lykelle!
For joy we sig!
Vol. XII. No. 120
Whether Rule Applies to Fraternities
Has Not Been Determined
Money Has Been
- rule, winch was passed last week
bv the Committee on Student Organ
ixnttoMM Hiid wlvmh vva.i fui the. thai
time made public vesterday afternoon,
comes as a ( liniax to the recent agita
ti n in favor of preventing Univeisit
oi sanitations tioin contracting debts
winch, either through negligence 01
embezzlement, arc never paid
flie ruling runs as follows
so class, oi other organization of
st '.'dents ot the Pniveisit of Nebras
ka shall be allowed to give anv enter
ta nmi'iii ol an chaiactei which he
tpiies expense or (halves admis.sion
un'il .ill fonner debts contiacted bv
sa.d (lass 01 oi gani.ation of students
ha.e been paid in full
The pin pose of the committee in
parsing the nile is said to be to pie
eiit student organizations assuming
financial 1 esponsibilities which thev
ar- unable to pa and which become
a souice ot great trouble 01 loss to
lo al meichants There are at the
present tune debts of two years stand
in r winch show no prospects- of being
settled and it is to prevent such situa
tions that the recent action became a
The passing of such a rule will have
no small effect upon the activites of
t lie student organizations of (lie
schools It means that no class
dances or plavs ma be given until all
delinquent obligations ate paid and in
several, it not all classes, such will
h;'e the ellect ot putting a stop to all
class activites, social, diamatic, atli
letic or ot an othei natuie whatevei
Whether fraternities will be included
in the Intel prestation ot the commit
tee as applied to the iule has not been
announced, but a stnet construction,
if applied, could not fail to make such
an inclusion
Assessment is recommended as the
most expedient means of escaping the
effect of the rule, though inquisitorial
methods, will be not permissable in
raising money. Assessment as a means
of raising money in such an organiza
tion as a class, however, does not offer
much encouragement to those who de
sire to see class activites continued
The object of the decision being to
w"ork on immediate prevention of the
misuse ol money and contraction of
clfbts, the rule goes into effect with
out delay in oider that the usual ac
tivities that are about to commence
for the second semester may be af
fected by the ruling
Cornhusker staff meets today at 1 :30
i-i the Cornhusker Office. Presence is
DsolUtely required.
Final Game of Interfrat
Series Goes to ,
. -tK
Phi Kappa Psi
'1 he championship game ol the in
tetliaterintv basketball set ies was
plajed in the arinoi.v last night An
admission tee ot ten cents was chaiged
to pa foi banneis tor the champion
ship and second hest teams Ploi v ol
the lnterfratermu athletic- board, ha
ing discoveied that there was not
enough change on hand to bu pen
nants for the isitois, he leadil
availed himself o tins expedient toi
mvuK thu.Uiaiiipiuns.j.huii .cjJfaLojjiar
For the put pose or these contests the
thirteen Maternities weie divided into
two gioups The Kappa Slgmas won
the first gioup, the I'lii Kappa Phi's
took the sec ond gioup, and the IMii
I'si's walked awn last night with the
inter fraternit championship The
game was both contested fiom start
to finish, and bj its close much com
petithe enthusiasm was amused
Transit Men Get Together to Organize
Departmental Club.
meeting of enibio civil engineeis
was held at 11 o'clock esteida ( Pi i
da ) in M :oi; to consider the or
ganiation of a Civil Engineers' club
There has been no student organization
in this depailinent since lfltll when the
societv then existing was disbanded,
ror the purpose or promoting the En
gineenng Society among all the stu
dents in the college
The pioposed plan for the govern
ment of the Engineering Society con
templates the formation of clubs in
each department This was the pur
pose in the minds of the uppci class
men who called the meeting
The majoiit.v of those who iesponded
weie juniors and seniors, but the club
will piobabl.v be open to all classes
Pieshinen will be admitted as asso
ciate nieinbeis The club when organ
ized ma affiliate with some national
eiigineeiing societj The following
committees hae been appointed Con
tiUition Piatt, chairman. R M Clieen,
Baunian, Waters, Cotton, affiliations,
Mc-CJee, chairman. Pishwood, 11 E
Smith; publicity, McLaffertV. ('hair
man,, A Smith, Dresher
Quarantined at 1449 S No More Cases
Another infectious disease has again
broken out in the University This is
the first case of diphtheria to break
out among the students The patient
is Lauretta iAifd, '1, and she is quar
antined at 1 J4H S stret Her mother
has come fiom Randolph to care for
her Miss Lend is a sister of Carl J
The sophomoie basket ball team pic
ture will be taken this morning in the
i moi at 11 o'clock
Six Men Go East to
Be Initiated Into
Alpha Sigma Phi
iimioi ol M((ial mouths stand
mg was continued vestcrdn when it
was learned that six students ol more
or less piomineiice in the University
had gone to Madison, Isconsin, to be
initiated into lpha Sigma Phi The
will return in the next tew das and
establish a chapter in Nebraska Those
composing the chattel bunch are A E
Allii,C C Rewiolds. C K Paine, R E
I Pee, j A Hickman and C R Shirey,
.all ineinheis ol Mushnell Oulld
As those c onnec tT'TTwTtir nie""?'tn-jbijonic-
oiganiation hae chosen to
keep theii plans slric-tlv seciet nothing
j definite can be given to the University
I public- as to rutnie plans until these
men return and install the chapter
Ags Will Not PutOut
Edition of "Rag"
As Planned
The giicultuie Club and g slu
dents who were going to issue an edi
lion or the "Rag' this week, ic-alling
the stupendous task befoie them and
the nnpiac bilitn of issuing a papei
without a little pieuous expedience,
hae backed out and aie lead and
'willing to Id die olcltimeis take c-aie
of the dail.v Man of the western col
,leges give oei whole editions to dif
lerent university organizations but it
has never become a custom heie and
com-equentlj onl.v a leu are familiar
( with the "getting out" of a paper
I This is especially true or the school
without a course or journalism Next
l week the engineers have promised to
put out a starting issue, one that will
be long lemembered in the annals or
'"Rag" history But we should worry
Ag Reception and Kid Party.
Pi Ida v evening at ! in the women
of the Agiicultural college will en
teitain the men of the college at a
! reception It the weather permits it
will he held in the cotton wood grove
on the east side or the faun If too
wet the lec-eption will he held in tin
old stand bv the judging pavilion
Por those who do not dance, a kid
paitv is planned It will he held in
Agriciiltuial Hall at S o'clock Satur
D. G. V. To Meet Thursday.
neiitcher dessellige Vereiro will meet
Thursday ennng with Elisabeth Witt
inann, !.'!!) H stiet The following pro
gram will be given bv Arvid Samuel-son
Jensen Canzonetta
Schubert Impromptu B Fiat
Torgussen . To the Rising Sun
Friml Valse Poetique
1-ihzt .... Eroica
Price, 5 Cents
Dr. N. C. Reynolds and Oble Meier
View Accident From Few Feet
Away Aid Not
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'cclock
Miss Julia Catherine Schulte of Elgin,
ii freshman in the College of Arts and
Sciences, lii -J street was hit and
serious! injured by a street car go
ing east on R street The accident oc
curied as she was crossing the track
diagonal! and the fender held her
Mom falling beneath the wheels and
almost instant deatli
The car was traveling at a fairly
uipldly rate and although he rang the
bell. Motorman Sam Hall did not at
tempt to stop until within a few feet
of Miss Schulte when he found it im
possible to avoid the collision The,
condiictoi in diaige or the car was
W J Hasac-k
Bv good luck, l)r N C Reynolds
was passing the scene a moment after
the accident happened and lie rushed
to the voting woman's aid He was as
sisted in resuscitating her b.v Oble
Meier, a well known Pnneislt man.
No attempt was made by the men in
charge cr the car to send Tor an am
bulance and not until a large crowd of
univeisit students had gathered
about the place wu,s it discovered that
it was only by chance that medical aid
had been hi ought St Eliabeth's hos
pital was notified and in a few min
utes Miss Schulte was under the best
medical care
Later Early this morning word was
received from the hospital that Miss
Schulte's injuries were not serious
and that she was resting easily Doc
tors in attendance state tlrat no seri
ous developments are expected and it
is expected that she will be out in a
few da.vs
Head of Physical Education Depart
ment Announces Events in Which
Girls May Acquire Numerals.
Announcements of avvaids in ath
letics have been made b the head of
the plisica! education department.
Medals may be won in ginnastlcs
team games, and track work, and in
the official track meet. Winners in
basket ball, irrdoor baseball and hockey
may wear the class numerals.
"N's will be given to those who get
"E" in physical education, who are
on a class team and who win first, sec
ond or third place in a track event.
This idea lias been adopted by Iowa
and Wisconsin and is meeting great
Owing to the fact that quite a runn
er or the Seniors have not placed their
orders Tor Invitations, another and the
last opportunity will be given Thurs
(la.v . Orders will be taken Thursday,
11 to G in the "Rag" office.