" ' "H TLhe Dailv flebraskan Vol. XII. No. 116 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1913 Price, 5 Cents J LAWS SEE RUNAWAY NOVEL AFFAIR HAPPENS OPPO SITE NEW LAW BUILDING YESTERDAY MORNING. DRIVER GETS BAD GASH However the Team Is Soon Quieted and Injured Man Taken To Doctor in Ma chine. A small rmiii :y happened in front of the new law building u3.texday morning shorii alter 8 o'clock, re sulting si painlul injury to thr driver o( a coal wagon The outfit wir standing across the street fioni tin law building when the horse.-, gae a start, tin owing the wagon against the curbing and jostling the dnvi r off (lie seat onto the bin k pavenu ni The team and wagon stopped in iiont of the west cential gate and were soon quieted The driver lay l,r some time on the pavenu nt, uy much plan is that members of the associa- stunned and vitli a deep gash aboe,ion will re eive spi cial privileges no! the right eye that bled fredy. He L-corded to others and that they will was taken awa lor medical i-ltention .tand a part ot the cost ot maintain b a pa-sing automobile. ing the courts j While only two of the old men are NEWSPAPER MEN HOLD FOXY FORMAL PARTY Daily Nebraskan Acts As Host This Evening at the Walsh Hall. The l)ail Nebiaskan will break in to formaldom this evening with its initial swallowtail party in Walsh hall I'niversity press men will bo great 1 in evidence and the whole unair will take on Hie aspect of a pen-pusher's dance. Programs will be novel and the music is predicted as something worthy oT such ji distinguished dance Loading the grand march will be as Master of (Vi emonU s, Kenneth M. Snyder, with Miss Faith Sell wind and Chairman Louis Home with Miss Florence Angle The procession will start at S ::'.( ;diarp WRESTLERS REACH IOWA Cornhusker Team Arrives At Iowa Fray. The Cornhusker wrestling team ar rived nt Iowa City this morning a little tired by their journey but otherwise prime for their match with tho Hawkeyes tonight. Physical Di lector Scluoeder has announced that the following men will make up the team to represent Iowa: O'Connor, heavenwelght; Ballard, featherweight; Hobbeti, middleweight and Gran, lightweight. The Iowa men are con fident that they will reverse their luck of pieeeding tournaments and will win tonight's bout. The Blair Club held a hou&o party at the. Farm House last night. TENNIS MEN PREPARE j TO FORM ORGANIZATION j i Good Material for Producing a Strong Team This Sea son. With the return of the robins and warm weather, the tennis enthusiasts are again gathering around the courts and talking of racquets, balls aw! slacked lime The two lots east of the athletic field set aside for the special use of the tennis sharks are Coming !lt :i wnson of the yei.i when being cleaned and rolled in'o shape 'pocket money for ice cream and for spring practice. The exp. use of j frappcs is indispensable to the adoles-uj4wp-Hnd -equipment i nu- rmtH-j-ce"1- uud - --wko -of the year matter and though the athletic depart-' xs 1" " '"!'" si'v' s" "' of n ment has agreed to stand a part o summer's skimpy .arinngs tor the .. the cost, tliere is enough out:-Hie eX- pense to make it necessarv to Hud other means of meeting the bills With this end in view the old tennis men are planning to organize They will call themselves the Te-nis As- sociation. A meeting to perfect this organization will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in IT. lot; The back. Florev i.nd Williams, there is " ""' world to leceipting j. remit a great deal of fresh mateiial that ,:,1(,(' right "w '' is "'" "'e a ill develop into Varsity .,tulf awl root of all we iiave to sa on the sub give the older lellows a hard run to J"(t- keep their places The Missouri Val " is "lways easy to scoop corn if 1. y meet comes on the flftienth of U(' begin Jlt "'e bottom The same Ma. al Lawrence, Kansas, and pre principle applies in a less exa-.gerated parations are being made to send degree to the payment of delis. The a winning team to represent Nebra-i , ln's f April, the time for ai install a Besides these, arrangenu nts aiv,"11'"1 lroln fa,,ll'r is 'lpe uvil past, being made foi a meet with Creigh Begin to evade much later embarass ton University and Peru Normal, to in('"' ol ,lu' )(,,lv aiui barms. ei.g kind lie neid during tne latter pan or May. .... ..... .... . ni kcotn niilrillp mi v n CLASSIC DANCING MAY 3 Miss Days Dancing Class To Give Exhibition At Temple Theatre. The dancing class, under the in st ruction of Miss Day. will give an exhibition of their w rk May :, at the Temple Theatre. (exhibitions have not been given by these classes before, but undoubtedly it will meet with the approval of a full house, counterfeit were out in lull toice. The Several solos as well as the group i track team went through their cus dances will bo presented. j tomary ritual, and some of the men THE BAND CONCERT. The annual concert which is to be given In the Temple next Friday night promises to be one of tho biggest All-University events of the season. In addition to several prominent solo- ists, the program will be enriched by two new compositions, 'Our Nebras ka," by Bullock, and a novolette by Director Cornell. Mr. Hex Bishop Wilsey of the Sen ior class of the University has been elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa. His name should have been included in the list as published on March 13th. Mr. Wilsey's home ad dress is Tecumseh. MIDSUMMER DUNS ARE EXTREMELY ANNOYING Bills Pile Up At Wrong Time On Un- fortunate Students at This Time Happy is the man who leaven the Unhersity .hn.e 1 Ft li with tne sweet smile of sat i-taction appearing on liis lips, and a peaceful consc'ousness pervading his mentality that he 1h square with the world. The mid-summer dun is a most unwelconi" guest. .w.v C.ll .,1 .-, 1.....1 lw...- ,.,.!,. ., ,,f 1 ,. I '" Al '"" " """""'. " "" ""'"J M e awn.ge dun received With w hat j 'impetuous recoil, no! glib an I easily I " Kohlen hinges moving, noes t.he ( business manager of the Hag dispatch bis summer duns ; "' """' " prepare lor a acauon (" P'funiary peace is now. Without dwelling longer on the phi' "sph ot instantaneous Hqwdat ion. ' becomes quite eas to suggest the piwlical applieation to which Hies, speculations readily lead We waul (,u l() P!l' 'OUI" "Hag" subs, i iptious We hae not the --lightest cbjectin.i I..- ...lli.wr .... .1... I. ....I.. ...... ...... " w...,h v, ,,.,- .,.-,, ,-.-, ..........! io(ia ami presenting nun with a do! ';ir in tull for this semester's subscrip ,i. i;,v . ATHLETIC FIELD AGAIN SEES SPRING WORKOUTS Track, Football and Baseball Men Agnin Drawn Out By Warm Weather. The athletic Held came back to its own yesterday and athletes ieal and showed that their long training is tak- ing effect. The baseball squad held the best i practice of the season. Aftei fielding practice and i-ome base-sliding in structions, the first and second teams indulged in a slugging match which I grew so spirited that the long distance runners of the track team were called in to replace the martryrs in the field. If some of the sluggers keep on tho gajLe receipts will probably be swelled by coin from the pockets of big league scouts on the lookout for a chance to snap up a phenom. Francis Young will spend tho week end at Schuyler and Ruth Mills at Iowa City. FOOTBALL HOPES RISE SPRING PRACTICE INSPIRES COURAGE IN ENTHU8IA8TS IN FACE OF HARD SCHEDULE. FRESHMEN WILL FILL GAPS Twnty Men Out Regularly In Spito of Conflicting Track and Base ball Demands On Time. The" first few days of spring fool ball practice have prnctically assured the coaches that it will bo a valuable hhkpI to Nel.ri.slc 's looth.ill fenm. Tin. ,.(Ht f(,w (,avs ,mV(, H(ipn fr()li W.uy (() ,,,, v.,iv1 . () the ,1H(, at V(I y pi.acti(.(1 U wo.klnR ,mrd. Th,H ,,.,. wmiId ,m,i()ubtedly b much larger were it not for the fact that ,,.,S). and track work take up the time of many loothall men However, the coach leels that the spring prac loce is not so much to leach I lie vet erans ot the game as i is to expound a lew details to the substitutes and liesliinan Last ear Hie varsity had bare gotten well organi.ed when Hie season clo-ed Willi spring prac tice the coach hopes to eliminate all ot this and have a perfectly organ ized t am i t he I hue ot the first game As eerone remeinbeis, the line was the source ol most ot la: t year's tiouble, while the hafkficld was ex cccdmgh good in comparison This car the troubh seems to be just the reverse However the fre.diinan team team will undoubtedly furnish some good men to till the gap leti open by tll, K,a(,iaiion of Captain Frank. Hutherlord will piobably alternate with Heck at half while Coffee, another tirst year man, will be used at full. Moth ot these men showed up well in last year'.s scrimmages, liardiner another freshman w Ik comes troin Lake Forest will also get a chance in the backfleld. Next ear's schedule will be tho hardest ow that the Husk-is have ever had Three games will be played with teams in the "Hig Nine" asso- nation and tin re will be no so-called ' practice games at all. IOWA WRESTLERS CHOSEN FOR THE MEET IOWA CITY, Iowa, April 1, 1913 Physical Director B. V,. Schroeder has announced the following line-up for Iowa in the big Iowa-Nebraska wrestling tournament to bo held here Saturday night: HeavyweightO'Connor, class 175, weight 178. Featherweight Ballard, class 125 weight 125. Middleweight Hobbctt, claes 145, Weight 147. Lightweight Gran class 140, weight 137. Louise and Ethel ChaBe of Stanton are visiting at the Alpha O house. !rf,i I H i I J J.