THE DAILY NRI1RASKAN A MATH SHARKS CELEBRATE ENGINEERS ARE SCHEDULED TO TAKE ( HARGE OF SCHOOL WEEK AFTER NEXT. SOMETHING NEW It's always having something new to show that has made this store so popular with young men. New ties, new collars, a new style hat or cap as well as the most complete line of young men's clothes shown in Lincoln. MANY EVENTS ARE PLANNED Will Put Out Special Edition "Rag," Have Special Convocation and Play Ball With the Laws Maybe. Ir" ! SJTC lit. Week alter next is "ICngineerH Week" :iii(i thr shop men hcpiii to be determined to make it 11 record breaker Tin- piogram for the weok wan decided on at a meeting of the Nnglneeniig Soci't held Wednesday evening The moie pioniinent feat in es of the week u ill he a special convocation ami a. upec ml issue of the "Hag" on Tuesday, tlnee baseball games anions the four depai tinents to decide the championship of the college and a Kiune with the Laws if it can be ar ranged, a basketball name between the A S M K and the A I E 10 ; a monster mass meeting and smoker, and, as the climax, on Saturday night, the annual banquet. Another stune is planed, about which Iheie seems to be a deal of secrecy Neither by tin eats tears or bribery could so much an an ink ling of this invsteiions uf'a'r he ob tained Ye s( i ib" was asMi'td how ever, by several well known charac (er who seem to be in the c 01 spir ac-y, that "it will make 't : i sit up and take notice ' In ordei M. Kngineeiri may be distinguished 'torn the common every daj held l.issv little b.itto'n will be worn b the p.-i p'tiatoi s d:n ing the week o1 I'.e bij- slurM" Ni man will be adiiutteil to anv ot Ih" events without tee inMem ot his I v -alty At this meeting the matter of a new constitution for the society was also brought up The special committee submitted a plan wheieb the lCngi neering Society would be governed by a board ot contiol, consisting of the presidents ot the Tom departmental clubs, thus lesulting in a moie unified college spint The plan elicited dis cussion and some opposition The decision was lelt toi a later meeting Telephone Yule Bros at once. FARQUHAR, The Clothier The Home of Good Clothes 1325 O Street ROSCOE C OZMAN ' Candidate for Commissioner at the City Primary, April, 8th Mr Ozman, U of N. Law '07, is at present City Clerk, and stands on a platform for the advancement and betterment of the city of Lincoln. DRILL MEN HEAR INTERESTING LECTURE BY COMMANDANT Future Policy of Apointment is De tailed. Lieutenant Bowman Tells Omaha Experiences. Inclement weather last evening pre vented the cadets from undergoing their usual hour's drill They gath ered in the chapel and listened to a shoit talk by Commandant How man He outlined the new method to be used in promoting the cadet officers and said that all commissioned otH ceis for the next years will be picked tiom til is yeai's men or those who have had at least three year's of mili taiy training Fust sergeants will be pic ked tiom second year men, etc The title team is also to be composed of Juniors and Seniois, men who have had the most darning m this kind of woik Cov eminent inspection comes on the twelfth of May. and every effort is being made to prepare the men for the event Commandant How man praised the work of the University cadets at Om aha, many of whom are enlisted in the National Guards Many lives and much pioperty weie saved by the effi cient work of the boys in kaki Com mandant How man was in direct charge of the tegiilars and was in a good position to obsetve the work of the (loops Spting Styles in Initial St.itionetv All the letters The lTniveisit Hook Store Allv OTTO W. MEIER Otto W. Meier, A. B. '98 LP. B. '00, will stand for re election to the office of Coun cilman, under the Commission Plan of City Government which was adopted by the people of Lincoln a year ago. The primar' will he April 8. Spring Line Of Oxfords and Pumps Now Ready Jiuuewz uuu Punch that more than satisfies Ice Cream and Ices of highest merit. Let us please you as we have pleased others. The Puritan Ice Cream Company Phone: B-6152 2026 "0" STREET "The Company ot Guaranteed Service" THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 : 30 Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: