The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1913, Image 1

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Zhe Hail flebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 116
Price, 5 Cents
Two Grades Sell for Two for Twenty
Five Cents and Twenty-five
Cents Each Respec
tively. '. t," l Si-mor imitations has
hpr" irntnc nn for nvrral day at a
i at- ' Kit - ins to iiulu ati- that an un
u t.'i'v lai-i l'Uinbei will he )iii cliascd
,n! '' I. ex hum, ( ha inn, in of the in
vila-ion ( oininit tee, is of the opinion',,, h(1 (i,nmted b the wind and cold
th. a final i ush toda will )iit the fin , weathei, howeei, and weie out pull-
shi"j; tone lies on the sale Todaj is nig down some long aicheis. which
po-itiel the last da on which theweie neailv lendeied invisible by the
booklet in,n be oidered, and in a v ei v iheavv low hanging clouds The base
lev. das the will be sent to piess I ball team will need plentv ol good
The unit itions hae been gotten ii) w cathoi as then hist game is onl a
m a ei attiadne toim The beaut) weekawav
ot -he cle-mn and at inngeinont ma The ti eshmaii diainond dustei s lun e
be mlened Horn the fact that the e , not as jet shown up on the held 1
penmen, is being tried of making thorough no p.ov.sion has been made foi
pit -eilt desi-n a stock foilll W llioll
.. , i ii. ... ii,,. r.i
" " ' '"
. i i... 11 .i.(i 1 i :i u 1 1 ltni.i 1 1 it in. ii.
tui". and with such intention in mind
the committee excited everv et
foil to make the punting, embossing
and decorating such that it cannot
possibly bo a disappointment to the
most fasttdious
'Ihe booklets are sold in two giades
The oheapor class which sell two for
twenty fivo cents, have a white card
board covering with a binding of red
com! and tassels The bettor grades
aie worth a quarter a piece, the added
expense resulting liom the cost of the
Russian mission leather covering
which offeis a much i ichor effect in
a bionze coloiing with a matched
leather snap for binding the sheets
On the tipper portion of the covering
is the name "Nebiaska" in black let
teiing an inch high The university I
seal adonis the center of the face with I
the veai below and a touch of ivy,
leaves graces the cnotilar emblem
The contents of the publication aie;
divided into In e sections On the
... .. ...., . iiwwi the m nation
nisi ,)lw, ,. ...-,,
N'.-m follows the (O.nmencement week I
The class ofiioeis and com
mittoe an i:ien two sections, and the
list of graduates completes the inside
The printing is done in a shaded old
English tpe with brown ink
Peace Sermon Sunday.
The national's preparation tor pos
sible wai costs Nebiaska people more
than $3.1)00.01)0 a ear; the equivalent
of Nebraska Univeisity on the city
uimpiiH is worth about $1,000,000. Ar
thur E Weatherl.v, secretarj ol the
Nebraska I'eace Society and minister
of All Souls' Church, will ive a spe
cial sermon next Sunday on The
Curse of Militarism" A nuibical ves
per service will be given by a trio
consisting of Miss EilUan Eihe, Mbb
Edith Burlingame and Mrs August
Moler, at 4 o'clock in this church Sun
day afternoon.
Foggy Atmosphere Puts Quietus On Will Meet lowans Saturday Repre
Heretofore Crowded Athletic sentativcs In All Weights In
Quarters. Good Shape
Owing to the i efi lgeiated biaml ol 'I In1 ( 01 nlnisKi 1 w i est ling team will
weathei doled out sl i-i li i-i lit leave loi Iowa ( it tonight tor their
tie happened on the athletic In Id encountei with the I l.i w kev e gi applcrs
Most ol (lie husk i opi esentat i i ol Satuida evening I "on i men, Andei
Coi nliiiski'i s supieinac.v contented son, Hales, Cuntliei, and (Ian, will
themselves with a seat bv the die make up tin teun The) will enter
'ind loud it-collections '1 he weathei the ho. iv v w eight middle weight, Ileit
is beginning to pioe a sei ions cause weight, and lent hei w eight classes re
.it woiiv to the coaches, as the teams spectiel The hciv v weight lepre
have Ins-t more than two wrrks al- orrtntivr has jTist Imrn dctrrrmnnd by
leadv this season on account ot old ihe ol lc Coi mick, who
Sol and .lupitei l'luvius was to hac contested with ndeison
tew enthusiastic baseball candi lor the honois
111 lies leu theiemotei gaielen weienoti
l ouic cai nig nn .1 i . ",iu .i.ii. .vu...,
itlieie is no leason win" then should
not hae their own organiation The
field could be tinned o or to them
e.icn (iaj ai lour o ciock, aim meie
aie plentj ol men with high school
and aiadeinv ieputations, who would
make up a strong team
In past yeais the freshman vaisit)
team has had a schedule composed of (.lahS u ,., ,. -lc t ctl in the first meet
games witli secondary colleges of the 1I1K (), ,h(1 y(,ar )esterday morning A
state and have enjoyed considerable ( Hman bunch were on hand for the elec
success If the freshman fans would lloI1 1)Ut imdt, up ,or tll(l lat.k of nuni.
boost this idea they would probably )(rs hy otK of ,)0p and (M1tbu8lasm '
find that the athletic department i Macluno politics were in evidence at
would fall in behind them
Article Dealing With Work of Dr. F. J.
Petr In the Balkan
The Apnl number of "Koinensk.v
the official oigan ot the united Ko
wl,i, u,.,...i,.s ,., Htnornl nr
' ' ."'","
i. ..i... ,r ..'..I..., t tit iiiiiiifii.irn Lrniioiwu
luu l" "u' ' " "l ,w "' " -
Among uieiu is one wiuLcti in i iaH"-.
Hohenna b.v .1 I. Houchal which deals
with the work of I)r V .1 I'etr, the
only Nebiaska doctor who is a mem
ber of the medical corps ot the Balkan
armies The author, Mr Bouehal,
giaduated from the college of law last
June and at present is the deputy con
sul at Prague
The magazine also contains a brief
summary or the struggle on removal
and is accompanied b a neat out,
showing a campus view
The statement of contributions re
ceived for the Komensky statue fund
from various states up to about the!
first of March shows a substantial in
crease over the total of the month
before Nebraska heads the list with
over five hundred and fifty dollars and
is iollowod by fifteen other state with
smaller amounts.
The men hae I a woiking out!
dailv on I he cam as mat loi sometime
and seem to be m good shape The) '
w 01 k last and use all the diffeient
holds m a wa that shows theii know
ledge ot the liner points of the spoi t
Nebiaska has won this contest lor
some .veais past, and the team ex
poets to duplicate this pei loi main e
again this season
Spier Makes a Speech and Tells Class-
mates to Strive To Be At Top
of All Activities.
The nunoi olhceis of the fieshman
inoic than one point in the proceed
ings All officers wore unanimously
elected i
Ilotui ns
Vice I'icsident M H McMillan
Secietai In ed N Wells
Troasuioi E A Shoemaker
Ac-cording to the lepoit ol the hop
committee, the annual dance will be
held Ma) 17th, at Capital Beach The
baseball men won stiried up and
in god to get out tor siiiing piactice
SlllM. tll(. p,esident. made an
... . ... ......... ...
""piompiu speecu in uuic.i ... n-(
. .
nuiiclecl Ills class oi wnat lav i.eiore
them in making their leputation
aIn()K tiu. ,.,. .iasses and in living
,ip (0 (holr best Htumanib (. told
hls olaSH (hat lt waH tlieir (ju(y to
staIlli nrs( jn an branches of academic
' ,.tiviiies
In response to the general demand
lor greater economj in student affairs
the nieinbeis of the band have decided
to give tlieir annual concert in the
Temple theatre instead or in the Oliver
as has, been the custom in Tornier
years This arrangement will permit
or a general admission or twenty-five
Magdalene Whitly will preside at
the College Girls' meeting Friday
noon in the Y V C A. rooms.
However All Material Must Be Worthy
cf Censor's Searching Gaze for
Staff Fears the Publication
The w in k ol making the liii:; Coi n
huksei the best annual ever tinned
out b) the I'nneisity goes busil on.
The business management has ahead)
come to the editoi s lescue In the mat
ter ol getting loi the annual the pio
ilucls ot the ei best talent on the
campus To stimulate those whose
giatuitoiis effoits have- been spent so
long in making the Coinhusker what
it will be In your hands, the Htaff offers
toda pi foi woik as follows One
book loi the best joke, one book for
the best snapshot, and one book for
the best stoi These pi ii'es aie open
to all I'nn ei sit students
'I he subjects ol joke, snap or story
must be on some subje( t connected
with I'nneisitv life, and must be In
shape lor the inspection ol the cen
soi The expel Idle es ol last M'ill ale
in the opinion ol the staff too sad to
be i e enai teel again, and all c out est ants
loi pilcs as well as those who woik
for nothing must keep within the
bound of propiiet and decency in ho
amount of poetic license that has iin
memoriully atachod itself to Oornhusk
er w ork
Remember too, that the contest
closes one week from Friday at G
o'clock The main object of the offer
of pilzes is to get the work in now.
People aie olainonng to know when
the big book will be distributed, and
the staff is as sorely pressed foi time
as moiicj (let your woik in early.
High Man In All Rifle Shoots Takes
Possession of Trophy Given By
Former Commandant.
The Yates Klfle c up foi the best
niaiksinaii on the univeisit) lifle
squad has been won bv () E Hans, the
man who in all the inteicollegiate
shoots this oar, won the highest local
aveiage The cup is a bionze affair
and was sent by Captain Yates, com
mandant at the university a year ago,
from his piesent post in Alaska. Dur
ing the different shoots, in which the
university participated, Hans hung up
the average of 170.7 out of a possible
L'hii Nebraska did not place where
it expected, the best honors easily go
ing to the Univeisity of WeBt Vir
ginia with Iowa shooting a close sec
ond. Norton Ware, '04, visited the engi
neering departments on Wednesday.
He now lives in Sacramento where ho
Is chief engineer of a large drainage
district. He was married on March
27th to Miss Lola Wilson at Sacra
mento and they are now on an east
ern trip.
- 1 ..MN'M