Xlbe Dailv IFlebraskan Vol. XII. No. 110 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913 Pi ice, 5 Cents MUCH MUSIC FRIDAY MISS CURTIS ON CHI NESE REVOLUTION u tXHIBIT bAMDAY GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB8 GIVE ANNUAL HOME CONCERT HAR- MONY LOVER8' PARADI8E. Will Speak At Mission Study Class Thursday Evening. Prbgram Promises Much In Store Prioes are Placed Lower than Usual. Temple Theatre. Friday evening in the Temple iheatef the two musical clubs of the University will unite their talent in a festival of fun and music Trained ' )y a week op the road and beaten into ehape by competent Instructors, they have prepared an entertainment -.vorthy of the beat professionals The program has not been hastily put to gether on a few weeks notice, but Is the result of months of conscientious practice on the most suitable selec tions Never before has this organiza ilcn been so familiar with their pieces r so wel conducted The program in which the two clubs alternate conbislb of everything to satisfy the tnstes of a University audi ence It shifts heartlessly in places Ironi the sublime to the ildiculous and neci stas in one place long nough to grow monotonous They play and sing the latest rags with the mint dclicac) ot touch and harmonj nitli which the lender the works of music masters They carry you from 'the footlights of the Oipheum stage to ttie salons of Vienna. The home conci it night of the clubs has always been an important social vent ot me University and indica tions are that a winning crowd will turnout on Friday night. Tickets aie 20 and 3f cents, and may be secured at the Y. M. C. A, desk in' the Temple. Concert begins at 8' 15 sharp. The management has broken all pre cedents in establishing a minimum i ale of admission to this event. Por merly the scale of prices ranged from Jl 60 to no cents, and was to have held foi this year also, but under the influence ol popular opinion the club was induced to put their prices within tin lange of everyone. The first skirmish in the war on extravagance has taken place, with an overwhelm ing victory for the common people. A mission study class under the leadership of Louise Curtis wilt be held Thursday evening at 5 o'clock in the Y W. C A. rooms This is the llrst of a series of six weekly meet ings. The silbject is the "Chinese Revolution " PRELIMINARIES ARE HELD However, Finals In Several Classes Must Be Wrestled Saturday. Sewral preliminary bouts for the wi exiling team were held in the Armory last night with an audience of a hundred among whom were two ol the weaker sex. The matches were in periods of ten in.nutes each and were for points and not lor falls. i The mildle weight event was the tnst to come otf and was by far the most interesting Hates and Keir were tlii' contestants The match showed Kin to be a man of great promise thougn. as yet, he has little skill. Kite - sustained three cracked ribs .hhI wa- loiced to quit. Ganz and Feiri in I lie special 125 pound class will tinish Saturday night. Gunther and Franklin wrestled for 30 mlnues without a fall Gunther won on points. McCormick and "Great Dane" An deison were to have battled for the heavv honors but "Mac" was out of condition due to over training and the match was postponed until Saturday. FORMER UNIVERSI I Y MAN INJURED-WIFE IS KILLED Anson Bigelow and family Suffer Much From Tornado. Wednesday It becamo known that Mrs Anson Bigelow was killed in the tornado at Omaha Sunday. Mr. An son Bigelow , hor husband and a daughter, were seriously injured. Illgelow Is an old university man who has for some years been engaged in educational work in various parts ol the state A few months ago ho and his lamllj moved to Omaha and he entered the practice of law in which he was engaged at the time of hi death Further particulars will probably be come known some time today Miss Helen Krause of Schuyler, is visiting at the Alpha O house D. G. V. BANQUET SATURDAY Annual Report o the Deutsche Gesel- lige Verein Will Be Given at the Lincoln. The annual banquet of the Deutsche (If sellige Verein will be held at the Lincoln Hotel Saturday evening, Maic li L".t, at (5 3(1 o'clock The follow lug toast list has been piepaied the toasts being litles of difleicnt books used in the Get man ii p. ii t uii'i i 1 Aus Yeigangenc Zeit, Floience G i Ji.i'n '1 Einsamc Menschen, Herbert Gi iiinmaiin 3 Die Stutzen der Gesellschaft, Herman Wiobe. 4. Die Journalisten, Pauline Holm 5 Der Probekandidat, Clarke Dick inson. 6. Das Vermachtnlss, Margaret Wooster. 7 Gmckauf, Julia Reusch Toi'stmlstress, Elizabeth Wittmann ANNUAL GYMNASTIC 8HOW TO HOLD FORTH EVENING OF MARCH 29TH. - Li NOYELTiES PROMISED General Program To Bo of General Interest In Which Both Sees Will Take Active Part. Final preparations for the Annual Gymnastic Exhibition are drawing to a cloHe as the gym instructors are rounding the participants into shape. Both men and women will have a place on the program, and exhibitions of mass class drills will be variod by the folk dances of the girlB and the individual stunts of the best men in the department. The Normal giils. trained by Miss Day, will give two dances, the Rus sian Wedding and the Czardosh Dance The same girls will also ap peal under the direction of Miss Git tings In a clans apparatus drill which will be better than any of this klii'i seen here lor years In addition, two teams of treshmen girls will play a basketball game, which will be swift and exciting Miss Beghtol has been coaching these two teams for some time and reports that they are evenly matched. Mr Reynolds will direct the fresh man men's gym class who will glvo a general mass bar-bell drill, follow ing it with squad class apparatus drills. The second year men under Dr. Clapp's guidance will glvo an ad vanced mass dumbbell drill and an (Continued on Page 4.) Freshman hop committee will meet today at 11- 00 at the Daily Nobras knn office H. W. PATTERSON, Chairman. A spee'al business meeting ol the Palladian Literary Society will be held Thursday ev niii- it 7 .'cock Klerlin-i o it!l "cr . Misb Louise Pound is in Chicago for a meeting of the National Coun cil of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. She went as a national counsellor, representing the Univer sity of Nebraska. Parmalleo Home at Twenty-fourth an Corby, Omaha, aB totally demolished by tornado Those inside escaped under I he corner seen at the lower left of the picture. Miss Harriot Parmaleo was a well known student of the University last year and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Immediately behind the Parmalee wreck in which no one was injured can ho seen ruins in which were found four bodies. University Glee Club Home Concert Friday Night Temple ,'S Cfi) ' V .- '.J.. H Ar. If & ,!-,AJii -& j"." IMajf..t. !.!. V ik.',g.y- ht , 1 V