The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1913, Image 1

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    TLhc H)aih IFVebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 108
Pi ice, 5 Cents
However, Classes Will In All Probabil
ity Reimburse for Outlay Much
Credit Given Men for
Stand Taken.
In depieoation of tin recent attack
made upon student organizations for
failure to pay obligations, the chair
men of the .Junior and Senior Commit
tees oi tile Cotillion have undertaken
to pay tho deticit incurred by a Uni
veisny attalr with tlielr own Minus
The magnitude of the liability which
they assume may be inferred from the
fact that the amount still due for the
dance amounts to nearly $lf0 It is
pit Mimed that the respective clashes
of tlie two chairmen will indemnify
th m in -.onie manner, but until such
is done the obligation becomes a per
sonal one and will be paid by the two
inuhidual agents of the classes
1' is expected that certain action
will be taken b the committee on
student 01 ganiations to prevent
clabses heieafter lrom giving affairs
until all back debts have been paid,
but as yet nothing lias been definitely
decided upon.
Who ia In Omaha assisting General
Hall In rescue and patrol work
among ruins loft by tornado-
Wrestling championship con-
tests tonight, Armory, 8 o'clock
if Contestants should weigli in r
fc early today-
904? &?IvMBk i
Nebraskan Basket Ball
Men Make Enviable
Individual Records
Three Members of All-Missouri Valley Team
Are Taken From Stiehms Five By
tckersail of Chicago Tribune
Individual Records.
(James Coals
Underwood ::! 11 (i
Haskell 22 lu f.
Carrier 2 1 11 II
Sinker It! 11 C
Hawkins S Id (i
Iljde I S I
.Jer- - S li ,'idd
Seldom lias the l'nieisit ol Ne
biaska leeeived more honors in has
ketball than the hae this eai
I'roiuiuent sporting men in e ei lame
cil ol the west liae given the Coin
buskers, at least three and sometimes
tour places on All Missouri 'alle
learn team selections
Walter Eekeisall of the Chicago
Tiihuue, ami one of the most critical
sporting men now in the actie held,
hands Nebraska three berths on the
mvthicnl five His team is as follows
Toope (Misouri) light lorward, Has
kell (Nebraska) left lorward, Stiwker
(Nebraska) center, (Jreenlees (Kan
sas) right guard. Carrier (Nebraska)
left guard and captain
Annual Gala Event of Physical Cul
ture Department Scheduled for
Tins Week.
Nebraska's annual gymnastic exhib
ition will be given next Saturda even
ing in (lie Armory
Teams of both men and women will
perforin many of the wonderful feats
ot acrobatics taught by the heads of
the physical culture department and
according to reports of last year's
show it will be worth seeing.
The proceeds will be used to send
a university gymnasium toam to Madi
son, Wisconsin, April 19, to represent
Nebraska in the Western Intercolle
giate GymnaBtic association. The
worthy use to be made of proceeds
from the ticket sale should make this
a well supported university event ac
cording to Dr. Clapp, although the ex
hibition itself will be many times
worth the admission price.
Engineering Society.
Engineering society meets tonight
at 7 30. M. E. 206. L. E. Hurtz will
give a talk on "Telephone Englueer-
Glee Club Home Concert Friday Night Temple
The Kansas Cit Tost Dispatches'
hoice tor Missoun Valley five wiih
the same us the Chicago Tribune's,
hein'A made up howevei l three west
ein men Mike II viand of Iowa, who
saw a majority of the " CornhiiHkerH'
games tins eai, V () Oreeii ol Smith
eadem at St Louis and Louis Hoo
er of Raker College at Haldwin, Kan
sas, made the choice and were unani
moils in their choice of the Nebraska
On the second Vailc team Hie husk
cis w i ic not able to draw a place, the
holiois being divided as lollows
Urown and Spioull of Kansas, lor
winds, 1 Tn ml ( mes) eentei, (Inn
I Washington I. light guard, and Kd
wards (Missoun), left guard and cap
tain Miown and Spoull weie uii(iies
liounhh the fastest set of lorwards in
the southern division and were consid
eied b many to be first team ma
Two Nebraska men were given
places on the third team, namely Un
derwood at left forward and Hyde
at right guard.
Tells Small Group of Listeners Moral
Education Is Necessary.
Rishop .J H Tlhen talked to a small
audience composed mostly of men at
convocation yesterday He spoke on
the necessity of moral development as
well as intellectual development for a
successful education "The aim of the
University is higher than that of the
ordinary school, which instructs only
to keep up with the world, while the
University aims to guide the world"
Showing the practical connection of
the knowledge of men to business, he
said, "mere knowledge does not suffice
for an education; moral training is
necessary to guide the educated in
tellect to operate in the channels which
will be the most beneficial to society.
Educated persons are naturally lead
ers, so the responsibility restB on them
to lead up, not down."
There will be an important meet
ing of the Senior Invitation commit
tee Thursday at 11 o'clock in U-106.
Resort to Various Parlor Games to
Relieve Monotomy of the Situa
tion. Hunting Wild Animals
Also Adds to Pleasure.
(Ry Special Corespondent )
March 25 Snowbound In tho western
sand li 1 I1m of Nebraska is the plight
of twelve embrgo foresters who came
here last Tuesday to do some practical
work in their chosen occupation Each
spring the government calls on the
University for foresters to help thorn
in the spring planting of pine seed
lings Those that answered the call
this , ear are () I, Rraeo, C L. I"ors
ling. K I, .lanoucli. W F Goodman. L.
W Home, Nels Rowers, I .J J'almer,
I- II Wle, II A Noble, b Welngiird,
.1 U Hiooks and W Rigdon
II w ill be ol Interest to the Univer
sll to know thai this forest nursery
was the oui come of several years of
work on the pail ol l)r Ressey to in
duce the government (bat pine trees
could be planted in the sand hill
region of Nebraska
At first the government laughed at
the. idea, but I)r Ressey was so per
sistent that they experimented and tho
result of the last nine years planting
has proved the wisdom of his idea.
Rut to the University men who
were willing to miss two or three
weeks of school to do some practical
work It looks as if their trip after all
will merely be an outing.
The first throe days the men wero
snow bound in the bunk houso and
tents, for it snowed practically all of
that time The snow of laBt week,
"the worst blizzard since '88" so the
natives say, has not disappeared, so
there is plenty of snow in this region
yet to melt before the men can start
to work
The only chance the men have had
to show their prowess is in poker,
cribbage, and the sorority parlor game
brldgewhist in those games they are
becoming experts.
Yesterday, the men went out for
the first time, the bunk house becom
ing monotonous. They climbed the
snow clad hills, shooting jackrabbits
and scaring up quail. A largo snow
drift one one side of a hill, with a
slope of three hundred feet, was found
and since then they have amused
themselves sliding down on coal
shovels, boards and haven't enjoyed
themselves in such a way since their
younger days.
If tho present weather prevails, tho
men will probably bo sent homo, and
their chance to add, by manual labor
to their exchequer, wil be lost.
It was only 16 degrees below zero
j Friday morning.