tfWfcBiil THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN TOURNAMENT PROVING 8UCCE88. (Continued from Pago 1 ) wWlWMW'auii"lMmfijnMrj w,m.,..iiii 4 k f . ytmpHnimjlwiifi mmimtmmm film I il WJl ' ,"r " Heemoil to liuc tu advantage They made u totnl of six polnta In the first hair, and seemed to dazzle theii opponents by their swirt team-work. The Klginltes Hcored a total of thiee points In the second half the crowd, com posed largelv of HUppoiteiH of other teams who feared Lincoln as a possible (ompetltoi encoiiiaged the lOlgln bos, who iesponded nobly They sailed Into the local team, hi caking up their team work, and beating down their guards. 'I ho race was nip and tuck until the very end when the visitors made a final t pm t and won the game The Lincoln playeis made a number of foulb in the second hall, and the free Hiiowh on these fouls helped to defeat them TODAY'S GAMES. The play foi today will Btart at 10 o'clock this morning and last until late this evening The games scheduled for today are as follows The second round or the winners of yesterday arternoon games Albion vs. DeWltt, 10 00, Chapel. Templo vb Geneva, 100 00, Armory Omaha vs. Auburn, 10:15, Chapol. Norfolk vh (Veto, 10-16, Armory Columbus vs. NobraBka City, 11:00, Chapol. York vs South Omaha, 11.00, Armory. The third round or the winners of last night's games Mlndon vb. Gothenburg, 2:30, Armory. Central City vb Falrbury, 2.30, Chapel. Sutton vb University Place, 3 30, Armory Elgin vb Kearney M A., 3.45, Chapol The wlnnora of the Becond round will also play this afternoon. Tonight the winerB of the third round will play. CLASSIFIED COLUMN LOST -Phi Delta Chi Frat pin. Find er leturn to i42 T or call B-1629. 3-7-3t FOR SLF-A tapestry bed couch :; It Lower pai t holds bedding, upper pait made of hald and hpnngs $15 00 3 8 It LOST On Olhei stage Saturdav night, laigi blown engineering book Find, l i i t ill ii oi notll Hag ofbce 3 12 3t LOST Lad's gold watch, monogram M K II. with a peail shatelaine pin Hew aid If ioturned to Mable Hajch. L301 or phone Auto F-2131. 3 13 It LOST On the editor of tho Cornhusk- er's desk, a shoit stubby fountain pen, s-afel variety Heturn to this office 3-13 3t FOH RENT Dance hall, second floor Urownoll blk, 25x90 foot; no better floor In city; elevator sorvlce, cloak rooms, toilet rooms, good piano; no public dance allowed in hall; limited to fraternity, sorority, club and private dances; dates reserved; $8 a night. Both phones John Taylor, Brow nell blk SPALDING'S Baseball Goods ARE HARD TO BEAT ! ! We Have a New and Complete Line We Solicit the Fraternity Trade H. Reusch, 118 So. 12th St. Get Ready for the Easter Parade The New Suits are here-Beauties-all the late models. New Hats, too-every slope and color. New Shirts, new Ties at lower prices than elsewhere. Palace Clothing Co, 1419 0 STREET THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M C A THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfastj7to 8 : W Dinner 1 1 to 1 HO Supper 5 : JO to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: F H K Master E A C Monroe J G D B 8SPJm4 ' jmx wX? Iffir Jvh'I iP- i ycMmt 'aw Wm'm MM u wil ' vy Copyright 1912. Alfred Decker Cohn NORFOLK STYLES These and Many Other Models in Other Makes on Display Easter Shirts MAYER BROS. CO "THE STORE AHEAD" IRtMMtflMniKMtTMMMfctMtaM'M1 evtoi!Mit iitM!muMtMmiitipmmm i 'nn ; .. r'vfrli.- rS?SISJcr,. .--.-.- A zzll J.r aiT. . ?LL7?r " n''' vii'mmmmwimrm&mmimmHBfHmmHKmmK 'I iT 'Him ,' I' '"I t s"r-J-.i- tV. w.--v Easter Hats u t i ,-rti