The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1913, Image 1
TLhe Batl IFlebraekan Vol. XII. No. 106 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913 Price .5 Cents K BATTLE ROYAL BEGINS THIRD ANNUAL STATE HIGH SCHOOL TOURNAMENT OPENS TODAY. FAST CAMES EVERY MOMENT l Two Contests Will Be Going All the Time Many of Fastest Scheduled for Today. BY C. L. YOCHUM. Lverv tiling is in readiness foi the third annual high schoo basket hall to.irnainenl to Mail oil piompth at hall past one this nttcinnon Sev oral teams anived m the (it vestci da alteiiioon and evening fiom lai out in the state Officials hae been appointed tor all ol the games e cept the last few and these will piob sibly be assigned their games toinoi i ov. The schedule ol games has so been j anangod that then- will t' tew nun utes lost between halves A new game will be staited eei thnty1 minutes iind a change ol teams will take place eveiv litteen minutes.! This means that theie will be a con tinuous peiloi man e with no between acts Each team must be on the flooi tit teen minutes beloie the time si lied uled tor its game and each managei must icport to the clerk ot the tourna ment. The managers are also re quested to leport to Guy E Hoed and receive passes lor piayeis. ' i 'iM.rt M (- ins verv KlllUlV granieu an . . .. ....i ..ii i privileges of the association to the vis king athletes and cards will be given out by Manager Reed. The games will begin this atteinoon by Lincoln playing West Point m the Armory- Devvitt will clash with Os ceola at tho same- time in the Chape ! other games follow lng in me oiuui in which they were drawn. The winners of this afternoon's games will play Friday morning, the iirst game starting at 10 o'clock The schedule of games tor today is as follows: Thursday p. ni Lincoln vs West Point, 1:30. Arm ory. DeWitt s. Osceola, 1:30, Chapel. Fremont vs. Temple High School, 1:45, Armory. Geneva vs. Herman, 1:45, Chapel. Omaha ys. Newman Grove, 2:30, Chapel. Auburn vs. Ohiowa, 2:45, Chapel. Norfolk vs. Blue Springs, 3:30, Chapel. Crete vs. David City, 3:45, Chapel. Columbus vs. Stanton, 3:45, Armory. Nebraska City vs. Cortland, 4.15 Chapel. Beatrice vs. York, 5:00, Armory. Hardy vs. South Omaha, 4:30, Chapel. Thursday Night Program Mlnden vs. Wilber, 7:30, Armory. Lexington vs. Gothenburg, 7:30, Chapel. Central City vs. Kearney, 7:45, Armory. (Continued on Page Four) J J ries at Manhattan --30 to 24 Special to the Dail.v Ndnnskan fiom C MANHATTAN, Kans , March 1U Kansas tevingcd on Nebraska In the third game of the series here tonight l winning a .50 to 21 contest Teh game was as rough as football and Kansas had the advantage Excessive fouling was cost I j to the Cornhuskeis and enabled Kansas to keep a sate load that Underwood and Haskell (ould not overcome Hyde "as i uled out on pergonal fouling in the second Nebiaska was loining stiong in the last period, but ould not hold the pace and finished lighting haid, but unable to pick an uoals out of the melee, "nderwood led his team with four field goals with Haskell second with three hold goals and four free throws Hde shot one goal and Stivkor two when he relieved Meveis at center The crowd would not have been surpi ised if all the players had boon I i lied out Kansas made eleven louls and Nebraska toiiiteen, Spioul vvoisting Haskell Greenlees and Mite were Kansas stars Ret'eiee HvJand did not ( please the crowd or plavors with his work. The savage work added to the, nneresi, nui mane easy cnauces ai t '.ion scoies Kansas outfought Nebraska -that's the story GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUBS TO MAKE SHORT TRIP Three Days' Trip Through Central Portion of State. Aurora, Grand Island and Fremont On Schedule. Next Tuesdav thiitv five meinbeis! ol the (J lee and Mandolin Clubs leave on the Burlington for a three day trip through the central part of tin state. nil. . ..Ill I . 1. . !'.... . . !.. . .1' i 1 1..I. in iii i mi: u ni u i i wi tin v. . . , , , since IIS I ' UUIIl.Hl 11)11 UU UU1 UKW. - The club is under the leadership of I'rof. Mills oi tne conservatory oi Music with J. F. Mead as manager. They give an entertainment at Au rora on March 18th, Grand Island on March 19th, and at Fremont on the 20th The management has found cosid erable didiculty in getting dates and their titp is rather limited As added attraction Byrne Murcellus will ac company them in his iole of reader and II . A. Rosenbaum will render sev eral piano selections The club is contemplating a further trip later In tho vear which will be moie exten sive. VACATION NEXT WEEK Most Student Will Go Home Friday Mid-Semesters in Two Weeks. Spring vacation begins Monday morning, March 17, at 8 o'clock, and ends Saturday noon, March 22. From March 31 to April 5, mid-term exami nations will be held at tho discretion of tho instructors. Vacation Is held a week earlier this year than last, but as the weather Is promising, everyone may expect a delightful, even if brief, resplt from school. Upon returning to school, there will be. one week for study be fore the mid-term tests. JJ of Se U Wellington K S A C goais luipossiuie uuui learns eai neu RELAY TEAM LEAVES TODAY FOR ST. LOUIS INDOOR MEET time as has been the custom heroto Have Last Workout Last Evening lore, but these will not be determined Will Run Saturday Night. until alter vacation Preceding the announcement the de- Th .elav fain which is to go to bat(. betvv e n tho freshman and senior St Louis tonio.iow has t.nallv been claHH,.K took ,)laC(l ,,, mihJ(,ct belng cnosi n i) i oacn Hood i tie men who will uphold the honor of the Cornhuskei-.-, will be Clark, Heaver, Zuniv. inkel, Hates and Racely The I meet which is one of the most im portant to ho hold in the Missouri Vallov this season will be held Sat urday night under the auspices of the Missouri Athletic club Tho Nebraska' team will compete with teams from Kansas university, Missouri unlver-j sity, and Washington university. In! addition to the college athletes pies out there will be about fifteen Olym pic stars who will compete in the dif , lerent events Coach Heed took the men out last night for their final workout before I they leave for St. Louis in charge of "Andy" Anderson, who has boon as sisting Reed this week. Not having much infoi mation on the other teams i the coaches are not certain as to just what Nebraska will bo able to do, but I the condition and geneial speed of the I team as shown in late trials warrants i the assumption that they will give the rest a hard tussle for first or sec ond place. At a meeting of the committee on Student Organizations held Tuesday, the following action was taken and officially sanctioned by the commit tee. Frank Kruse, acting In the capac ity of business manager of the Junior play, has knowingly failed to comply with the regulations governing the handling of accounts of student organ izations and has failed to keep his accounts in fcuch a form that they could be audited. In view of these facts ho Is In tho future debarred from holding any position of finan cial responsibility in any student organization. THIRTY-SIX GAIN HONOR PHI BETA KAPPA ANNOUNCES CHOSEN FEW FROM CLASS OF 1913. TWENTY-SEVEN ARE GIRLS Only One-Fourth of Elect Taken From Masculine Element Champion ship Debates Precedes Announcement. The women of the golden kev of Phi Mela Kappa loi l!li:i were deter mined at a meeting of the society last evening at the ollice of Prof. () V . Stout As usual the feminine aspi rants lor academic Imimru nm numi,,.,- t iWw., .,,- ,,. ,,, ot the masculine pei suasion. There aie .'IB members of the I (-1hhs who attained the distinction of which 21 are women and nine men ,t convocation this morning tho nanus of the fortunate ones were an nounced by Prolessor Stout The an nouncement ol the list of gills se lected for lilac k Masue. the senior gills' society, was not made at this Panama Tolls on the Coastwise Trade. I The following weie elected to Phi I let a Kappa. Poach. John Roy, Lincoln House. Helen Kathryn, David City. Hruner. Helen Marcla, Lincoln. Cherny, Millie, North Bend. Clark, Miriam Anne, Kearney. Debel, Niels Henrikson, Lincoln. Dinsmore, Helen, Lincoln. Ebn.eyer, Elsie Dorothy, Lincoln. Fitch, Robin Wynne, Lincoln. Frhdline, Cora Louisa, Lincoln. Callaway. Rlanche, Holdrege. Gibson, Irma Vida, Fremont. Good, Anabol, Lincoln. Hanson. Laura Grace, Alexandria. Holcomb, Mary Prlscilla, Osceola. Hosteller, Florence Maxlne, Kear- n-' i Ualdt. Edward Lichtenwallner, Maijone, Omaha. Lindley, Edna Ruth, Omaha. Long. Evangeline, Lincoln Montgomery, Igerna, Polk. Morgan, Bertha Alice, Lincoln. Myrop, Dora Gins, Lincoln. Pope, Mabel Maude, Red Cloud. Price, Harold Aubrey, Grand Is land. Reiner, William, Bartloy. Robblns, Mary Ethel, Lincoln. Romer, Peter Kofod, Blair. Russell, Agnes Cornelia, Omaha. Shank, Edith Rose, Superior. Stepanck, Orln, Crete. Wallace, Helen Margaret, Lincoln. Wlebe, Herman Harry, Beatrice. Wilcox, Gertrude Alice, Lincoln. Williams, Edith Blanche, Lincoln. Woostor, Margaret, Silver Creek. Tryouts for German Dramatic club will bo held in Faculty Hall Temple, Thursday. eveAing, April 17. Kor par ticulars see Miss Heppner, U-110. rr